"You just graduated, right? In other words, you have never had any acting experience, right?"

"I am only a main member of the school's theater troupe. I have performed several times in school, but I have never participated in a social performance. It can be said that I have almost zero experience."

"Normally speaking, for your class, one year before graduation, there should be directors or deputy directors and producers coming to your site to select some suitable actors. Why, Don’t you even have this opportunity?”

"Sister Reba, if you really graduated from this school, I believe you should understand the custom here. How is this selecting actors? This is probably just selecting a concubine for the director."

Speaking of this, Reba was suddenly stunned. In fact, it was not that she had never experienced this kind of rhetoric. She did know that there was such a saying in the past.

"Oh, it seems that you are indeed full of doubts about this role selection, or you are confused, right?"

"Sister Reba, this is not a matter of doubt at all. The main reason is this. In fact, many people understand that this is basically choosing a woman for the director. To be honest, they are just taking advantage of you. In order to get your body, there is nothing else I can do, so I did receive a few invitations, but I rejected them all."

"Rejected? Why did you refuse? And, as far as I know, these experiences should be very valuable to you. Even after graduation, if you use these materials to get these experiences, you can also find a comparison good job."

"What's the point of having things like that come back with your own body? I just want to use my own abilities to let the other party truly choose me. Therefore, I have always been concerned about irrelevant things. I don’t bother to do it.”

In fact, with just a few words of conversation, Reba could tell that this Li Zifei seemed to be a little different.

In terms of appearance, it is basically impeccable, and it must have a good appearance and a good figure. Moreover, it must look gentle and well-educated. This is indeed rare and valuable.

"Then why did you come to Maplewood Culture?"

"It's because I know that Maplewood Culture is developing very well now. In addition, I also heard that Maplewood Culture has just established an actor department. I think this is a good starting point for me. , is also a good platform. At the very least, everyone is on the same platform, so that we can give each other some opportunities."

"But to be honest, as a newcomer, you should have the lowest status among the members of this performing arts department because you don't have any experience. Now, there are more than 20 people in the performing arts department, and most of them are For popular movie stars on the front line, I believe you have always been able to get some news through the Internet or other social media."

"That's right, since I came here, I came fully prepared. I also know that my current status and situation should be the lowest level below. However, I am confident that I can make a difference little by little. Now, if you are willing to give me this opportunity, even if I start as a handyman or an assistant to a small star, I will be willing to do this."

"Oh, if you are really assigned to be an assistant, are you really willing to do it?"    "No problem, as long as I can be given the opportunity to enter this platform, I believe that I should have succeeded. Halfway through, I believe that you, Sister Reba, can see my performance later on."

"From the time you came in until now, I have always felt that you seem to be full of confidence. You don't seem to see your own weaknesses."

"Of course I have my own weaknesses. I am just starting out and have just graduated from college. Although I have some stage experience before, compared to those blockbusters, this is not worth mentioning. However, I believe that all experience should be accumulated slowly, and not everyone can be born with it.”

"Okay, it's very good that you can realize this. However, if you only start from the lower level, then your treatment will definitely not be as good as those of first-line actors. Can you accept this?"

"I can accept it. I'm ready. Moreover, when I was in school, I worked some odd jobs, so I still have some savings, including renting a house or coping with normal expenses. Whether it’s daily expenses or not, there’s no problem with all of that.”

"You don't need to worry about food and accommodation. We at Maplewood Culture provide staff dormitories for these actors, including food and accommodation, so you don't need to think too much about this."

"Okay, then if that's the case, then it would be perfect. This company is obviously very different from Da Mimi's company. I originally thought that their company was respectable, but who knew? There are so many details in it?"

After saying this, Reba just frowned. Why did she suddenly mention Da Mimi's company for no reason? Also, shouldn't he or she have done some related research before coming back to Da Mimi Company?

"Why, have you been to her company too, or did you just hear about it from the Internet?"

"Now that things have happened, I don't want to hide it from you. To be honest, I just went to her company before, that is, this morning, and I also went there as an applicant. However, it was a coincidence. It was me and her who broke up on bad terms."

"What do you mean?"

"There are too many rules in it, and she declared to me that I am at the bottom. It is obvious that her words always have the meaning of looking down on me. To be honest, such words are indeed true. It makes me look down on this company. I didn’t expect that this Da Mimi would be such a person in private.”

"Are you saying that Da Mimi personally received you?"

"Yes, I originally met one of her assistants. What's her name? Xiao Yan'er, right? Oh, yes, her name is Xiao Yan. She chatted with me in the office for a while, and then... A boy went there. Oh, by the way, I remembered it. Sister Reba, that person should be your brother. He was Rejie. At that time, he went to look for Xiaoyan. Later, Xiaoyan took me there. In the end, the talks about Dami Mi’s room just collapsed.” (End of Chapter)

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