"Oh, you're new here. I was wondering why I haven't seen you before."

As she spoke, the woman suddenly stepped forward, and then extended her hand generously.

"Hello, let me formally meet you. My name is Li Zifei."

"Oh, hello, hello, my name is Rejie."

"Rejie? Haha, what a coincidence. Do you know that my favorite female star is called Reba. I didn't expect you two to have the same last name?"

As she spoke, she covered her mouth with her hands and giggled. At that time, Rejie felt a little embarrassed. He knew very well that the person Li Zifei was talking about was actually his biological sister. .

"Zifei, you may not know yet, Rejie Reba, do you really think there is no relationship between them? Let me tell you, Reba and Rejie are actually siblings. In other words, That person is his biological sister."

Having said this, Li Zifei suddenly opened her mouth wide, and then, as if in disbelief, she looked at Rejie, and then looked back at Xiaoyan next to her.

"Sister Yan, are you telling the truth? He, they, they are really siblings? Oh, if you hadn't said it, I really wouldn't have noticed it. The fact is that it is indeed like this, and , I feel that the two of them look similar, but also somewhat different."

"Haha, yes, that one is indeed my sister, but the two of us now belong to different companies, so there is no intersection."

"Rejie, if you have time, can you get me your sister's autograph? Besides, I also want to take a photo with her. Do you think this is okay? At the very least, we are colleagues now. It’s convenient to do this, so there shouldn’t be any problem.”

Re Jie didn't know how to answer. Now, he didn't want to mention Re Jie at all, because in his opinion, what kind of star she was, and she had done so many insidious and vicious things in private. In his opinion, It's no longer important.

"Okay, from now on we will have a company, and if we have anything to do, we can talk at any time. So, let's go see Sister Mi now, and then we will talk about other things. Come on, you and I Come here, Rejie, wait for me in the room."

"Okay, I understand. You go ahead and do your work. I don't have anything to do right now, so I'm not in a hurry."

After saying hello to Rejie, Xiaoyan finally walked out of the room with Li Zifei.

"Sister Yan, you are saying that he is Reba's brother, Rejie, is this true?"

"Can this be so fake? The two of them are siblings, and they are purely related by blood. Alas, this is Sister Mi's office. Come on, I will take you in. In the morning, Mi When I first come here, I usually have a lot of daily work to deal with, so it’s not convenient to receive you right now.”

As she spoke, she walked to the door, and then knocked gently on the door. After hearing the answer from inside, Xiaoyan opened the door and walked inside. When she appeared inside with this girl, Damimi felt a little surprised. Moreover, this girl felt very strange. She had never seen her before. Could it be that this was that person's sister?

But that's not right. When I met her a few years ago, she was not like this at all. When did she become so gentle and elegant?

"This is?"

"Hello, Sister Mi, do you still remember me? I am Li Zifei. What, have you really forgotten me?"

Li Zifei walked forward enthusiastically. After all, they had met before. When the name was mentioned just now, Da Mimi suddenly realized it.

Yes, it seems that there should be no problem with my guess, but I didn't expect that just more than two years have passed, and now this girl has actually been reborn and looks like another person. Just looking at her appearance, Enough to attract others.

"How do you say that? A girl is getting better and better. Oh, you have changed so much that I almost can't recognize you. By the way, Xiaoyan, you have already told some basic information about the company. Has she talked about it?”

"Don't worry, Sister Mi. I've already talked about what we should talk about. This is not the case. Rejie just happened to go to my office, so I also thought that there might be nothing going on here, so I called her over, and then, You two meet."

"Okay, no problem. Well, I have some other things to do here. I should be back in about 20 minutes. Xiaoyan, take her to the reception room first, and then ask her to wait for me there. Wait a moment. I will bring it over directly after I finish my work here."

"Well, that's really no coincidence. Come with me first. Sister Mi happens to be busy with something."

"It's okay, it's okay. You guys go about your business first. Anyway, I am also a free person. Let alone half an hour, even if I have a whole day, there is no problem. Sister Mi, it happens to be raining outside, so please pay attention. , the road is a bit slippery, okay, I'll go there first, Sister Mi, we can have a good chat later."

She seems to be very sensible, and she also cares about Da Mimi. This alone makes Da Mimi feel a little surprised and a little surprised.

Because the Li Zifei that Da Mimi knew was not like this at all, but why did it become like this? She was indeed starting to feel a little surprised now.

What she said was true. She had indeed just answered a phone call impromptuly, so she needed to go over and meet someone. But luckily, the distance was relatively close, that is, upstairs and downstairs. The distance plus the back and forth on the road, the distance was estimated. It only takes half an hour at most, and you'll be back almost there.

However, she was really worried about letting a stranger, and a little girl from two years ago, stay in her room by herself, so she asked Xiaoyan to take her out.

After Xiaoyan settled everything outside, she returned to her room. After opening the door, Rejie looked up at her with a smile on his face.

"Okay, all the things that should be arranged have been arranged. Now, I don't have anything else to do. By the way, why are you here so early in the morning? Is there anything you can do? Oh, is it business? I need to talk to Sister Mi. You want to talk, come and see me again by the way?"

"I came here today just for the sake of things between you and me. By the way, is that girl just new to our company?" (End of Chapter)

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