"Ah, I, I still have my own independent office? It's really great. Brother Feng, you are not an assistant. I think I have almost become your secretary."

"No, there is still a certain difference between your business and that of the secretary. Therefore, you have not reached that level yet. Although you have come to my side, there is still a certain gap in your specific work division. Of course, if you later If you want to show off, it’s not like I can’t consider you being my secretary.”

"Okay Brother Feng, then this matter is settled. I will go over and prepare it right now. However, I don't have anything. When I come, I will bring a cushion and a water glass. The rest, I will I didn’t take anything. After all, I’m new here and don’t have any actual work experience.”

"By the way, I heard Reba say that it seems that when you first started, your choice was not Fenglin Culture, but went to Da Mimi's company, but why didn't you stay in that company? Logically speaking, If you want to pursue a career in acting, the platform provided by that company should be broader."

When she said this, Li Zifei was suddenly stunned. Moreover, she did not expect that she would take the initiative to tell her such a thing at this time.

"If that's the case, it's necessary for her to describe her true thoughts and some real situations to her in detail, and for other things, he doesn't need to ask more."

"Yes, in fact, when I came here, I didn't hide anything at all. Moreover, I completely expressed what I was thinking to Sister Reba. What I was interested in at that time was indeed rice. Mi's company, that well-known platform, is already in today's circle. Sister Mi's company can be said to be second to none. If you can join this company, even if you are an 18th-tier actor, I believe that there will be endless opportunities in the future. "

"However, I never expected that after I went in and talked with Da Mimi, I found out that Sister Mi turned out to be a very arrogant person. She would not take us, the new generation of actors, in her eyes at all, as if she was willing to He looked down on us, so he just wanted to tell me to let me go to the theater to play a few supporting roles first, and then make other arrangements."

"You have just graduated. After that, do you think we can really arrange a leading role for you right away? This is simply impossible. Walk-in is the only way for every actor. I think she arranged it this way. , it can be said that it is understandable, and there is no big problem.”

"Yes, normally speaking, this is indeed the case, and I was mentally prepared for this before coming here. However, the key problem is that in this situation, it is impossible for me to accept her attitude, because "She and Sister Reba have completely different attitudes toward me, and that kind of attitude makes me feel very disgusted."

"So, just because of this matter, you two had a big fight?"

"You can't say we were quarreling. After all, we are celebrities, and we are also the chairman of the company. We have to show off our arrogance. How could a shrew like me just yell at the street like this? I just couldn't bear it at the time, and besides, I His temper did not calm down, so some conflicts occurred.”

"Can't you see that you still have such a big temper at such a young age? So what, am I going to have to endure all this from now on?"

"No, no, brother Feng, don't worry, I will never make such a mistake again. Another point is that the attitude you all treat me and the attitude Da Mimi treated me at that time are completely different concepts. It's her that This attitude completely irritated me. Isn’t it just a star? What’s so great about it? So, I simply left. I believed that after leaving this company, I could find better development opportunities."       "Okay. , I won’t say much else. It just so happens that I have a movie and a TV series on hand. They are in the preparation stage for filming. If everything goes well, the filming will officially start early next month. These information are just in time for you. Help with categorizing and sorting. Also, since you are studying film and television acting in film studies, you will know a little bit about the sorting and sorting of these materials, right?"

"One of my major courses at the time was the classification and organization of film materials, so it shouldn't be very difficult for me."

"Okay, then you just tidy up, and then go to that office and wait. Wait, I will arrange for others to send all the relevant information to you, and then you can sort it out. For other things, you can do it now Don’t interfere for now, if there are any new tasks, I will contact you directly.”

"Okay Brother Feng, thank you Brother Feng. Don't worry, I will definitely cherish this opportunity. Thank you Brother Feng for giving me this opportunity. Then I will leave first."

Before Li Zifei finally left, she expressed her gratitude with several words of thanks. In fact, Lin Feng only listened on the surface. He knew that this girl's name was very profound and he should be able to tell it in a few simple sentences. Who is this person from?

I always felt that she seemed to be disguised in front of him, and when he first came in, Lin Feng paid special attention to her two fingers, although they were slender and very white.

However, Lin Feng could tell one thing. He could clearly see a circle of yellow between her index finger and middle finger. This should be a result of long-term smoking.

Just looking at her appearance, how could she associate smoking with such a beautiful woman? However, this was really the case, so he felt that it was all disguised.

In other words, it should be a very important thing for them to investigate the girl's true worth and background next, and he also felt that Reba should be able to do it well.

When it was time to get off work, Rejie brought some food and drinks according to the original plan, and then rushed directly to Da Mimi's company. After opening the door, he saw Da Mimi following Xiaoyan. , two people were sitting in front of the computer, seeming to be organizing something.

"Come on, Xiaoyan, Sister Mi. It just so happens that you two should stop being busy. I've brought all the things here. It should have almost cooled down on the way. Eat something while it's hot. If there is anything, wouldn’t it be ok to discuss it together after we have finished eating?” (End of Chapter)

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