"How do you know? We have always allocated this investment method according to the proportion of international conventions. If this is the case, I think we can really try it. At least, we have tried this way, even in the end It’s a kind of failure, so we can be considered as trying our best.”

"I feel a little suffocated now, and I really can't handle the news all of a sudden. My mind is also very confused. Please let me think about it and take it easy for a while. I'll see what happens next. Things, what should we do.”

"Sister Mi, you know what? Time is urgent now, so we can't tolerate any hesitation. Moreover, under this situation, we must be more proactive. If not, I will go directly to them to interview him."

Rejie was more like an ant on a hot pot at this time, and from the looks of it, he seemed to be more anxious than Damimi, wanting to figure out what was going on.

"It's useless. Rejie, I can understand your mood, but at this time and then, it doesn't make any sense for us to contact you privately."

"Sister Mi, we haven't even done anything yet. How do you know it's meaningless? Also, how many representatives from their consortium came this time?"

"There are a total of 6 people, yes, there are 6 people. After they came here, their purpose was to invest in and build a film and television city here. Of course, once the project of the film and television city was finalized, they would immediately return to the headquarters, and then , start reporting this matter, so that engineers and representatives here can come directly later. Of course, those who invested in the early stage and those who invested in the later stage are completely different things."

"That is to say, the early decision-making power should be in the hands of these 6 people. Also, have you compiled relevant information about these 6 people? We have to break them one by one to see what weaknesses they have. , or maybe they have some other convenient things, we can at least find a way to solve it. "

"What's the point of looking for their information? We are talking according to the plan now. Besides, do you really think Lin Feng met his point? I think he didn't do that."

"No, you are wrong. The reason why Lin Feng's plan is so in line with their ideas also proves that Lin Feng should have done enough homework before. Otherwise, he would not have suddenly appeared out of thin air. We may still know a little about such a plan before, but did Xiaoyan do any research on the family backgrounds and even their personal lives of these six people before contacting them?"

Xiaoyan suddenly seemed a little confused about the question here, because she had never done this before.

Isn’t it just business? It's not that Xiaoyan has not experienced it before, but when doing business, how to cooperate with the other party is an inherent pattern.

Why do you want to investigate someone’s background? personal life? These, it seems, have nothing to do with business.

"I think there is no need for this. We have done business before and have partners, so we have never said that we have investigated these things."    "I just ask you, if we want to investigate at this time, can we? Get the latest information as soon as possible?”

"If you want to investigate, it shouldn't be difficult to get this information. I got it before, but I put this information at the bottom because it is very important for our business to place orders. , it doesn’t seem to be of much help.”

"Let me tell you, some key things are often hidden in them. Therefore, it seems that we do not understand all of this, but in fact, there should be some reasons that can allow us to understand all of this. , Hurry, go quickly and get me all the information on these people you are investigating. Now, I am not doing anything, I want to carefully analyze the situation of the six of them."

After saying this, Xiaoyan just looked at him in confusion, because until now, she still didn't understand what Rejie's purpose was, and could this really help them solve their biggest difficulty?

"Okay Xiaoyan, since Rejie has already said it, then you can just do what he wants. You don't need to think about anything else for now. Go ahead. I remember you told me at that time, There is some background information for their personal situation investigation, you can take it all over.”

To be honest, Xiaoyan is still a little confused now. Even if Da Mimi makes such a decision, she still feels that she is blindly practicing medicine and has no idea of ​​the far-reaching significance of doing so. Where is it?

Since both Damimi and Rejie spoke at the same time, it seemed that it would not make much sense if she persisted. Finally, she got up and hurried back to her office.

From the office, she quickly dug out the information, and then brought it to Re Jie. After Re Jie took it, he sat here and began to read it carefully.

"Xiaoyan, after getting these materials back, haven't you ever looked at them carefully?"

"No, Sister Mi. At that time, it was just some additional information, and then I brought them over. However, I really didn't pay attention to some specific situations."

"Okay, then let's wait for Rejie and see if we can analyze something from this. However, I feel that hope is still slim. We should make other arrangements and preparations."

"Sister Mi, are you really ready to give up? Let me tell you, it is a pity to give up at this time. Just like what Rejie told me before, since there is no contract between them, if there is If we don’t sign the contract for a day, it should still be possible for us to reverse these things, so I think we should try to find ways to try.”

"Try? Why don't I want to? But the key question is, isn't this attempt something I can easily make? Let me tell you, things won't be that simple."

"In my opinion, maybe this matter can be that simple, because I now understand that although these people here have deep financial backgrounds, they have all received higher education from abroad. , however, 4 of them have all had the experience of studying in China, and they attach great importance to family." (End of Chapter)

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