"How is that possible? Now, with great difficulty, Rejie has become full of illusions and even full of trust in him. If he doesn't make good use of this chess piece at this time, wouldn't all the previous efforts have been wasted?"

"It seems that we really have time to talk to Rejie about this matter. In addition, there is another point. If Sister Mi really falls into our trap this time, her company will fall into In the midst of a great crisis, at this time, Rejie will definitely hate me even more. If I reach out to give him a hand at this time, tell me whether he will recognize my love."

"I don't know your brother's character very well, and I don't know if he can do such a thing at this time. If it was in Da Mimi's company, when it was the most stable, his running away from there might be a problem. If others see it, this is ungrateful and treacherous. If Rejie is not such a person, I believe that if you give him the temptation of profit, it will be impossible for him to get out of that place."

"Actually, of course I know my own brother best, but there is no other way. At this point, I have no other better way to go. Today's incident is like a drama. I I am indeed a little tired, I want to rest early."

In fact, Reba is not tired, she just doesn't want to continue talking about this topic. Moreover, if she discusses too much, it seems that in the end, everything will be boiled down to herself. This is the last thing she wants to see at the moment. a little bit.

Rejie's changes have caused Reba to endure a lot of pain in the world, and she doesn't know what changes will happen in the future. However, there is only one thing that he always remembers in his heart, that It's just that Rejie must not move easily at this time.

Even if two people are lying on the bed back to back, in fact, they each have their own thoughts in their hearts.

Reba didn't fall asleep for a long time. Lin Feng just looked at the time quietly. It was already 2:00 in the morning. He could feel that Reba was still tossing and turning, as if she was still thinking about something.

Reba may have never experienced such a big thing before, but since Rejie returned to China, one thing after another made her really overwhelmed.

In the past, the glamorous star life was now gradually getting further and further away from Reba. Moreover, she didn't know at all whether Reba regretted choosing to be with her at this time.

If he hadn't chosen to be with him, maybe he would have another life and another attitude now, and he wouldn't have to live so hard.

After Lin Feng thought of this, he quietly hugged Reba into his arms from behind. Reba felt his warm chest. However, Reba did not speak. It was not until she was close to him that Lin Feng could understand I heard something like a slight sobbing sound from Reba's side.

So Lin Feng quietly reached out and touched the corners of her eyes. Moreover, the pillow next to her had already been soaked with tears.

"I know that you feel very uncomfortable in your heart. Moreover, I don't know how we should choose at this moment. Things have reached this point. If we continue to do this, then all our efforts will probably be in vain. It's all in vain." "I still say the same thing, you don't have to think too much about me. I have personal emotions now. These are normal. After all, he is my biological brother. There are some things that I can't accept at once. , but I believe that as time goes by, I will slowly be able to understand all this and what is going on. You can continue with your own affairs now. Don’t worry about anything else, and don’t think about anything. Enough."

"Reba, let me tell you the truth. You can tell me the truth now. Do you feel regretful if the two of us were together?"

After saying this, Reba suddenly turned her head, and then looked at Lin Feng seriously.

"What are you talking about? Regret? Do you think I, Reba, may regret the decision I made? What I was interested in at that time was you. Since I chose to be with you, then I don't care about the road ahead. No matter how difficult it is, I will definitely accompany you and go on as always, and I will never have any regrets."

"Okay, if you don't regret it, then just pretend that I didn't tell you these things. Okay, don't think about anything. Go to sleep and close your eyes. If you really can't sleep, then, Just count the numbers silently in your heart, I believe they are not very many, and you will definitely be able to fall asleep slowly, because we still have a lot to do tomorrow."

"Okay, I see."

Reba nodded, then reached out and gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. He had to work hard to be strong. Moreover, if he fell down at this time, what would happen next? Do it?

Early in the morning of the second day, Da MiMi sent Yueyue to the kindergarten early. In fact, in normal times, servants at home would send Yue Yue there, but today, for some unknown reason, Da MiMi wanted to do it on a whim. Send your daughter to the kindergarten by hand, and then watch her disappear from front of you. Perhaps, only in this way can you get some comfort in your heart.

Da Mimi took out the phone and then called Xiaoyan. At this time, it was only 7:30 in the morning. If based on previous normal inferences, Xiaoyan should have arrived at the company by this time. She is the company every time. Went there first.

"Hey, Sister Mi, what's wrong? Is there anything going on this morning? Haven't you come to the company yet?"

"From your tone, it sounds like you should have arrived at the company by now, right?"

"Yes, I've been here a long time ago. I just went downstairs to have breakfast, so I just returned to the office. Sister Mi, what can you tell me?"

"Last night, Rejie had contacted me. He said that he had met the people from the consortium. Of course, he could tell all the things he was hiding in his heart. However, I don't know what he said. As for what effect these words can have in front of those people, and whether they can get involved in this matter, I still have no idea at all." (End of Chapter)

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