Rejie was already familiar with this place, and he didn't feel unfamiliar at all, so after he came in, he walked straight to the table, and then placed the things he brought on the table.

"Wow, Rejie, what delicious food did you bring? Just after you came in, I immediately smelled the fragrance. It was already hitting my nostrils. Sister Mi, did you smell it?"

"Haha, you are a snack, you know how to eat. Yes, I did smell it. Moreover, I have been working all afternoon, and now I do feel hungry. Rejie, thank you for your hard work. I even asked you to come all the way to deliver food."

As she spoke, she followed Xiaoyan, then got up and walked over there. Finally, Rejie opened all the food on the table.

"This is a small restaurant that I often went to with the director of the film. Don't mention it. Although this small restaurant is inconspicuous and the food is not expensive, the key issue is that its taste is indeed very good, and It also allows us to feel at home when eating, which is completely different from the food cooked in a big restaurant."

"Really? I didn't expect that you would still gain some experience from eating here. In that case, I will also have a good taste of what you call the taste of home. In addition, Sister Mi, you have been a big help this time. , did you hear Xiaoyan call you to tell you about this?"

"Sister Mi, she has already told me, and she told me the first time. Sister Mi, I haven't congratulated you yet. At the very least, she has given us an excellent opportunity. Don't worry, this time we We will definitely win 100%, it’s just a matter of time, we just need to be patient and wait.”

"Rejie, although you have made great contributions this time and given our company this opportunity, the key issue is that the final decision-making power does not lie with a few people, but with the headquarters. It has been decided, so we still need to wait patiently. Of course, this time, if we still disagree with the cooperation, then I will indeed be helpless, and I can only let this matter go."

When Da Mimi said these things, it did seem to bring out a lot of helplessness. Of course, Rejie also saw all this. He knew very well what Da Mimi was thinking about at this time. Moreover, at this time, he What do you really want?

"Okay Rejie, no matter what, you have done everything you should do this time, and you have done it perfectly. It is true that people cannot be judged by their appearance, and the sea cannot be measured. I originally thought that you were just starting out, and you were not capable at all. Experience is definitely not enough for doing business, but I didn’t expect that your pointers would indeed play a key role.”

"Sister Mi, I can only say that I am trying my best now, and I have done everything I need to do. From now on, we can only resign ourselves to fate, but I think God will definitely take care of us. After all, , this is your lifelong dream, and I also want to help you realize it bit by bit."

"Okay, I understand, then let the three of us witness it together until the last moment. Of course, I still have one ugly thing to say. If this time it is really a failure, then any of us will No one can come in, after all, we will have another chance in the future, not just this one chance, do you understand?"

"Sister Mi, please stop talking about this. I'm almost starving to death. Let's hurry up and eat something. After eating, we still have some information that we need to sort out. If, today, we have really decided to If this cooperation right is handed over to us, then I am afraid that tonight will be a sleepless night for all of us, and we will have to work overtime until tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I get it. You're already hungry. That's alright. Rejie, sit down quickly. The three of us will eat and chat together. We'll make other decisions after we eat as quickly as possible."

Da Mimi just agreed, and finally, the three of them sat down and started eating.

It’s not just the three of them who are also in the company. Of course, in Fenglin Culture, Lin Feng and Reba did not leave the company. Because there are some other things that need to be arranged and sorted out later, this is also the most critical moment for them, and he does not want to waste time on it.

"I just went to the restaurant upstairs to buy some food. They are all your favorite dishes. There are not many things. You just have a simple bite. You can't stay up all night like this. Today, we may have to Stay here for a day and a night.”

The considerate Reba finished her work early, then went to the restaurant upstairs, packed some food in a thermos box for Lin Feng, and then delivered it to his desk.

After Lin Feng saw this, he just looked up at him, smiled, and then stood up from his seat and stretched for a long time.

"Don't tell me, I'm really a little hungry. Sorry, thank you for your hard work. Originally, I thought I could do it alone. Who knew, I've been busy until now, and I still need you to accompany me. You stay up late and work overtime here, originally, you could go back and have a good rest."

"Why rest? After I go back, I will be alone. There will be nothing to do, and..."

Before he finished speaking, his cell phone suddenly started ringing. Then, Lin Feng picked it up and looked at the phone number, and then reached out to Reba to signal.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"It's Yueyue. It's Yueyue who called me. You see, it's Yueyue's children's watch that made the call to me."

Lin Feng probably never dreamed that Yueyue would call him at this time. To be honest, he had been looking forward to this call for a long, long time.

"Then what are you doing in a daze? Take the time to put the phone through and see if the child has anything to tell you. I'm right next to you. If it's inconvenient, I can go to other rooms now."

"No, there's no need to hide this from you. Besides, we are a family now. Okay, just sit down and I'll turn on the speakerphone and we'll listen together."

As he spoke, Lin Feng directly pressed the answer button, and then turned on the hands-free switch next to him. (End of chapter)

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