"Yueyue, mom wants to tell you that a very important customer came to mom's side tonight, so mom needs to do some business with them, so she may go home very late tonight, so Yue Please don’t wait for mom today, just go to bed early and rest.”

"Oh, okay, then I understand, mom, then, can I call dad tonight? I don't have much to do alone."

"Okay, no problem. If you want to call, just call him. However, you must go to bed early and go to bed on time at 9:00. Remember, you must wash up. Do you understand?"

"Okay, I understand, mom. I will be obedient when the time comes. Goodbye, mom."

Now, Da Mimi has acquiesced that she can make this call to Lin Feng, and she is naturally very, very happy in her heart.

In the past few days, Yueyue was really holding back her nerves. She really wanted to make this call to Lin Feng and then listen to her father's voice. Although it was true that they parted on bad terms in the mall that day.

At that time, she was indeed very angry, but it only happened one night. On the second day, Yueyue forgot about it in the blink of an eye. She still felt that it would be better if she stayed with her father. Some.

Everyone is waiting for the last moment, of course, Lin Feng and Reba are no exception. They are also waiting for the final news. However, this news has been destined by God, and no one can really change this result.

"How about, should we stay at the company tonight, or should we go home and wait for news?"

Reba walked to Lin Feng and whispered here. Lin Feng just raised his head and looked at her.

"This news has been destined by God. Do you think it will make any sense if we don't wait? By the way, didn't you say that Li Zifei has come to report today? She is here today No?"

"Here she comes. She has already come to report in the morning. However, I just put her in the office now. She will do odd jobs temporarily and then do some assistant work. At present, there is nothing deep. arrange."

"Actually, after I went back that day and thought about it carefully, I felt that Li Zifei's background was not that simple. Moreover, Da Mimi was able to place Li Zifei here, so she must be useful. So, I wanted to It leads here step by step."

"What do you mean? Bring me here? What do you want to do?"

"Have you ever thought that if Da Mimi really goes all out this time and loses so much money, then she will definitely launch a crazy revenge on me, and the first stage of revenge, and if the person who takes advantage of it , it should be this Li Zifei, so I must give her this opportunity, otherwise, I won't be able to see through him so quickly."

"But the key question is, if you do this now, will Li Zifei trust you?" "It doesn't matter, and what should I say and do, then I will naturally have a sense of proportion. In addition, there is one more thing, this At that time, Li Zifei must have wanted to actively complete the task, or actively rise to the top, so she would not think so much at all. I can see that this girl does not seem to have much experience in society. "

"Then what do you want to do next?"

"Don't you just want to get close to me, and then get some information? Well, then I will give her a chance. Simply, I will arrange her to be a secretary or assistant next to me. You What do you think? In this case, all my things will naturally be witnessed with your own eyes."

"Isn't it a little too reckless for you to do this? In addition, she really can get some information from you, including some of our confidential information, will she also steal it?"

"Cut the mess with a quick knife. At this time, we can no longer hesitate. Under this situation, I must give her enough opportunities, and only after giving her enough opportunities can I let him pass on this information. Pass it all to Mimi."

"Well, there is definitely no problem on my side, but remember, as long as he comes to you and does anything, you have to be careful. There are some things you can let him see, but, there are some things We can’t see it yet.”

"You also have a mission. Did Li Zifei come out of thin air? Or is he someone that Da Mimi has deliberately cultivated for a long time? Why did he suddenly undertake such a mission? In addition, there is another point. I I also want to tell you that if it was really just a character landing out of thin air, then Da Mimi’s suspicious character would never put such an important task on her. Therefore, I believe that there should be a relationship between her and Da Mimi. There is some kind of connection.”

"What you mean is that you want me to find out the people around her, or to find out what kind of background this Li Zifei is, right?"

"Yes, this is also very important for us to deal with things in the later stage. Moreover, I have never understood some of your company's personnel arrangements. Therefore, only you can better control this matter. .”

"Li Zifei, this name sounds a little strange to me. I have never heard of this name before, so forget it, let's not talk about it for now. I will think of a solution and then have a good chat with other colleagues. Let’s chat and see if we can find some clues. As long as there are clues, I will sort them out and analyze this person’s identity as soon as possible.”

"Okay, since that's the case, then, I won't say more about anything else. Then hurry up and let's start to act separately. Now go and call Li Zifei to the office. Then, I will have a good chat with her today. Let’s talk.”

Now, Lin Feng has made a decision. Since he wants to use this person, he must seize the opportunity. Moreover, he must not just sit back and wait here. "

He knew that it might be better for him to take the initiative and wait for Da Mimi's attack. Moreover, at least when he took the initiative to attack, the initiative should be in his own hands. (End of chapter)

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