Chapter 695 Disguised Appearance

"Sister Mi, I also know that it may be a little inconvenient to ask you directly like this, but I still want to know how much your so-called expenses are."

"If you can successfully complete this matter according to my requirements, then I will transfer 100 million to your account immediately. I believe that 100 million will be enough if you save some money. , Furthermore, you can also use this money to invest in some business, which is better than being an actor, what do you think?"

"Oh, Sister Mi, you really spoke to my heart, you know? To be honest, I really don't want to sit here and go to work, or make movies. I know that once I become famous, , then, it is indeed very glorious, but no one may know the hard work behind the scenes by those actors."

"It seems that you know a lot about this industry. I heard your brother say before that it seems that several of your classmates were taken away by the director. He said that he also took a fancy to them and planned to take them away. Bring it into a character in a TV series or movie?"

"Sister Mi, you may not know very well, but those people are not taken away normally. You also know that there are some unspoken rules in this industry now, and I just don't bother to do that. I want to do it If so, how can they have a share?"

"You mean that they all have a private deal, is that what you mean?"

"Don't you understand this? In fact, they are all taken care of by those directors and assistant directors in disguise. Later, they are given a small role in other people's dramas. Even if there is a certain arrangement, but , I don’t appreciate this aspect very much, so I never came forward. At that time, several directors took the initiative to invite me, but I rejected them all. I know what those men were thinking, no. Just to get my body?"

"Haha, it seems that you are quite open-minded about this. Moreover, what you said seems a bit inconsistent with your age. Have you been exposed to society too early, and some things are not what you imagined? It looks like that."

"No, Sister Mi, let me tell you, this is a reality in this society, and don't think that we are just in school and don't understand anything. Let me tell you, the school is a small society, and sometimes the people inside are sinister. , is more complicated than society, in the past few years, I have magically understood it."

"But, one thing to say, I feel that from the time I met you until now, the overall feeling you have given me is still very good. It is also completely different from when I met you three years ago. , I remember you at that time..."

When Da Mimi said this, she suddenly stopped, and then just looked at Li Zifei in surprise.

Because, at this time, Li Zifei had already stood up from his seat, and then directly threw out his hand, just like taking off the wig on his head.

No wonder she only saw a head of flowing black hair. She didn't expect that this was just an illusion, and it still contained the short yellow hair.

"Did you see it? This is the real me. If I hadn't put on a new wig according to my brother's wishes, you wouldn't have seen me now. But, I feel that there is no need for me to be here when Sister Mi is in front of you. Just keep pretending, and whatever you have is what you have." "Haha, I didn't expect that your personality is really frank. Okay, hurry up and put your hair on. To be honest, you wear this wig, including this outfit. The dress is indeed very pleasing to the eye, like a well-educated woman, so there is definitely nothing wrong with her appearance and first impression."

"Sister Mi, don't forget, what am I studying? What I study is acting. Therefore, performing these things is something that comes easily to me. So, what kind of role do you want me to perform? Then I have absolutely no problem.”

"Okay, based on your previous performance, I have already felt that you must be fully qualified for this interview. There will be no problem. Any company that sees you will definitely be able to take advantage of you. However, who can know what's going on in you?" Is there such a deep wild nature hidden inside?”

"There is no way, it has become a habit, and I actually understand what other people think of me, but this is the life I want, I don't like the kind that is too comfortable, and I just like some A day of freedom and some debauchery.”

"I don't care what you do in private, but when you want to help me perform a task, you must strictly follow my instructions. Otherwise, you will not be able to complete the task in the end, and you will only be able to play with bamboo baskets. It’s all in vain, I hope you can cherish this opportunity.”

"Don't worry, Sister Mi. Don't worry. As long as it is arranged by you, then I will definitely have no problem. I will cooperate with you well. By the way, where do you want me to go?"

"Maplewood Culture, have you heard of these places? I believe you should know what Maplewood Culture is going on now, as long as you pay a little attention to this entertainment industry."

"Haha, it turns out to be Fenglin Culture. Isn't it Lin Feng? Yes, and Reba. She probably came from here later and then switched jobs to Fenglin Culture. It is said that some time ago, there was a case of group members switching jobs. , To be honest, we were discussing this matter all the time in school at that time."

"Yes, that's the reason. Since I regard you as one of my own, I will no longer hide it from you. The other company and I are currently competing harshly. The other company has used some bad methods, including poaching before. So many actors have left, so I can’t swallow this breath, but I haven’t found a suitable opportunity.”

"I understand Sister Mi, you want me to enter Maplewood Culture by applying for a new actor, and then arrange for you to help you do things, right? However, I should not be able to accept a new person at this time. It’s so core content.”

"It doesn't matter. I don't need to touch his core content. I just need you to turn their place upside down. Moreover, the more chaotic the better, and even make their company expose various scandals and various things. That's the only way , can achieve the goal, and your mission can be regarded as successfully completed."

(End of this chapter)

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