"8 million yuan of funds? If it is really taken out, then I am afraid that in the end, she will be ruined and worthless."

"Yes, that's it. So, I want to ask you, how should we deal with the 800 million in funds in the later period? According to the contract we agreed on before, it is only an import and export trade project, but This project will basically never see the light of day, and it can be said to be doomed.”

"Okay, I know, hasn't the final decision been made yet? If I make any changes before the decision is made, I will notify you in time. If I do not notify you, then you will follow our original plan With so much money, she has really emptied the company's entire fortune. If her company wants to continue operating in the future, it can be said to be difficult, and there is no way to fight back. "

"Yes, in fact, this is what the real situation means. Therefore, the final decision-making power does not lie with the headquarters at all, but only with you. That's fine. What we should say and do is basically the same. Yes, according to the original plan, we will tell her the final result of the cooperation before 12 o'clock tonight, and then we will sign the final contract within one day tomorrow. In other words, by tomorrow night at the earliest, This matter will come to an end.”

"Okay, I understand, that's it."

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng hung up the phone, but after hanging up, he felt that his heart was beating non-stop, and it was like a deer, beating around in his heart.

This is a capital of 8 million yuan. If it is really two or three billion, maybe Damimi can still persist for a while, but the 8 million yuan of funds will be wasted in vain, and when the time comes, Damimi will be able to hold on for a while. How to do this?

Obviously, all her current projects must be stopped immediately, and then the funds can be raised.

"What's wrong? Has Sister Mi already taken action? It seems that she is really a little unsteady. If this is really the case, then I believe that within the next two days, things should be settled. There will be results.”

Although Reba, who was sitting next to her, said she did not hear the content of their conversation on the phone, she could basically guess it through her facial expression at this time.

"That's right, she has now begun to sink deeper and deeper into the situation, and she has already put in a desperate effort. Do you know? The total amount she has to bear should be as much as 8 million yuan."

"What did you say? 8 million yuan of funds? As far as I know, the money in the company account is impossible to reach this amount. Now she casually takes out 8 million yuan of funds. It is obvious, Sister Mi It is necessary to stop all projects and put all these funds into the account."

"Yes, how to raise and save this amount of money is her business. I believe that after this matter is over, her company will not be able to operate at all, even if it is to be operated. Then, we can only go back to the original state, where a small studio supports two or three actors and accumulates its own capital bit by bit."

"That is indeed a bit troublesome. Otherwise, we should give up, or reduce this proportion to a minimum. In this case, she can bear less. At least, she will not suffer such heavy losses as now." At this time, if such a change really happens, Da Mimi will definitely arouse suspicion. By then, we will definitely not be able to do it, so now we can only do this. But, it doesn't matter, if she is desperate in the end To the point where I want to take some of the funds from my company and temporarily lend them to her for working capital.”

"Haha, okay, of course there is no problem with this. What you want to do is your business, but don't you think this is a bit too roundabout? Moreover, it is obviously you who got her into this situation, but you To drag her down again, what is your purpose in doing this?"

"I don't know exactly what I want to do. Maybe, I also have a strong desire to win. I just want to win this game personally. There is no way. Things have reached this point. We can't do any more. Okay. Well, since that's the case, I've decided, 8 million is 8 million, and in the end I won't just watch her reach the final stage of death."

Lin Feng had made up his mind, and the fire of hope was gradually rising in his heart. He also knew that once something is formed, it is basically a certainty that it cannot be changed if it is changed.

Da Mimi hurried back to the company in an excited mood. She even opened the door of Xiaoyan's office before returning to her office.

At this time, Xiao Yanzheng was sorting out relevant documents and contracts in the room. After watching Da Mimi open the door and walk in, she just stood up from her seat excitedly, because she had seen Da Mimi at this time. On his expression, it seemed that he did see some hope.

"Sister Mi, how's it going? Have you discussed it with them in detail? Also, have they decided to hand over this project to our company this time?"

"Currently, the final results have not been obtained, but they have promised me one last chance to follow the preferential conditions I proposed to them, and then submit all these plans to the headquarters for confirmation again. I believe our chances this time should be very great.”

"Great, Sister Mi, if that's the case, do we have a chance to turn around? Wait a minute, what did you just say? Favorable conditions? What's wrong, what conditions did you provide the other party? Is it money? Did you go and impress these people?"

"Do you think they are a bunch of people who are short of money? To be able to invest heavily in such a big project here, I am sure they won't be short of money. However, I think I have to show my sincerity. They are interested in it." Yes, isn’t that the point? So, I have increased the share ratio, plus other things, to 8 million in funds.”

After hearing this, Xiaoyan suddenly widened her eyes in surprise. Moreover, after being in the company for so many years, she was also very aware of the company's accounting problems. Of the 8 million in funds, the amount that could be misappropriated from the account at this time would not exceed 8 million, million, how can you get so much money in a short period of time? (End of chapter)

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