"Oh, Sister Mi, this matter you are talking about, Rejie actually called last night, and the two of us chatted for a long time, and do you know? After he told all these things, he felt He is very regretful, he has no idea how far he has pushed the situation, and he seems to be worried about what will happen to Maplewood Culture in the end."

"After all, the love between brother and sister is deep. No matter what the surface attitude is, no matter how much he hates his sister now, in the end, he doesn't want to push his sister to a dead end. Maybe he wants to do it on a small scale. Punish him."

"Yes, when he said this, I just actively comforted him and asked him not to think so much, and then avoided the topic as quickly as possible. But I felt that if this was really the case, I would be worried about this Rejie In the long run, he is not the person we really want to use, and in the end, he may actually stand on his sister's side."

"I don't need to think too much about this matter. Moreover, if I don't speak now, it has no meaning at all. No matter where he ends up, then he will always be my person. This, he is sure It won’t change.”

"Yes, that's what I mean. Sister Mi, where are you going this morning? Do you still need me to go with you again? Is it some of the things I prepared before?"

"That's right, that's it. Now, put them back in their place. After we finish handling the matter here, we will rush over immediately for your turn."

"Okay, then I understand Sister Mi."

After making this phone call, Damimi felt a lot more relieved. In any case, the brick he ran out of now had its true meaning.

But regardless of whether he can really decide all this in the end, it doesn't seem to be that important to him anymore.

Da Mimi came to the hotel where the consortium and the others were staying in a dusty state. In the past, they always called to meet at a meeting place, but this was the first time that she took the liberty to come here directly.

Fortunately, the room number had been known before, so Da Mimi found the room where the leader of their consortium, the largest person in charge of the consortium, was located.

After arriving outside the door, he just rang the doorbell gently and heard a reply from inside. Then, after waiting for a minute, he probably saw someone walking over in a hurry, so he opened the door with his hand. opened.

After opening it, he took a look. At this time, the man was still sleeping on a couch. Judging from his appearance, he probably hadn't gotten up yet at this time.

"You, why are you here?"

When he saw the big boobs suddenly appearing in front of him, to be honest, he was not surprised at all. He just didn't expect her to start acting so quickly.

It seemed that his analysis was basically on par with Lin Feng's. At this time, Da Mimi could no longer hold his breath. "I'm sorry, I'm a little disturbed by my sudden visit so early in the morning. However, the matter is urgent now. Can I come into the room and have a brief chat with you?"

"Okay, there's no problem with this. However, it's a little inconvenient to be in the room. In addition, I can't make the decision on some things by myself. If you really want to talk about this cooperation, then, let's talk to someone next to you. In the conference room, you go and wait for a while while I gather them all, and then we can discuss it together, okay?"

"No, actually, I just want to talk to you alone. Then, I don't force you to do anything. I just want to express everything you want to express. There are no other requirements."

"How is that possible? Each of us is an independent person in private. Moreover, the only way we can feel this is that we inadvertently don't want to meet anyone. We can't meet with me or our cooperative clients. Yes, so if you really want to talk, you must use your true identity and let the four of us talk at the same time. Otherwise, there is no meaning for you to be here now. Then you see, do you choose to talk or say no? talk?"

At this point, if Damimi gives up again, wouldn't it mean that he has run a long circle in vain? Therefore, whether he is facing one person or four people, Da Mimi has no choice but to continue the conversation directly.

"Okay, then you just clean up the room briefly. I'll go to the conference room next to you and wait for a while. After all of us are here, we will discuss it in detail."

After finishing speaking, the man just nodded, acquiescing to Da Mimi's words. Then, when they stood at the door and saw Da Mimi walking into the conference room at the end of the corridor, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, after returning to the room, he notified everything. After briefly washing up in the bathroom, the group finally came to the conference room next door.

After seeing him come in, Da Mimi hurriedly stood up from her seat. The man just nodded, and then they sat on both sides of the long conference table as representatives of both parties.

However, at this time, Da Mimi seemed a little weak. Facing representatives of four consortiums alone, it was indeed an unprecedented experience for him to say this.

However, Da MiMi was fortunately well prepared before coming, and he also knew what the real purpose of coming here was.

"Actually, even if you don't come to me, we will formally send you a written notice this morning, which means that our cooperation may end here. Sorry, I may not be able to help you this time. You, but it doesn’t matter. When we have other projects in this place in the future, we will first consider your company.”

It's good now. Before Da Mimi could tell her true thoughts, that person had already taken the initiative to tell them their true situation. Moreover, Da Mimi could basically guess that what he informed at this time What exactly will the content be.

"Okay, actually, you don't need to explain all these words to me, and I can think of what you are telling me, because you have now made a complete choice to cooperate with Lin Feng, right? In other words, the cooperative enterprise you finally chose is Maplewood Culture?" (End of Chapter)

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