As long as Yueyue is here, then there is no way to completely sever the relationship between himself and Da MiMi. If he really wants to completely sever it, unless Yueyue has grown up and no longer needs the care of both of them. , at this time, there is no problem with whatever she wants to do.

It's just that there is a layer of Yueyue in the middle. Lin Fei is worried that if Dami Mi is completely angered, subsequent things will become more troublesome. Therefore, almost everything he does is on the edge. , has been lingering.

It could be said that Rejie had been following them outside for a whole day, and based on where those people were staying, he had been following them step by step. In fact, the information he had obtained before was basically the same.

These people are used to eating in a Western restaurant every night. Maybe they are all foreigners, and they may not be used to Chinese food. Basically, at 8 o'clock every night, they will appear on time at the restaurant opposite the hotel. There is a western restaurant there.

This time, Rejie seized the opportunity, and then happened to sit next to them. They usually communicated in foreign languages, but Rejie had also studied abroad before, so for them, I can probably understand some of their language.

They basically talked about some anecdotes about what they had seen, and did not involve too much work.

In fact, Rejie has always wanted to find a good opportunity, and then approach them to tell all the facts. However, he always felt that the other party did not provide him with such an opportunity.

At this moment, the meal is about to pass. At this time, it is already 9:30. They have basically eaten almost everything on the table. I believe that in another 10 minutes and 8 minutes, this should be People will leave the restaurant.

If he really leaves the restaurant at this time, then for Rejie, there may be no better chance to make a move. Therefore, he must now burn everything and then try his best to make the best effort.

After thinking of this, Rejie hurriedly stood up, then walked to the side of those people. Finally, he pulled up the bench and sat directly opposite them.

At that time, the four people were suddenly stunned. A strange uninvited guest broke into their dining table, and he kept smiling and communicating with them face to face.

"Hello, I want to ask, do we know each other?"

One of the people said to Rejie in very harsh words, and Rejie wanted to shake his head gently.

"It's probably the first time we've met, but I know what you do, and I believe we know each other, right?"

"Oh, you were sent here by her? What, is there a problem?"

"No problem. I came here specifically to see you today. Moreover, there are some things I want to talk to you face to face. You should be ready to cooperate with Lin Feng's Maple Forest Culture now, right?" "I don't think we need to talk about business matters in this environment now. In addition, if there is anything, we will directly communicate with Da Mimi one-on-one. But now, we have not reached the final decision. Once the result is After the announcement, you can rest assured that we will be absolutely fair and just to any partner we work with."

"I know that the reason why I came to tell you this today is not to save anything. I just want you to understand Lin Feng's true face, and I also want you to know what happened to him."

"What happened to Lin Feng seems to have nothing to do with you, right? Moreover, you are just an outsider. Standing here and telling us these things, do you think we will believe what you say?"

"Whether you believe it or not, then, it is naturally your business. However, I just have one thing to remind you, that is, if you really choose to cooperate with Maplewood Culture, then you will definitely suffer in the end, and you will definitely suffer. I will regret it, I am not fighting for anything for our company, you can also give up on our company, but at the very least you cannot cooperate with Maplewood Culture."

After saying this, one of them frowned unhappily. He felt that this person was deliberately provoking and sowing discord. He just wanted to destroy their cooperation this time. However, like this There are also endless people who have experienced it even in the past.

"I just want to tell you that any decision made is the company's decision. I only represent the company, and I do not represent myself personally. Therefore, there is no personal will involved in this. We just stand on the basis of fairness, openness and justice. In terms of attitude, including the solutions provided by everyone, we will take all of these into consideration.”

"Don't you want to know what kind of relationship I have with Lin Feng? Also, Lin Feng has a very capable assistant beside him, and at the same time, he is also his new wife, named Reba. I believe you should be I’ve heard something.”

"This is my personal life. It doesn't seem to have much to do with this business. If you tell us this again, what do you want to express?"

"Actually, it's very simple. My name is Rejie, and Reba is my biological sister. If you don't believe it, I can take out my ID card now and let you see it. Then, to put it bluntly, Lin Feng is me. He is a named brother-in-law, and I still haven’t really accepted him.”

"What did you say? Reba is your sister? Lin Feng is your brother-in-law?"

Rejie knew that if he said all this with just a few words, the other party might not believe it at all.

Therefore, he was already prepared, and then he took out his ID card from his pocket, and then threw it on the table in front of them.

One of the people picked it up and took a look at it, and then carefully checked the ID card photo. It was indeed correct. He and the person on the ID card did indeed look the same, and it was relatively rare to have a last name like theirs.

"Then what do you mean by coming here now? There is another point that I don't quite understand. Since Reba is your biological sister and Lin Feng is your biological brother-in-law, then shouldn't you be standing in the Fenglin Cultural Center now? Do you want to speak for them from a different perspective? Why do you want to play the opposite role here?" (End of Chapter)

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