"You have to do a complete performance. In addition, there is another point. Don't forget that there is another very important person beside us, that is Li Zifei. After she goes to work tomorrow, if our performance is too dull, Then, Li Zifei will definitely become suspicious, and even I suspect that Da Mimi should have given her instructions tonight."

"Okay, I have already thought about this. When we are in front of Li Zifei tomorrow, we must act more naturally. We don't need to think so much about other things for now. In addition, in front of her, we still have to act. Enough."

"Only when she is completely cleared of suspicion can she completely believe in this matter. Once the money is put into the account, our plan will be considered a complete success. At that time, we will wait quietly. Da Mimi launched a crazy counterattack."

"However, her counterattack may have become feeble, because there is no more money in the company account that can be used. In addition, other people in the company must be full of dissatisfaction with her behavior. By then , I’m afraid her current position as chairman is somewhat unsustainable.”

"Yes, so if you say that she will launch a counterattack against us immediately, that's not necessarily true. Maybe, there will be a fire in her backyard. By then, she will be like a clay Buddha crossing the river and will not be able to protect herself."

"However, what you said is a fact after all. Forget it, it's already this point in time. There is no point in us discussing these things. Let's seize the time and take advantage of this time to sleep a little longer. Tomorrow After that, we still don’t know what we will face.”

"Under normal circumstances, Li Zifei will come to the company early tomorrow morning. You should think carefully about it then, because the first person she will come into contact with will be you, so what kind of attitude should you have when facing her? For Li Zifei, it depends on what content she delivers in the end."

"Don't worry, I know what to do. That's alright. You go over there and wait for a while. I still have some things in here that I need to make overnight."

"It's not okay if you don't sleep all the time. Moreover, if you continue like this for a long time, I'm afraid your body will collapse. From now on, we don't know how big the difficulties we will face. You can't keep going like this, right? "

"No matter how big the difficulties we face, we still have to persevere in the end. That's okay, let's not talk about this for now."

Seeing Lin Feng immersed in work again, Reba felt a little sorry for him, but she had no choice. She knew that Lin Feng had always been like this. If he didn't finish the things in front of him, then he would be I will never give up.

Da Mimi was sitting in the office. She suddenly thought of Li Zifei. Moreover, he wanted to know what Rebaba and Lin Feng would be like after learning the news. Would they be completely different from each other? What about the crash?

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but feel a little happy. However, she had not contacted Li Zifei in the past two days, and it was not clear whether she could join the job smoothly. Moreover, she did not know what kind of role she would play in the company now.

Da Mimi looked at the time. It was almost 12:00 now, but Da Mimi knew that the night life of a girl like her had just begun at this time. It was impossible for her to go to bed and rest obediently at this time. of.

Sure enough, after talking on the phone for a long time, someone finally answered the call. However, Da Mimi heard a very noisy voice from behind, and there was also the sound of heavy metal music.

"Hey, Sister Mi, please wait a moment. There's some chaos here. Wait a minute and I'll call you right away." After saying that, the other party hung up the phone. After seeing this call, Da Mimi was just helpless. Shaking his head, he really didn't know if it was still feasible to leave this matter to this girl.

In her current situation, she still doesn't know if she can take care of herself. In the end, if she gets all messy, it will really be troublesome then.

Just two minutes later, the call came again, but this time he could tell that it was indeed much quieter inside, and basically no noise could be heard.

"Why are you still outside at this hour? Are you in the disco again?"

"Yes, a few friends are having a gathering today, so I guess it will be a little late if I go back. Sister Mi, tell me, what's wrong?"

"What is your current situation? Moreover, you have never contacted me. Have you successfully interviewed? Also, have you entered their company? Now, what role do you play in the company? You know all these You didn’t even tell me.”

"Oh, Sister Mi, look at my brain. I have been busy with my friends these past two days, and I have forgotten such an important matter. Don't worry, I have officially joined the job. I joined the company this morning. I officially joined the company at that time, but at noon, I became Lin Feng’s assistant again, so I think this should be an excellent opportunity.”

"What? Lin Feng's assistant? Does he still lack assistants? Also, you have just arrived, and at this time, you are transferred to him as an assistant. Isn't this a bit abnormal?"

"Oh, Sister Mi, you are thinking too much. I can see it. There are only two of them in the performing arts department. Plus those actors, there are no other people who can be responsible. The key is, I am also a professional I graduated from college, so Lin Feng asked me to be responsible for the file management of movies and TV series, but of course, I have these things at my fingertips, so there is no problem."

"You mean, in their performing arts department, there are only two people, Lin Feng and Reba, and the rest are the signed artists, right?"

"Yes, I see that the two of them are very busy every day. They basically can't say a few words. In addition, those actors have their own tasks here now, and they can't do this in the company. The thing is, there is basically no suitable candidate, and I am the only one who is idle."

"Well, if you want to analyze it this way, it seems that this is really the case. In the past, their company did not have an entertainment department, so we are not very familiar with most of the people in the company in this business. You are from a major, which is indeed in line with his choice. It seems that your entry this time is relatively smooth." (End of Chapter)

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