"That's true, but the key problem is that I really didn't expect that they would really lean towards Maplewood Culture. This is something I didn't expect. Xiaoyan, we have to think of something good. , just like he did remind us just now that we need to increase our investment proportion."

"What? You want to increase the proportion? But Sister Mi, have you ever heard that in this kind of international investment cooperation, our share of the share will be a certain proportion. At this time, if we directly increase the proportion, The risks for us will increase accordingly."

"There is no other way. At this point, we have no other better choice. If we really want to defeat Maplewood Culture, then this is the path we must go on."

"If we just increase the investment ratio, will the other party be able to buy into our account? Can they really accept what we say? I think all of this is open to question. At the very least, we have to figure it out Only when we understand what is going on can we start again."

"In addition to this, there is another point. I want to revise my plan. I seem to have gradually gained some inspiration. I roughly know what they want. Don't tell me. Rejie was indeed of great help this time. If not for the fact that he mentioned studying the financial background of these people, I haven’t thought about this yet. What they value is family. Okay, then I will take the doctor Cheng’s sense of family status into account. It sticks out from the bush.”

"Well, we still need to revise those design plans, right? But since they have chosen to cooperate with each other, if we take over the plans, will they still give us a chance?"

"It's the same as what Rejie said. At this time, everyone is equal. Even if they are leaning towards one side, they still have no decision in the end. In addition, the consortium does not represent everyone's views. , they must submit this plan to the headquarters, and only after the headquarters has unified opinions can they sign cooperation, which requires a continuous process."

"Well, if that's the case, then it seems that this is the only way we can do it. Well, after I go back now, I will seize the time to rearrange the electronic versions of those plans, and then take them out. What's the matter? If we want to revise it, we will work overtime overnight these days, and we must get it out as soon as possible."

"By the way, does Rejie have any doubts about the matter between you and Reba? Did he say anything when he just went to see you?"

"What are you still doubting? This silly boy has now completely trusted what we said, and he thinks it is Reba who is slandering me. I don't care what Reba will say in front of him, no matter what kind of words he says, then , Rejie will never believe her again."

"Great, no matter what, things on our side have finally made progress. I only hope that Rejie can bring me some new hope."

Although Da Mimi said that he felt that Rejie's method might not be feasible, in reality, they had to take a two-pronged approach or even three-pronged preparations. Therefore, he hoped to achieve breakthrough progress in any aspect. Only in this way can we give these people a formal explanation.

Li Zifei came to Fenglin Culture alone according to the previous agreement.

When she handed over all her personal information, the front desk was also full of interest. Of course, there were also some shoddy elements in the information, but Li Zifei didn't care so much about it now.

At this time, Reba was sorting out the actor information in the room, and adding new actors during this period should be a very important thing for her.

At this moment, her phone rang suddenly, so Reba took out the phone and put it next to her ear.

"Hello, hello, this is the Performing Arts Department."

"Sister Reba, there is an applicant at the door. She graduated from the film school and just graduated this year. I have read her information and it is relatively complete. I will send the electronic version to your computer now. If you have If you're interested, you can let her go up there."

"You mean, the person is already here, right? She brought the information herself. Where is the person now?"

"She's right here at the front desk. Sister Reba, do you want to meet her? Or should you read the information first and then meet her?" "No, since she's already here, let me see what else there is in the information. What's the point? Isn't it better than meeting a real person? Okay, then hurry up and ask her to come up. I happen to be in the office right now and I have nothing to do. "

"Okay, I understand, Sister Reba, I will make arrangements now."

After saying that, the front desk hung up the phone.

Li Zifei has been waiting here, and she did not expect to enter Maple Forest Culture. It does seem to be a bit troublesome.

"Okay, we've already informed you upstairs, you can just go up now."

"Hey, hello, I want to ask. It is said that Sister Reba is also in this company now. I want to ask, can I see her?"

"Okay, hurry up and go up first. After you go up, you will understand."

The receptionist just smiled brightly at her, which made Li Zifei a little confused. She was so good, why did she have this attitude towards her?

If you can see her, just say you can see her. If you can't see her, just say you can't see her. Besides, she is a big star, so if she is not allowed to see her, this is also a normal situation.

Following the instructions from the front desk, she then walked up from downstairs. When she came outside the performing arts department, he knocked gently on the door.

"Come in, come on, the door is unlocked."

Li Zifei heard a voice coming from inside, and why did she feel that this voice had a familiar feeling? Finally, she opened the door.

"Re, Reba, sister Reba?"

When she saw that the person inside was really Reba, her eyes suddenly widened. She had never thought that she would meet Reba in this way.

"I just looked at your information. Is your name Li Zifei?"

"No, that's right, yes, it's me, Sister Reba, is this really you?"

"That's right, it's really me. Okay, don't be so nervous or restrained. Come on, do whatever you want."

"Okay, I understand Sister Reba."

After finishing speaking, he just nodded, and finally followed Reba's instructions and sat on the opposite seat. However, this time she was still very polite, because Li Zifei knew that she was an actor now and she had to let the other party see her. Take a fancy to yourself. (End of chapter)

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