"Yes, if you want to say that, it seems that you really mean it. That's okay. I understand how to do this. If this is really the case, then she should be Da Mimi to inquire about the situation of our company, that is, It is said that she is a chess piece inserted into our company, and it may play a decisive role when the time comes."

"What other decisive role can it play? Now, her netizen is here, and everything is under our control, so if we don't let him have access to some core things , then, there is almost no use value.”

"It mainly depends on how she operates in the later stage. In the early stage, I will definitely not let her come into contact with any core things. I may even push her into a program randomly, and then let her follow and play a small role, and the rest , I won’t arrange anything.”

"If it can really be used, then we can reveal something to her appropriately, and then ask her to pass the news on to Da Mimi. Maybe in time, this person will become our counterattack. A key tool for rice.”

"Oh, can we still do this? But if we do this, will it also attract her attention? Also, what kind of false news can we provide them so that she can really be fooled?"

"Now, it's not easy to say all this, and I haven't figured out where our point should be. So, let me think about it carefully. This person is staying now. He should be dispatched later. For a purpose.”

"Okay, no problem. Anyway, we are now in the stage of expanding actor recruitment, so basically as long as the actors meet our standards, we should not have any big problems, and then we can let them enter the company normally. operational.”

"Okay, if that's the case, then there's nothing else to say, so let's just do this for today. I've been feeling tired for a day, and I believe you haven't had an easy day either. Let's go. Well, after we get home, we have an early meal and then go to bed early to rest. There are still many things waiting for him later."

"By the way, now that the other party has chosen to cooperate with us, I believe that this news should have been released, and Da Mimi should have received the news at the same time. But, what will she do next? You At this point, are there any precautions? "

"Soldiers will block her, and water will cover her. That's the situation. If she doesn't move now, I won't be able to take the initiative, so I can only wait for her next step."

"Based on what I know about Sister Mi, I feel that she won't just wait like this and will definitely make some moves. However, I don't know where her moves will be. Since I left these companies, I I found that Sister Mi’s behavior is becoming more and more weird, and more and more mysterious. I believe it won’t be that simple, and it won’t be easy to cause problems.”

"There is no problem. When she gets angry, we will deal with it then. There should be no problem. Besides, don't forget that the consortium behind the scenes belongs to us. Therefore, if there is any trouble with him, We should be the first to get the news and answers, so it shouldn't be a problem to think of countermeasures when the time comes."         "Okay, I understand. Now it seems that we can only wait for the other party to act. By the way, has Yueyue contacted you again in the past two days? She hasn’t contacted you since the last time we met, right? Do you want to take the initiative to call her and care about the child? "

"She is in a sensitive period now. If I call her directly at this time, maybe she won't listen to my explanation at all. Therefore, it is best for me not to move at this time. I believe that I will give my child In a certain amount of time, she should be able to understand all of this."

"Well, as long as you think it's suitable, there should be no problem. Besides, doesn't Yueyue like that brand of dolls the most? I noticed this afternoon that that doll has a new product, but it needs to be ordered from abroad. , and it is still a limited purchase. I just ordered one for her through a foreign website, and the approximate delivery period should be about 30 days."

After saying this, Lin Feng just smiled slightly. He walked forward, stretched out his hand, and touched Reba's face gently.

"Since the two of us have been together, it seems that I haven't given you much. On the contrary, I have always had endless things to do, and I have been suppressing you. I know that this kind of life is very uncomfortable for you. Fair enough, but for this role, it seems like we have no other better choice."

"Oh, I know, and I also understand how to do some things, so you don't need to explain too much now. If you explain too much, it will only make me misunderstood. So, how should I go? How I want to live my life is all my own choice, and I don’t need you to explain too much to me.”

"It's great to have you. If Da Mimi could have a personality like yours and thoughts like yours in the past, then the two of us wouldn't have gotten into this situation today. It's a pity. This woman is really too much. It got so intense that I couldn’t live with her, and even now we have become enemies.”

"Actually, if you want to change some things, you may be able to change them completely from the root. In addition, there is another point. In this critical period, we can no longer make other choices. The only thing we can do is that That is, we have to start from the heart, and then proceed step by step. No one can say where this inner starting point is."

"Yes, I also understand this meaning, but now that I see Yueyue's face, I actually don't want to hurt her too much, but there is no way. If she is really forcing her step by step, then I I can only continue to move forward step by step according to her wishes. I can't do anything else. Okay, let's not mention these annoying things. Let's go, let's seize the time."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he just waved his hands, and then let out a long sigh. During this period of time, he had been taking these things to heart and became more worried. Therefore, under this situation, he could not always If he persists in this matter for a long time, it will be difficult for him to imagine how he should deal with it next. (End of chapter)

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