"I believe that you all know that I am a person who never hides anything. In addition, there is another point, how did Reba become popular back then? How did she get to where she is today step by step? You may not know much about it, but she used to be with Sister Mi."

"We never know much about these things about actors, and we are not interested in knowing in too much detail. Just tell me what you want to tell us."

"What I just want to tell you is that in fact, Lin Feng is not a good person, and he is not a person who can do big things at all. You can go and find out. For the past ten years or so, Fenglin Culture has always been In the hands of a professional manager, Lin Feng has just come out of the business in the past six months, and he has just started, including the current performing arts department, which has just been established."

"However, the plan he provided us should be the best one among these plans, and it is also the one that best fits our actual ideas."

"What you see is just one-sided. Moreover, if Reba had not been promoted by Da Mimi, she would not be where she is today. Therefore, her current situation is just ungrateful. Then, she betrayed everything Of course, she can betray the people who promoted her with her own hands, but do you think she can’t betray those who are partners like you?”

"It's interesting. Okay, then you can tell us the story between you in detail. When the time comes, we will consider it comprehensively."

One of them didn't mean that he was interested in what he said. He just felt that since they were here to give evidence, it was necessary for him to find out the true faces of these people. Moreover, he could only know the details. Only then can he make a final statement to Lin Feng.

However, Rejie didn't realize this. When he saw the other party finally speaking, he felt that he might have been given a great opportunity, so he explained the next things here one by one. Everything was told.

After doing all this, Rejie just breathed a long sigh of relief. No matter whether the other party could accept what he said, the key issue was that he had already done what he should do, so they These should be taken into consideration.

"Okay everyone, I haven't delayed you for a short time. It's really a bit presumptuous. I came out of the blue today just to tell you these things. Of course, it's your freedom to choose in the end. I don't have any right to intervene, so , where to go, you can think about it slowly, I won’t say anything to you anymore, okay, then I will leave first, just pretend that I haven’t been here today.”

After leaving the last words, Rejie stood up and left from the restaurant. The four people just looked at each other, and they just made fun of each other. Finally, he stood up and left from the restaurant.

Of course, after returning to the hotel, they immediately called Lin Feng. After all, it was his brother-in-law who was being blocked, and what kind of personal grudges they had between them, they had to deal with it. All figured out.

At this time, Lin Feng was already lying on the bed, watching some recent financial news on his mobile phone, while Reba had just finished washing and was applying a facial mask over there, waiting for the last step before going to bed to rest. .

Suddenly, the phone rang. Lin Feng picked it up and took a look at it, and found that it was really the call from there. It was very likely that this call would tell them that there should be some news over there.

At the same time, Lin Feng has been waiting for such news, and he also knows that once the news is released, Da MiMi will definitely not sit still and wait for death.

However, she has been guessing, even somewhat unclear, as to what she is planning to do, but now that this call comes, Lin Feng believes that things should become a little clearer. "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you calling so late? Has he started taking action?"

"Yes, action has indeed begun. Just as you estimated before, these people will definitely not sit still and wait to be killed. However, what makes me feel very strange is that she actually sent someone here this time, and She didn’t come forward personally.”

"Oh, send someone? Who?"

After saying this, Lin Feng frowned slightly, because he felt that the available people around Da Mimi should be those few, either Xiaoyan or Rejie. At this time, Xiaoyan estimated that He probably won't show up.

Therefore, what he is most worried about is that the person sent by Damimi is Rejie. If this is the case, then they may really start to have some trouble if they have to deal with it.

"It's a young man named Rejie. He was in the restaurant today. He deliberately blocked us and then stopped us. He talked a lot here. But I think it feels very strange. He and Reba were obviously They are a biological brother and sister, but he talks about his sister as useless, as if she is an evil sinner."

"What is he talking about? Is everything he says bad things about her to you?"

"Anyway, Lin Linzongzong said a lot at the time, and most of the meaning was that he was an ungrateful person, and you were also an ungrateful person. He just wanted to tell me that if I continue to cooperate with you, there will be no good end. Yes, I just listened very carefully at that time, so it is necessary for me to tell you all these things again."

"Besides these, didn't he say anything else?"

"No, Rejie only told us this at that time. He didn't say much else. Therefore, I think it is necessary to explain it to you now. Also, how are you going to deal with this matter next?"

"Why did he just find one person to come out? What about the others? She hasn't done anything? Normally, she should have contact with you again."

"I don't know about this, but we need to speed up the progress now. We have another task. We may be ready to leave here next week, so we can't waste any more time here. , tomorrow, I will release the news, and then say that I will continue to cooperate with your Maple Forest Culture, and I have obtained the consent of the headquarters. If she does not come to me, then I will release the news. If he comes to see her, then naturally I will have a detailed interview with her." (End of Chapter)

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