Chapter 697 It’s simply unacceptable

"Okay, everything has been sorted out. Sister Mi, you don't need to be familiar with this kind of person. It's just that when I was talking to her just now, I really didn't realize that this little girl turned out to be such a person. , but I didn’t expect that my true nature would be exposed in front of you so quickly.”

"It is much better to be exposed at this time than to be exposed after she enters the company. Therefore, I can recognize a person clearly. These are nothing. Oh, by the way, why did you two come here together? Yes. Didn't it disturb you? It doesn't matter, I'm used to these things."

"No, Sister Mi, we happened to have something to do with you. When we came here just now, we heard someone talking in the room, so the two of us didn't come in, and went back to the room to wait. Who knew, we heard something like this There was movement, and finally, we rushed over.”

"Oh, you have something to do with me. Oh, tell me what it is."

After saying this, she pointed over there and finally, the two of them sat on the sofa, one on the left and the other on the right.

Damimi also sat across from them very seriously, because he felt that the two people came to him collectively, and it must be because of Reba's matter, but this has become a norm.

Maybe Xiaoyan feels that even if she is doing a play, she has to do a complete set, so if she is doing a full set of plays, she also needs to complete the coordination well.

However, after waiting for a while, she discovered that neither of the two people opened their mouths to speak. What was going on?

"What's wrong? I'm already here waiting for you to talk. Why doesn't anyone say anything? What's going on?"

After finishing speaking, Xiaoyan and Rejie just looked at each other. Then, Xiaoyan just winked at Rejie, and Rejie understood that it was up to him to do this.

"Okay, Sister Mi, now I can see that Xiaoyan really doesn't want to tell you this news, but you must also have the right to know, Sister Mi, this matter is related to the future destiny of our company."

After saying this, Da Mimi suddenly became nervous. Didn't it mean that they still had something to do with Reba? Why does this suddenly involve the fate of his company?

"Rejie, please tell me clearly. What happened? Do you two already know something?"

Da Mimi should be able to guess in his mind, because the most important thing at the moment is the cooperation with the foreign consortium, and this matter is indeed related to his company's survival plan.

"Just now, Xiaoyan has received news. The investment delegation there seems to be more inclined to cooperate with Maplewood Culture. Although the news has not been officially announced, I believe it should be very soon. It will be announced to the public soon. In addition, I suspect that they have begun to discuss the specific next steps of cooperation in private."

"Did you really say that?"

Da Mimi suddenly stood up from her seat. She was definitely not willing to accept this cruel fact, and it was indeed a double blow to her.

"Yes, the matter is absolutely true, and it is also the exact news we got over there. It is estimated that we have begun to contact you privately now. Sister Mi, the purpose of our sitting here today is to discuss and see what's going on. How should we redeem this matter."     The dream in Da Mimi's heart was completely shattered at this moment, and like a soul-eating wild ghost, she suddenly collapsed on the sofa, No improvement at all.

"Sister Mi, sister Mi, are you okay?"

After Xiaoyan saw this situation, she hurriedly stepped forward, and then gently patted Da Mimi on the shoulder.

Da Mimi just turned around weakly, and then let out a long sigh. This breath finally slowed down. The moment just now seemed to have almost made her suffocate.

Xiaoyan finally breathed a sigh of relief. If the person was fine, then all this would be easier to talk about.

"Sister Mi, I know that you will definitely not be able to accept this cruel news. However, this has become a fact after all. Therefore, I have never known how to mention it to you. Now, through Rejie's I should tell you this news, and I shouldn’t do it, but the key issue is that we have the right to know.”

"Sister Mi, are you about to give up at this moment? Let me tell you, there is no formal contract signed between them yet, so it is impossible for us to give up. We must fight for our rights and must fight for our rights. Take this business away."

"How to rob? Rejie Xiaoyan, I know what you two are thinking, and I also know that you are doing everything for my own good. However, the key problem is that now it is a certainty, and there is simply no way to go. In addition, the private relationship between me and those financial groups is not that good, so all this is just a public-to-public face-to-face."

"So what about Fenglin Culture? Where about Lin Feng? Or my sister Reba? Have they had any private contact with this consortium? Are there any other private transactions between them?"

"It's impossible. I've been sending people to keep an eye on things over there. Therefore, there are no private transactions. Therefore, I can only think that Maplewood Culture's plan this time may be in line with most representatives of the consortium. So that their plan can be concretely formed.”

"Sister Mi, even if this is the case, we can't give up easily. Therefore, we must find a way to save all this. Isn't their plan just a broken plan? If it doesn't work, I will go to their company. Then, steal their plan, and when the time comes, we will destroy it, or we will quote a higher price?"

"Higher price?"

"Yes, I heard Xiaoyan briefly introduce it to me before, saying that although it is a way of cooperation, we must have a certain proportion of funds. Therefore, in this negotiation, our funding proportion should be 1%. In other words, we accounted for about million of the investment, right?"

"Yes, that's the case. So what do you mean, I want to increase my investment ratio now, invest 200 million or 300 million? But, let me tell you, investment is just a superficial form. , and, since it’s a consortium, they don’t need the money at all, so no matter how much I raise, I’m afraid they won’t be able to see my sincerity.”

(End of this chapter)

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