"Sister Mi, it seems that the problem should be solved, but can these things really go as smoothly as we imagined, and then, can we get what we want smoothly?"

"Otherwise, the project has been basically confirmed now, and I feel that there should be no big problem. Those people are indeed financially strong. It is not that we have not conducted background checks on them. Could it be that this Do you still have any doubts?"

"No, I'm not saying that I have some doubts about this aspect. Why do I always feel that this thing seems to come from a little too smoothly, and the risks I take are some too big. Before, it was two to three billion, and we were okay for the time being. Take a risk, but now you have 8 million in funds."

After hearing this, Da Mimi just smiled slightly. In fact, she had not thought about Xiaoyan's current worries. However, after so many years of doing business, what kind of storms had she not experienced?

"Xiaoyan, don't you know there is a saying that wealth is gained through danger? If we don't even have this ability and this courage at this time, then how should we continue to cooperate with these people? What? There is no hope at all."

"Yes, Sister Mi, but in principle it can be understood this way. However, the key problem is that we don't know these people at all and what they want. Also, we gave out so much money for no reason until the later stage. When the share ratio comes into being, how should you deal with it when you have this funding?"

"Also, don't forget, the actual management control will still be in our hands. We are here to help them run the business, but in the end they get more money. Don't you think this will It will be more troublesome.”

"Haha, Xiaoyan, do you think I haven't thought about these issues? Moreover, we are actually operating here, and they are just foreigners. Moreover, why do they want to find cooperative enterprises locally? It's because they are here He has no business qualifications, so he must entrust it to me. As for how to control this matter in the later stage, it is up to us to have the final say."

After saying this, Xiaoyan seemed to slowly understand, but she was still vaguely worried. However, Xiaoyan knew that these worries no longer constituted a big threat to Da Mimi.

"Well, since Sister Mi is so sure that she can complete this matter smoothly, I think the problem is not that big. They said that the results can be obtained today, right?"

"Yes, they said that the results should be available tonight or before early tomorrow morning. Therefore, I will not go anywhere today. I will wait patiently for the results here. Once confirmed, we will start legal affairs immediately tomorrow. Let’s get together, and then finalize this contract as soon as possible. Once the contract is signed, then this matter is a certainty and there can be no more ties.”

"Well, it seems that I don't need to go back today. It just so happens that I will accompany you here to get off work. We will witness this sacred highlight moment together until the end. By the way, Rejie, we should what to do?"

"Relaying this news to Re Jie means that things have made great progress at present. Moreover, we must tell Re Jie that he played a key and decisive role this time. Do you understand?"

"But, Sister Mi, based on my superficial analysis, it seems that Rejie's visit to them at that time played a very small role. It didn't have much effect."

"Even if it doesn't happen again, then we have to continue talking to him according to this meaning. Therefore, we must make Rejie firmly feel that he is more and more sorry for Reba, and we must make her think that this time she actually Even if he is helping me, without Rejie, his sister's company would not be at this stage."    "Then will this feeling of guilt and guilt in his heart become even deeper? And for What kind of favorable conditions will we have in the future?"

"Everything is man-made. When the critical moment comes, I will tell you everything seriously. You don't need to worry about anything now. Just follow the way I told you, and then continue to do it. I believe that our matter should be solved."

"Okay Sister Mi, then I know what I should do next. I will go to Rejie later and share the news with him, so that he can hurry up and return to the set to make a good movie. Let him not interfere with the company's affairs for the time being."

"No, you are wrong. This matter must be done by him from beginning to end. If you are optimistic about this film and television city project once it is launched, all its films will be put into film and television to prove it. And I am ready to Let this festival serve as the executive manager of the studio.”

"You, what are you talking about? Letting Rejie be the executive manager, sister Mi, is this a bit too hasty? Moreover, he is just a fledgling college student with basically no life experience. At this time, you are considering such an important thing. The burden is placed on him, can he be qualified for this role?"

"What will happen if there is no child? He is just an executive manager, do you understand? What is an executive manager, that is to say, he performs the tasks above, and I will be the one to actually give the order. "

"Oh, so that's it."

"In addition, there is another point. Once the film and television city is established, I must arrange for my confidants to go to the film and television city and manage it carefully. After all, the next 50% of our key projects will be placed here in the film and television city, so , when the time comes, you and Re Jie will help complete this matter. I believe that under our management, the film and television city can only get better and better."

"Okay, I understand, Sister Mi, I'll go over first. If anything happens, I'll come over and tell you. I'll order some takeout tonight, and the two of us can just have a bite together in the office. .”

"Okay, then go ahead. I'll have to call home later and tell Yueyue to stop waiting for me tonight. Okay, you can go and do your work."

After Da Mimi finished speaking, she just waved her hand, and then Xiaoyan stood up and left.

However, Da Mimi felt as if she had taken a reassurance at this time. She felt as if everything was coming due to her own efforts. (End of chapter)

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