"Okay, if there are any problems, we will agree like this first, but in the end, you remember to give her this opportunity."

"Don't worry, I can even imagine what kind of problems she will pose for us later. However, we have already prepared for these, so there is no need to worry about these at all. Well, if anything happens, we will Just keep in touch, that’s all.”

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone directly. However, this call made Lin Feng's heart feel like it was hanging again.

He knew that Rejie had started to help the evildoers, and even couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and south. However, he didn't expect that it would reach this point. In order to let Da Mimi fulfill his wish, he would start to slander his sister?

"What's wrong? Is something the matter? Did you call over there? Isn't it Sister Mi's side that has already begun to take action?"

Reba just noticed that he was answering the phone here, but it seemed that he was not in a very good mood when answering the phone, so Reba was vaguely aware of some changes in his plan.

"Yes, Da Mimi has indeed begun to make moves. Moreover, she did not come forward in person this time, but took photos of someone. I believe you should know who this person is."

"My brother, Rejie, right?"

"Yes, it's Re Jie, but I didn't take Re Jie into consideration at first. I just felt that Re Jie is currently filming his own movie on the set, and it's about business matters, especially the company's core businesses. , Normally, Damimi would not let Rejie participate, but now this change has happened, so I don’t know what to do for a while. "

"What did you ask him to say? Was he planning to increase the price, or was he offering them more favorable terms?"

"If we just bring these reasons to Da Mi, I think we can handle this matter. But the key problem is that everything he says now is bad things about both of us, including how you betrayed Da Mi. Regarding Mi Company, including how I betrayed Dami and how I treated her and the children, all he said were trivial things."

After saying this, Reba was just stunned for a moment. She just knew that her brother might have complained about her, but she never thought that his complaints were so deeply hidden.

"Did he tell the other party personally?"

"Yes, he said it all himself, so I don't know how to deal with it for a while. Now, I can only see what you mean. If you think this matter is unacceptable, then I I will find a way to find someone to deal with it, and I will also find a way to lure Rejie away so that he can’t get involved in such a thing again.”

"Everything is going according to the original plan, and these things cannot be taken into account, because Rejie has now become a time bomb, and even he is my opposite. If he is not allowed to suffer some losses, maybe, He never realizes what he’s doing.”

"If you do this, you will also involve Rejie in this trap in the end. Will you regret it then? Moreover, if Rejie knows the truth, will he hate you even more?" "Hate me, do you think?" , doesn’t he hate me now? Let me tell you, he also hates me now, but I don’t know the extent to which he hates me. Anyway, instead of it being like this, then I might as well be cruel , continue to stick to these things.”

"Reba, maybe I didn't think too much before, and I didn't think it would reach this stage in the end. If I had known that this was the case, I would have never let you get involved."

"It doesn't matter. Now that I have boarded your pirate ship, if I think about it again, it is simply impossible. However, fortunately, I have been mentally prepared. This is nothing to me."

"Okay, I understand, then I know what to do next. Moreover, now he only comes from the front line, and I believe that Da Mimi does not put all her hopes on Re Jie, she just I want to use Rejie’s words to dispel the other party’s doubts.”

"That means Sister Mi will still make some moves in the next day or two, right?"

"That's right, based on what I know about her, she will definitely take action. This matter will never just go by."

"Well, if he takes action, then as you said, the troops will come to block the water and the earth will cover them up. Everything we are speculating now has no meaning at all. We have to wait until there is real action over there. Only after the news comes out can we make other plans."

"Let me tell you, things shouldn't wait too long. The foreign people I hired should leave for home next week. It is said that they have taken on a new task, so this Within a week, there will be a critical breakthrough.”

"What? A week? But today is already Tuesday, which means we only have three days, right?"

"That's right, there are only three days. If Da MiMi cannot successfully enter the trap in these three days, then things will be more troublesome later. Therefore, these three days are all important to us. This is a very critical time period.”

"Then we must take action tomorrow, and if Sister Mi doesn't take action again, we will also send out some signals. At the very least, we must publicize our cooperation with those consortiums in a high-profile manner. Only in this way can we It can really stimulate Sister Mi. Once I really stimulate Sister Mi, I believe that he and she will definitely unleash their movements."

"This is the last resort. I just feel that Da Mimi will not simply arrange Re Jie out, and then, through some intervention by Re Jie alone, want to influence the outcome of this matter. Let me tell you, She will never be that simple, she must have other methods behind her."

"Yes, I am also so artificial. I just feel that Re Jie is too innocent in this matter. But I feel a little disgusting. I did not expect that Sister Mi would include Re Jie in this matter again. I also I thought she would just put him on the set while filming the movie, and not be too involved in other things." (End of Chapter)

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