After saying hello to Da Mimi, Rejie followed Xiaoyan, and the two of them left the company. At this time, it was already 11:30 in the evening.

Just after she came out, a gust of cool breeze hit her, which made Xiaoyan feel a little cold. She just subconsciously wrapped her clothes tightly with her hands.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling cold?"

After observing this detail, Rejie hurriedly stepped forward, and then took off his coat and put it on Xiaoyan's body.

"It's getting late. It seems a bit difficult for me to go home at this time. You can't go back to the set, right?"

"Okay, I don't plan to go back today, so tell me, where should we go? Besides, it's already this time, so let's not go back and forth. The weather is so cold. If you get sick by then, just Sorry, isn't there a hotel in the building opposite? Let's just spend the night there."

"Okay, let's go directly."

Neither of them went back to their homes. After that, they turned around and went to the hotel opposite to get a room here.

After returning to the room, the two of them had a little goodbye than a wedding. After all, they had never been together, so they finally seized the opportunity this time.

After a lot of confusion, Rejie finally just leaned against the bed, and then Xiaoyan curled up in his arms like a kitten.

"You seemed a little inattentive just now, didn't you? Also, you always felt absent-minded. Is it because of today's incident that irritated you?"

Xiaoyan is a very sensitive woman, and if a man changes anything around her, she will be able to detect it very quickly. This is more detailed than anyone else. "

"No, isn't this normal? Are you a little tired these past two days? Why, it doesn't satisfy you, right? If it doesn't satisfy you, then we can do it a second time or even a third time. These are all no problem."

When Re Jie spoke, he had some provocative emotions. To be honest, this Re Jie had never said such words before, but since he was with Xiaoyan, he felt that no matter what Whether it’s in terms of personality or thinking, I have indeed relaxed a lot.

Furthermore, the relationship between the two people is also that of boyfriend and girlfriend. Xiaoyan is his woman. Let me ask you, is there anything that you can't say in front of your woman?

"If you have this ability, then, don't tell me twice, I can handle you 10 times out of 8. It just depends on whether you have this ability?"

"Okay, if you dare to underestimate me, then I will let you taste my power today." As he said that, Rejie suddenly turned over, and then pressed Xiaoyan on top of him again. , but Xiaoyan just pushed Rejie away with her hands.

"I won't make trouble with you now. We have some important things to talk about now. Moreover, I did feel a slight change in your mood just now, right? Because this matter tonight had a great impact on you. Impact?"

"No, isn't this what we have been looking forward to, and is it also the result we hope to see? Only then do you know what changes this kind of thing can have for me? No, I think it should be you who wants to too much."

"I'm telling you, it's definitely not that I'm overthinking it. Moreover, my intuition has always been very accurate. You were indeed in a daze just now. Is it because of Maplewood Culture that it was lost this time? So, your sister should make corresponding efforts. , also didn’t get it, I believe it’s because of Reba, you feel a little sorry, right?”

"If you want to say that, there must be some regrets. After all, this matter was ruined by me personally. If I really see her one day, I really don't know what to do. How to mention it to her."

"You can't always regard this matter as a burden on your heart. Moreover, since you have decided to do something, you cannot regret anything you have done. If you really regret it, then , all your previous efforts were really not in vain."

"I know, I'm just saying it casually. Besides, these are two people chatting here, just casually chatting with you. That's not what I really think."

"That's not the case. That would be the best. Anyway, that's what I said. You must slowly put this matter behind your mind. In addition, if you don't do this, then you will be injured in the end. It will also be your sister. Here, your sister or Sister Mi, who will you choose when the time comes? I believe you should be clearer in your mind, right? "

"Yes, who will I choose? If, according to my current mood, then I will choose Sister Mi without hesitation. I would rather let my sister suffer all kinds of injustice, and I will never let Sister Mi down. Yes, now, I have indeed accomplished this, but I still have a strange feeling in my heart, oh, I just can’t put it into words.”

"I can understand your feeling. After all, you are related by blood. Now, instead of helping your own sister to do things, you are helping an outsider. Just imagine, what would happen to anyone in this situation? In my heart, I'm afraid I can't let it go, but I hope you can correct this emotion soon, because this is likely to become a long-term matter in the future."

"Yes, I have to find a way to adjust all this. Since my sister has already regarded me as an enemy, why should I keep these feelings? Don't tell me. After saying these words, I really feel much more comfortable in my heart. Don’t worry, I won’t have any mental burden anymore.”

"No matter what happens later, even if the two companies become enemies or the biggest haters, then you must maintain a neutral attitude. No, it should not be neutral. You should maintain a fair attitude. You can’t favor anyone else, and if it’s really Sister Mi who made a mistake in some aspects, you absolutely can’t favor Sister Mi, do you understand?”

"How come this doesn't sound like what you said? Shouldn't you consider this issue from Sister Mi's perspective? Why are you telling me this?"

"Because it's very simple. I can completely stand in Sister Mi's perspective. Even if I know that Sister Mi did something wrong, I will still let her continue to make mistakes. But you are different. You can't do this, we must have a neutral person, and a very fair person who can see this matter clearly and thoroughly, do you understand?" (End of Chapter)

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