After hearing this, Reba frowned. Here he mentioned the people he least wanted to see. One was Xiaoyan, and the other was Da MiMi. But there was one person she cared about more, and that person was herself. Brother Rejie.

"You said you saw Rejie? Why did he appear there?"

"I don't know about this. I just entered their company as a candidate, so I don't know much about some of their company's situations. However, how do I feel that between Xiaoyan and Rejie? The relationship between them seems to be a little different?"

"Oh, you should stop guessing about these things. If this is the case, then I will give you a three-month trial period. If there are no problems within three months, I will officially give it to you after three months. Signed an actor's contract."

"Great, thank you Sister Reba for giving me this opportunity. I admit that at the beginning, I did go to Da Mimi Company, but now, I have completely seen through everything, so I have I don’t plan to continue there.”

"As long as someone comes, we will give him a chance. However, our door is also open at any time. If you feel that it is not suitable here, you can also change jobs to other companies at any time. I will never stop this, but , once you sign the contract and you want to leave, I'm afraid the procedure won't be that simple."

"Now that I have identified this company, and sister Reba, I also think you are a very kind person, so I am willing to stay by your side to help you complete these things."

"No, I believe you may have some misunderstandings. I didn't ask you to stay with me to assist me. When the time comes, how will the specific work be allocated? I will make specific arrangements for you. That's it for today. Tomorrow When you come over to report early in the morning, I will assign specific tasks to you, and by then, you will know what to do."

As she spoke, she stood up from her seat, then said hello to Li Zifei, then turned around and left Reba's room.

Ever since she left, Reba had always felt that things seemed strange. She always felt that this girl had some unspoken meaning.

I originally thought that she should be a very useful person, but when she mentioned that she had been to Da Mimi Company before, Reba did feel a little hesitant, and she was not sure if there was anything else involved. Shameful deeds.

No matter what, she needs to keep this person by her side for the time being, and then consider it carefully to see what kind of situation it is.

At this time, Lin Feng happened to have finished the work at hand, and was about to call Reba, and the two of them went back to eat together.

But when she came in, she saw Reba sitting in front of the computer and dazing alone. It was not clear what she was thinking about in her mind at this time.

Sometimes, to be honest, even Lin Feng couldn't figure out the things in Reba's mind. He always felt that sometimes her city was indeed far beyond his own.

"What's the matter, another person is here in a daze? And, does it seem like you have thought of something?"    "Haha, when did you come? If you hadn't talked to me, I really wouldn't have noticed this. "

"That's right. You didn't even raise your head after I came in, and you didn't look at me at all. What's wrong? Did you encounter any trouble again?"

"There was an applicant just now. I'll keep him here for now. Come on, take a look at her personal information.

While talking, Reba picked up Li Zifei's personal information from her desk, and then put it in Lin Feng's hand. Lin Fei just took it casually.

"You can just make up your own mind about things like recruiting new people. You don't need to discuss these things with me. As long as you think it's appropriate, then there will be no problem. Besides, you can still judge people fairly accurately."

"No, this person is a little different. She told me before that she just came from Da Mimi's company, and it is said that she had a quarrel with Da Mimi, and the two broke up on bad terms. "

Having said this, Lin Feng frowned, and then carefully checked the information. However, just looking at the surface of the information, there was no clue at all.

"What's wrong, are you saying that you feel something is wrong with this person? However, I have carefully reviewed his personal information. I think there should be nothing wrong with this person, but I still feel something strange. Woolen cloth?"

"I don't know. If this is really the case, is it really just a chance encounter? But if this is the case, I think we should pay more attention to this person. If he is really with Da Mina If there is deep hatred between you and me, I think this Li Zifei is indeed a pawn that can be used."

"What do you mean? Since the relationship between her and Da Mimi has become so tense, what else do you think she can do?"

"Do you really think that if an ordinary actor applies for a job, Da Mimi can really receive it in person? Doesn't she have anyone else under her? Don't you think that this matter is a bit unfeasible? "

After saying this, Reba just frowned slightly. She really didn't notice this before. She just felt that something was strange, but she never understood what was strange. Place, where is it.

"That's right. If you didn't remind me of this, I really haven't noticed it. Yes, if we follow the normal recruitment process, the Performing Arts Department will have a dedicated person in charge of personnel, and if an interview is required, at most, it will be The manager of our entertainment department just needs to pass the interview. Unless she is a very important person, for example, she is now a popular first-line actor. If she wants to switch to this company at this time, then after this interview Only people like rice are possible, but it is simply impossible for these fledgling primary school students.

"So, when she was describing this matter, I felt that there must be pros and cons. Being able to let Big Boobs meet in person, and also break up on bad terms, don't you think, she is like It's a big show, right?" (End of chapter)

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