Of course, now that Xiaoyan returns, the first thing she needs to do is tell the news to Re Jie. After all, Re Jie is a person who has experienced it firsthand, and she believes that Re Jie is also waiting on the set at this time. With this news.

After two calls, Re Jie quickly answered the call. Under normal circumstances, Re Jie rarely held his mobile phone in his hand on the set, but at this moment, he was indeed a little confused. Damn, even though I was there, my heart seemed not to be there.

"Hey, Xiaoyan, how are you? Is there anything going on over there now?"

In the first sentence of the call, before Xiaoyan even opened her mouth, Rejie immediately asked her question anxiously.

He heard Xiaoyan giggling for a while on the phone. Of course, after hearing the laughter, he seemed to feel his heart gradually relax.

"What are you doing? Why are you laughing? Besides, is there anything you are happy about? From your tone, I guess there is nothing wrong with it, right?"

"That's right, let me tell you, I just came out of Sister Mi's office, and I also chatted with Sister Mi for a long time. This time, you really made a great contribution, just because of your remarks yesterday, now , the other party has begun to change."

"What? Changed? Has this changed? Has he decided to give up Lin Feng's Maplewood culture and turn around to cooperate with us?"

"Right now, this decision has not been made. They just said that they want to give us another chance, and then report everything they saw and heard to the headquarters, and then let the headquarters make a final decision. No. It will definitely be an opportunity for Lin Feng to become independent."

"Great, what are the chances of doing this? Did Sister Mi say anything?"

"Well, almost, it has to be 70 to 80 percent. I estimate that it should be like this. However, we have tried our best, but we can't get more hope. Now, we can be given another chance, and it is also To be honest, it is very, very difficult to improve our chances so much. Sister Mi said that this time it is really thanks to you. Without you, it would be impossible to reach where we are today."

"What are you talking about? How could I have reached this point if it wasn't for me? Moreover, let me tell you, I just did what I should do in this matter. To be honest, I don't feel that I paid too much. of."

"If that's the case, then it seems that you have really made a great contribution this time. Tell me, what do you want to do? What reward do you want? If you want any reward, I will try my best to satisfy you. Of course , Sister Mi will definitely give you some rewards."

"Now, don't be too happy too early. And, let me tell you, even if you are happy too early, it doesn't make any sense. After all, the final result has not come out yet. By the way, has the other party said what the final result will be? When will it appear? I can no longer hold back the excitement in my heart, and I really want to get the final news as soon as possible."

"I have already asked Sister Mi. Because there is a time difference between them and us. We are at work at this time, and their place should be at night. So, the fastest, it should be before early morning tomorrow. It should be, The results will be given over there." "Before the early morning? That's about the same now, there are still about 10 hours, okay, then we will wait patiently. When the final results come out, you must tell me as soon as possible, you know Really? I’m really confused here, and I don’t even know what I should do.”

"Why am I not like this? So, tonight, I decided not to leave the company. I will accompany Sister Mi in the company, waiting patiently to see what the final result will be. You are also waiting for the news over there. That’s it.”

"No, after I finish here, I will rush over as soon as possible in the evening, and then meet you. In addition, neither of you should leave the company, right? That's just in time. When I pass by, Let me bring you something to eat, there are some special snacks here, I have eaten them a few times, and they taste really good."

"Ah, please stop running back and forth. If you run like this, it won't be enough for you. Just stay on the set. Besides, the weather has become a little warmer in the past two days, so you should also pay attention to yourself. The body cannot just be devoted to work, do you understand?"

"Haha, don't worry. I'm very aware of my own body. There shouldn't be any problems. That's fine. Those are the things. That's it. After the night is over, there should be no night show today. I just have time to rush there, and after we meet there, we will discuss it in detail, that’s it.”

After saying that, he hung up the phone directly.

Xiaoyan was relieved. In any case, she had successfully completed the task that Da MiMi had assigned her, and there were no major changes in the process.

Sitting here, Da Mimi seems to feel a lot more relaxed, because once this thing is successful, the company will enter a new stage, and he will be even busier by then. However, he is now weighing Rights, should this Yueyue stay with me?

Obviously, if Yueyue stays with her all the time, then she may not be able to spare much time to be with Yueyue. However, if she does not keep Yueyue by her side, could it be that, Do you really want to send her to Lin Feng?

The last time Reba and Yueyue were together was still fresh in Da Mimi's memory, and she felt that it wouldn't be that simple for that woman to really take care of the child.

If every time, it is just for a face-to-face meeting, or to inquire about the military situation, there will definitely be no problem. It will truly allow her to take on the responsibility of being a mother. Damimi believes that at present, according to Reba's ability, she should still do it Less than that.

She checked the time. It should be almost noon now, and the child should be in kindergarten at this time. Therefore, Da Mimi called the kindergarten teacher directly, and then asked Yueyue to answer the phone.

"Hey, Mom, why are you calling me at this time? Is there something urgent?" (End of Chapter)

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