Chapter 694 Confirmed News

Her brows were still open just now, but at this moment, they knitted together again. It was obvious that this phone call must have caused a certain amount of pressure for her.

"What's wrong? What's going on? Is this good news? Is it my sister calling you again?"

"No, it has nothing to do with your sister. No, you can't say that. It should be said that it has something to do with your sister's company. I just received the news that the foreign consortium has now used a large-scale voting method. Then, they decided to cooperate with Maplewood Culture and give up cooperation with us."

"What did you say? Already given up? This, this is impossible. When did this happen? Is the news reliable?"

Although Rejie said that he had just come into contact with the news, he only knew one thing, that is, if this cooperation is reached, it should be very important to Da Mimi. In addition, there is another point, Xiaoyan I have told him that this has been Sister Mi’s dream for more than ten years since she started the company.

If this dream can be fully realized with the help of foreign consortiums, then for Sister Mi, this should be the happiest thing in her life.

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, Rejie hoped that this matter would be brought to bear on his company. However, it happened that they were able to take advantage of this matter, and they even took the lead.

"It should be very reliable. This person is very good at finding out information in this circle, so as long as he says it, there is basically no problem. However, Sister Mi is still kept in the dark. It’s really hard for me to imagine how to communicate this to Sister Mi. I really don’t know how she will feel after she finds out.”

"This matter is really important to Sister Mi, is it really important?"

"Let me tell you, this should be the most important thing since Sister Mi started this company. Sister Mi has been planning this matter a few years ago, but the time has always been immature. This time with Consortium cooperation, you know? Sister Mi didn't sleep a wink for three whole days and nights. He kept changing the plan, re-revising it, and then re-revising it, re-revising it, just like that, over and over again before finally finalizing the plan. .”

"If this is the case, I believe that when Sister Mi learned the news, she would not be able to bear such a blow in her heart. Therefore, let's not tell her for the time being. Let's stabilize it first and see what should be done. Let him accept the news."

"Rejie, do you think it will mean anything if you stabilize again? In the end, she knows that the result will still be the same. The most important thing is that if it is another company or another big consortium, give this thing to Taking it away, maybe Sister Mi can accept it more easily, but the key issue is that now it is Maplewood Culture again. Do you think Sister Mi can accept it?"

"It's not just Sister Mi. Let me tell you, when I learned the news, to be honest, I can't accept it at all now, but there's nothing I can do about it. By the way, didn't they say he just decided? What if it's In this case, is there still a chance for us? In the end, they did not sign the contract. As long as the contract is not signed, then we will definitely have a chance to fight back. "

"In principle, it must be like this. However, since the other party has such a great desire to cooperate, even if we interfere with it at this time, it seems that there is no good way. It doesn't matter. You want me to think about it. Let’s think about it and see how we should accomplish this.”

"Okay, just in time, I also asked for leave from there, so even if I don't go there today, there is no problem. I will be in the company today. Let's discuss it together and see how we should deal with this. .”

After Xiaoyan listened, she just nodded, and then the two of them began to fall into deep thought.

At this time, Da MiMi happened to be busy with other things, and then took the elevator back to the company. Da Mimi is not aware of what is happening so far. To be honest, she is still waiting for the official results.

I am even thinking that maybe my company has a greater advantage, maybe it can really outperform Maplewood Culture, and there is no need to make some small moves on my own.

After arriving at the waiting room, Da Mimi opened the door. At this time, the girl was still sitting inside.

After seeing Da Mimi walking in, she hurriedly stood up from her seat, and then looked at Da Mimi with a smile.

"Sister Mi, are you done?"

"Yes, I'm done. Come on, come with me. I have some things in the office that we need to sit down and talk about in person."

"Okay Sister Mi, I understand."

After saying that, she picked up her bag and followed Da Mimi, and the two of them entered the office one after another.

"How about something? Some coffee, tea, or some orange juice?"

"Sister Mi, I won't drink anything. Besides, there's nothing to drink. Just now, I drank a glass of water over there. Sister Mi, please tell me if you have anything to do."

"Your brother, you have probably told me about your situation. Moreover, you have barely graduated this time. To be honest, it is really not easy. This time, you must cherish the good opportunity and not be like this again. It’s the same as before, you know?”

"Sister Mi, my brother has already told me these words. Don't worry. As long as I can come to your company, I will be down-to-earth and follow you to work hard. However, I seem to hear what my brother means. Say, are you going to send me out? Shouldn't you stay in the company? Do you have any other tasks? Do you need to go abroad or do you need to go on a business trip? "

"Nowhere, just locally. I have another task that needs to be handed over to you now. In addition, if this matter is completed, don't worry, I will give you a large fee. If you are willing to stay in the company, You can continue to stay and develop, if you don't want to, this money will be enough for you to live a good life for the rest of your life."

After saying this, Li Zifei was suddenly stunned. It was a huge expense, and it was enough to support him for the rest of his life. It was really hard for him to imagine how much this expense would be.

(End of this chapter)

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