"But, you don't seem to be of much help to your sister. Although this time, I did help sister Mi, but what about the later period? Do you still have to make this choice when I do things?"

"We will discuss the following matters in detail and see which way is more correct. Don't worry, everyone has a scale in their heart. Moreover, this long and unbiased scale is exactly the right one for everyone. The most important place in one’s heart.”

"Your words really made me feel that I have seen through a lot. Maybe, all my thoughts are a little confused. Although it seems a little unsmooth for the time being, I believe that in the long run, I will slowly One who can understand all this.”

"Tomorrow is a very important day. No, it should be either tomorrow or today. Once this agreement and contract are signed, there will be many things that need to start immediately. In addition, you have to do things on the set as soon as possible. Get it done, because you will most likely have to come to the film and television city later."

"What? I want to go to the film and television city? What should I do in that place? Can't the film and television city arrange for other people to do it?"

"Sister Mi just revealed to me yesterday morning. She said that the film and television city project will account for 50% of the company's business volume in the future, at least 50%, and it may exceed 50% in the future. , even reaching 70%.”

"Good guy, then, from now on, Sister Mi will no longer shoot movies or TV series? Wasn't this what the company relied on in the past?"

"The past was before, and the present is now. You also know that our company used to rely on these actors to start. However, we cannot stay on this path for a long time. Actors will eventually decline one day. Although there are new actors who continue to However, things are ever-changing and we must have our own fixed assets.”

"However, it seems that this thing is not our fixed asset, and we only operate it in a cooperative manner with foreign countries. Although we occupy a certain share of the share here, this proportion is still very few. .”

"These are some of Sister Mi's later arrangements and changes. If she can put these things here to do, then Sister Mi will be able to take all these management rights into her own hands. It's just that It’s a matter of time.”

"The problem is that I don't know how to run a business, and I don't know how to do this. If I mess up the movie city, wouldn't it mean that all my previous efforts have been wasted, and Sister Mi will be really disappointed?"

"Do you really think you are the only one going to that place? Sister Mi said that she will send her confidants, so when the time comes, the two of us will go together to manage the daily work of the film and television city. By then, there will be What can we discuss? Besides, if it doesn’t work out, we can still discuss it with Sister Mi. We can’t say that the wrong decisions made by two people are all wrong, right?”

"Are you serious? Are you saying that the two of us will work together for a long time in the future?"

Re Jie seemed to be a little excited after hearing these words. Now, he had to admit that he was fascinated by Xiao Yan'er.

Hearing that he could work with Xiaoye for a long time seems to be a great reward for Rejie, because he enjoys this kind of life. "Why, don't you want to work with me? If you don't want to, I can apply to Sister Mi when the time comes. If it weren't for me, if it weren't for you, the two of us would have to stay alone in the film and television city. Look at this OK?"

"What are you talking about? My dear, I still want to be with you every day. Now, sometimes we only see each other after a few days, and I miss it a little bit. So, this is the best thing for me. An excellent opportunity, why, aren’t you willing?”

"Haha, I didn't say I wasn't willing. Of course I am willing to be with you. If that's really the case, then we will find a room in the film and television city, and then settle down there for a long time. From now on, we will no longer take care of other things in the company. As for the grievances and grievances with Sister Mi, or even with Fenglin Culture, these have nothing to do with us. We will move out of this circle, and then concentrate on running our film and television city. , wouldn’t this be better?”

"It seems that Sister Mi made this arrangement because she had deep considerations. Sister Mi always considers me in everything she does. Even at this time, she still wants to pull me out of this grudge. It seems that All of this should be able to help with some things soon.”

"Yes, it will be implemented into reality very soon, so the good days ahead should still be very important to us."

As they spoke, the two hugged each other tightly. At this moment, they indeed felt that they could not live without each other, but was this what Xiaoyan really thought at this time?

"Okay, it's done. It can be heard that Da Mimi is completely convinced about this matter. The contract should be officially signed tomorrow morning."

After answering the phone, Lin Feng told Reba the news immediately. After all, everyone was waiting for the news to arrive.

"Then what should we do now? We have basically done it. Moreover, we just need to wait. In addition, at the fastest possible time, when will we be able to let Sister Mi know that this matter is a trap? ?"

"After signing the contract tomorrow morning, she should transfer the money to a designated account within two days. After reaching the designated account, the account will receive a feedback link, and through this link, she should You can see that this is completely a trap.”

"That is to say, if she didn't send money, she would not know the news at all. Only after sending money can she be sure that the other party does not exist at all, or even is another company."

"Yes, it's impossible not to exist. We just put an extra layer of cover on this company. Then, he mistakenly thought that this cover was what they wanted to see. However, two days later, All the funds have been received, and they will find out about all this soon. In addition, Da Mimi is not stupid, and she should know the news soon."

"That means that in two days, Sister Mi will launch a crazy counterattack for us. However, will she think that all this is a trap we set for him?" (End of Chapter)

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