"Sister Mi, are you crazy? With so many former friends, how can we have so much money? Moreover, this kind of contract takes effect immediately. Once signed, we will have three working days to Within, no more than 7 days at the longest, the money must be put into the project.”

"I understand, so the biggest thing I came here for is to negotiate with you about this money and how we should solve it. Then, I will bring all the financial statements over and I will check them carefully. .”

"Sister Mi, even if you dig out everything, it will be impossible for us to raise 8 million yuan in a short period of time."

"Ignore that for now. This is what they value now. If I can't even get a penny out in the later stage, then how should they cooperate with me? By then, we won't even have the slightest chance. None, we have to fight for these ourselves now.”

"Okay, I understand, Sister Mi. Then you go back to the office. I will discuss it with the finance department, and then sort out all the accounts as soon as possible. You wait in the office for a while and I will get them all for you. .”

After hearing this, Damimi just nodded slightly. How could she not know the real situation? The company can be said to have many places to invest now. If all the 8 million yuan is really used, the company will be unable to turn over.

However, this is the only opportunity to realize her dream, and if she misses this opportunity, it can be said that there will be no chance at all in the future. Therefore, she must take this seriously.

After returning to the office, after waiting here for about half an hour, Da Mimi saw Xiaoyan following the financial manager, and the two of them entered her room directly.

The financial manager held a thick set of accounts in his hands. When he arrived, he directly placed his accounts in front of Da MiMi.

"Sister Mi, according to your request, I have sorted out all the company's accounts for this year, including our expenses and our income. Now it can be reflected in some of the statements. I have some Electronic version, if you need it, I can turn on the computer now and let you take a look."

"No need. If you show me these things now, I can't understand them at all. Besides, I'm not in the mood to read them here. Let me ask you, how much funds are currently available in the account?"

"Sister Mi, in fact, just now, Xiaoyan has roughly told me the situation. We currently have a total of 1 million in funds that we can use in our current accounts. These are all used by our daily flow. Some account funds, but Sister Mi, you have to raise 3 million in funds this time, Sister Mi, this is indeed a very difficult thing for us to handle."

"I don't care whether you say it can be done or not, but I have only one request, at least within three days, to turn around all the 8 million yuan, no matter what method you use."

"Sister Mi, if you want to raise these funds, it doesn't mean that there is no way at all. At present, we have a total of 7 movies in hand, and then there are a total of 6 TV series being filmed, plus If we take back some of the things we invested before, we should be able to get back some 7 million in scattered funds within three days."    "Around 7 million, plus the money on the books , that is to say, if we collect enough 8 million yuan, it shouldn’t be a big problem, right?”

"Yes, there will definitely be no problem in the short term, but our requirement is that these funds must be recovered within two months, otherwise, all our businesses will be terminated. At present, it is only a temporary relief phase. If all the funds cannot be recovered after two months, we will be in a desperate situation."

"Two months should not be a big problem, because after two months, their funds will also be deposited into this account. At that time, we can temporarily withdraw part of our money, so that we can fully understand the situation." Unconsciously, once the film and television city is launched and established, we may not be able to estimate the intangible benefits that the film and television city will bring."

"Sister Mi, are you saying that the management rights will fall into our hands in the end? In other words, what the film and television city wants to do, then, it is entirely our company that has the final say? The approximate completion time of this project is how long?"

"That's right, the later management rights are in our hands. They will only be responsible for the share. They are not actually living and managing here. In addition, once the funds for this project are received, they will work day and night. In about 10 months at most, this film and television city should be officially established."

"Once the film and television city is established, there will be huge business opportunities, including the joining of some advertisers and the entry of some merchants. All of these will require funds. Within a short period of time, We could see a huge amount of money coming back.”

"Yes, that is to say three months. There should be no problem after less than 10 months. Therefore, you don't have to worry about the return of the money now. It's just that some temporary difficulties may ruin it. Let’s release some movies and TV series, but there is no other way, let’s release all those transfer rights.”

"Okay, Sister Mi, if you are confident about this, then 8 million yuan should be nothing to our company. I will immediately coordinate with various project teams, and then negotiate with them in detail to strive for three I’ll get this money together for you within a few days.”

"Okay, that being said, it seems that there should be no problem with the funds. Okay, then you can go about your business. I will contact you if anything happens."

After explaining all this, the financial manager hurriedly hugged his documents and left from here.

Although the pressure on the company was indeed great in the short term, after all, he had seen a lot of hope from Da MiMi.

Funding difficulties must be temporary, so once the funds are turned around in the later period, their company will operate more prosperously. (End of chapter)

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