Chapter 696 Li Zifei’s acting skills

"Okay, if you want me to do this well, maybe it's really difficult for me, but if you want me to do it badly, then I have absolutely no problem."

"Let me tell you, this is not just when you are in school or in a bar, drinking with those gangsters, it is not that simple. In addition, your focus must be on Lin Feng. Lin Feng is not with you now. Are Reba together? However, I always feel that there is something inappropriate between the two of them."

Speaking of this, Li Zifei was suddenly stunned for a moment. They seemed to be confused about what the meaning of Da Mimi's words was.

Although Li Zifei said that she had experienced society and these romantic places, she still felt that Da Mimi had something to say at this time.

"Sister Mi, I don't quite understand. What do you mean by this? You mean that the two of them are not suitable. Of course, I know what kind of relationship you had with Lin Feng before. Let me guess. Don’t you want me to insert myself into their marriage as a third party? And then completely break up their marriage, is that what you mean?”

"Haha, smart people are indeed smart people. It seems that I really did not choose you wrong. Yes, that's what I mean."

"Sister Mi, I think your imagination may be too simple. Moreover, how could they get involved so easily? Besides, they are still newly married, so it is difficult for me to get in, so , even if I come to Lin Feng, to put it bluntly, even if I take off all my clothes in front of Lin Feng, then Lin Feng may look at me, but this is another matter."

"If things are not difficult, do you think I will let you continue to do it? So, there must be difficulty. You didn't get this money for nothing. You have to use your own strategies, even if it's your own. I don't care about any of his machinations, I have only one purpose, to completely break up his company, and even completely break up their marriage."

"Well, I know that this money may not be that easy to earn. However, since you have given me such a big challenge, I really hope that I can continue to challenge it. Okay, no problem. I will accept this task. There’s nothing else to do except this, right?”

"Have you seen Rejie today? If so, then you cannot leave here in this capacity. Furthermore, although Rejie and Reba are two siblings, they There is still some gap between us, you can’t let anyone know that you are mine now, do you understand?”

"Understood, acting? Who can't do this? Okay, I understand, Sister Mi, let's keep in touch in private. Once I successfully break into them, I will contact you through a single line. , Sister Mi, I'm sorry, my performance has officially begun."

After saying this, Li Zifei suddenly stood up, then raised the cup next to her and threw it to the bottom.

The sound of the cup breaking suddenly woke up Da Mimi. She didn't understand what Li Zifei's move meant, so she just looked at her with a frown.

"What a bad company, what a bad actor, these rules, do you think they are all set for me? Let me tell you, don't think that you have acted in a few plays and are now very famous. In my eyes, you are nothing. With my little money, do you think I can buy your account? Okay, let’s keep it to ourselves, we will meet later, no, it should be indefinite.”

Li Zifei cursed loudly, and then opened the door. Many people outside gathered around, not knowing what happened.

Of course, Xiaoyan and Rejie were next door, and they had already walked out of the room.

"Li Zifei, what's going on? Why did you quarrel with Sister Mi? What happened?" "I tell you, you people are all pretenders. Let me tell you, who is so glamorous here? I know what kind of conspiracy theory is behind it, so you don’t need to tell me this. Okay, since I can’t afford it, then there is nothing to talk about between us, so I won’t say goodbye. "

After leaving these words, Li Zifei fell down, turned around and left from here.

"Okay, okay, it's just a small accident. This is an actress who is applying for a job. I guess I have a dispute with Sister Mi in some aspects. Okay, let's all go back to our posts and do our own things. .”

Xiaoyan just said hello, and then he winked with Rejie and quickly walked into Da Mimi's room.

As soon as he came in, he saw the mess on the ground, and even some water stains on the sofa.

Rejie hurriedly closed the door, and then quickly stepped forward. He glanced at Da Mimi, who had a helpless smile on his face.

"What's wrong, Sister Mi? What did that girl do? It's so good, why did they suddenly get into a quarrel? Why did she drop all the cups?"

"Oh, everything is a disguise, everything is an illusion. I just talked to her for a few words, and I didn't expect that his temper would be so bad. I don't know where he provoked her, so I also mean that she doesn't care at all. She is suitable for our company and wherever she is willing to go, then you can let her go."

"If it's not appropriate, can't we just let him go? Why bother making the matter so big?"

"You don't know. Nowadays, little girls have bad tempers. Sometimes they are the only children in the family. So, under normal circumstances, we can't say a few words. So, forget it, it's all in the past. Besides, she has nothing to do with our company, just let him go, it’s just a matter of a cup.”

"Well, Xiaoyan, I'll ask the cleaning lady to tidy up this place later."

"Why are you looking for cleaning? I can do this kind of work myself. Just sit here and don't move. You and Sister Mi should be careful."

While talking, Xiaoyan walked over, took out some things from the cleaning room, and then collected all the water stains on the ground and the glass fragments.

To be honest, Xiaoyan was very comfortable with her work. After all, she was just a little assistant before. To put it bluntly, the little assistant was just like a maid. So, in other words, the person she served She eats, drinks, poops and sleeps.

(End of this chapter)

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