"Reba, actually there is one thing, do you know? You do very well. You are considerate every time. Moreover, you always consider things from the perspective of others, never from your own perspective. This aspect makes me admire very much.”

"What's so admirable about this? These things shouldn't be like this. Okay, it's all in the past. Besides, I'm confident that Yueyue can slowly accept me. Don't worry."

"Okay, that's good, that's it, then hurry up and let's have something to eat. I estimate that after a while, the other side will give Damimi the fastest counterattack signal. By then, everything will be done tomorrow. It will be over before noon."

"I've been worried about Sister Mi. If I overreact, or overreact, this matter will be more troublesome. By the way, have you seen Li Zifei?"

"It's okay, but I can tell that this girl has a very deep character. She may even have deliberately hidden a lot of things in front of me. There is even some disguise involved."

"Hide? Disguise?"

"Yes, it is indeed like this. I have this feeling. I believe that my feeling, including my intuition, is definitely not a problem. However, she does not want to show her true colors now, but I know that one day, he She will eventually reveal her true face, and this is the time bomb she planted in me."

"If you want to put it that way, this person is indeed a bit dangerous. Shouldn't we think of a way to get this person to leave the company? Or should we find a justifiable reason?"

"No, she must not leave now. If she is here, I can counterattack Da MiMi. Therefore, she should still be of great use value to me. I will keep this person by my side slowly. Find a way to influence her, or even instigate her to rebel. The most important thing is that you must investigate her true identity as soon as possible."

"By the way, I suddenly remembered something, and I just found out about it this afternoon. I haven't had time to tell you yet. I checked it out, Li Zifei, and there is another person. This person should be with your sister. We are very familiar with each other, her name is Li Ziqiang and I told me through other channels."

"Li Zifei, Li Ziqiang, it's obvious. They should be brother and sister, or two siblings, right?"

"I heard them say that this Li Ziqiang has a sister, but no one knows what his sister does, and no one knows her sister's name, but I estimate that her biological sister should be Li Zifei."

"This Li Ziqiang, who is he? What kind of work is he responsible for there? Is there any necessary connection between them? It seems that you have never mentioned this name before?"

"She is not an employee of our company, she is considered a non-staff employee, and she is said to be a computer expert. But Sister Mi has been investing in his technology studios for so many years. I suspect that he should be secretly helping Mi Sister has done a lot of things, but I don’t know exactly what they did.” ˆ˜˜ˈˆ “Li Zifei, Li Ziqiang, haha, it’s interesting. By the way, this Li Ziqiang, he runs a technology company, right? Where is he? ?”

"It is said to be a company, but as far as I know, it seems to be just a small studio, hidden in a residential area. Basically, the business volume is not very large in normal times, but just Judging from the name, I guess what I should be doing is some computer related things."

"Okay, as for computers, it is equally important to us. Can we contact this person as soon as possible? I want to successfully instigate this person to my side. In this case, both of them, brother and sister, can Use it for me."

"I advise you not to say that. Moreover, Li Ziqiang is very stubborn. He only recognizes his master very loyally. He just regards Da Mimi as his master. Therefore, he will never betray Da Mi at this time. Mi, no matter how much money you give him, I’m afraid he will never be moved by it.”

"Yes, it is said that these intellectuals regard money as dirt. If we start now, I guess it should be like this. Forget it, let's just do this. We will no longer instigate rebellion. However, this matter will come to a certain point We believe that Li Zifei is 100% a pawn inserted by Da Mimi, and his so-called falling out with Da Mimi before in the company was just for a public performance."

"Yes, it should be like this. Only in this way can people gradually think that there is a deep conflict between Li Zifei and them, and it has absolutely nothing to do with Da Mimi. It's just a pity. In fact, as early as That person's identity was exposed a few years ago. Maybe Sister Mi has been busy with other things in the past few years and has gradually put this matter behind her."

"Right now, I'm just teaching her some other administrative tasks. To be honest, I'm just sorting out the files for movies and TV series. Of course, these are the next two movies we're going to shoot. I think these things Leave it to her and it should be handled without any problems."

"If you give those things to her, will she reveal some of the secrets? And, will she pass these things to Dami?"

"Okay, if she wants to pass it on, then she can pass it on as much as possible. Anyway, I don't value these things at all. I just want to find out about my reputation now. What is the level of filming in the first film? , in fact, it is not that important to us. What is important is that we have to put our names at the beginning and the end of the movie. At least let everyone know that we have begun to take the first step towards the film and television industry. .”

After hearing this, Reba just nodded in agreement. She knew that Lin Feng actually had his own ideas and thoughts.

Including, the plan he came up with before, when he saw it, he was very, very impressed. He didn't expect that in a short period of time, he could actually write such a perfect plan, which ordinary people simply couldn't do. Arrived. (End of chapter)

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