At this time, the wall clock on the wall pointed to 11:00 in the evening. In Da Mimi's office, the three of them sat on the same sofa one after another, holding mobile phones in their hands, but everyone knew that each other's My mood is very complicated, and I am not in the mood to read the content on these mobile phones at all.

At this time, Rejie suddenly stood up. He always felt that if a person continued to suffer like this, I am afraid that their spirit would completely collapse.

"Anyway, waiting here is just waiting. How about this? I'll get some playing cards and the three of us will play Landlords. This way we can relax a bit. We can't just sit here. I don't know what to do yet. What time will we wait?”

"Okay, I'm sure there's no problem here. Besides, I almost fell asleep while waiting. Sister Mi, what do you think? How about the three of us playing together for a while?"

Of course, Xiao Yanye agreed with Re Jie's proposal, and she also knew very well what Re Jie wanted to do at this time. It was just to relieve their tension at this time.

"No need, I've never been good at playing Landlords, and I'm not very good at playing. You two go over there and play for a while. I'll just wait here."

"Sister Mi, there is really no need for you to be so nervous. Besides, some things are just as destined by God. We don't need to change too much at all. Do you understand what this means?"

"I know, everything is actually destined. It doesn't make much sense for us to change it at this time. So, we just need to wait patiently. There is nothing else to do. You Don’t worry, I have prepared myself for the worst, and even if this thing doesn’t work out, I won’t make any mistakes.”

As soon as Da Mimi finished speaking, her cell phone suddenly rang. Then, she sat up energetically, picked up the phone and took a look. Yes, this was the call she had been waiting for. Telephone.

"Okay, stop talking now. I've already called. I guess he wants to tell me the final result, so that's it for now."

As she spoke, Da Mimi cleared her throat. Finally, she pressed the answer button and put the phone next to her ear. At this time, she could feel that her hands were shaking slightly.

"Well, hello madam, we just received the email from the headquarters. I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long. However, your wait is definitely not in vain, because we want to formally congratulate you. The company has decided to choose you. Cooperation, so the company's contract will be officially handed over tomorrow morning. At that time, a few of us will go over together and re-check the contents of the contract."

"Okay, I understand. Thank you for supporting me in this matter. Moreover, if you hadn't given me this opportunity, I would not have been able to get such a result. Thank you very much."

"It doesn't matter. We are just doing what we should do now. You don't need to worry about the rest. Okay, then you should seize the time to prepare today. We will arrive at the company on time at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. It’s time to sign this contract as quickly as possible, because our plane the day after tomorrow will leave here soon.”

"Okay, I understand. Don't worry. All the arrangements and preparations on my side have been completely completed. So, you can just come over when the time comes. I will be waiting for you at the company. That's it. , if anything happens, we will keep in touch at any time.”

After the conversation on the phone, Da Mimi hung up the phone happily. Of course, there was no need for him to announce too many results to the other party, because the two of them already knew the final result and had decided to officially cooperate with them. "Sister Mi, it seems that I really want to formally congratulate you. All our efforts have not been in vain. This time we finally saw the results we wanted."

Rejie just stood up formally, and then told Da Mimi. Da Mimi nodded excitedly, and then looked back at Xiaoyan, and it wasn't just Xiaoyan? Now, everyone has actually fallen into that kind of joy.

"Great, the thing I dreamed of has finally been answered. Moreover, I also know that tomorrow morning, all the answers will be settled. I really want to know how Lin Feng will feel at this time. Sample?"

"Sister Mi, do you need to say that? It's like riding a roller coaster, falling from the top to the bottom all at once. I estimate that he will be in a very bad mood, but isn't this the result we want to see? ?"

"Rejie, maybe your sister Reba is also in a bad mood at this time. If you can, you can call her to comfort her."

"No, she doesn't need my comfort at all. With Lin Feng by her side, why should I, a younger brother, interfere in these private matters? Forget it, don't worry about them, Sister Mi, let's go on next, What else do you need to prepare?”

"Nothing is needed anymore. Basically, I have already prepared everything that should be prepared. Moreover, since I can get such a good result, I am completely relieved. You can go back and have a good time. Take a rest and I can finish the rest by myself."

"Sister Mi, after all, tomorrow is a big event for signing a contract. How can I let you here alone? Otherwise, I'd better stay."

"No, no one should stay today. I can finish it by myself. Besides, Rejie, you are the first to do this, so I will write down this account for you. After the contract signing is completed tomorrow, I will give you a corresponding bonus."

"Sister Mi, I really don't do these things for money. Moreover, if I really do it for money, then naturally I won't do these things. Do you understand?"

"I know that you are not doing it for money, and you are not a person who values ​​money at all. However, we have to follow the rules. This is how it is in this company. As long as you put in the effort, then my money is I must reward you, otherwise, I will feel ashamed of you in my heart."

"Rejie, our company is really like this, so you don't have to refuse anymore. If you don't want to use this money, you can use it to buy me bags and limited edition cosmetics. There's no such thing as this." Problem?"

"Okay, okay, then I understand, Sister Mi, then thank you." (End of Chapter)

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