Damimi raised her head and paid attention to Rejie's expression at this time. She found that Rejie always looked proud, and even when Xiaoyan was reading documents nearby, his eyes would still look there from time to time. .

"Okay, I can't run away. Isn't this right in front of me? Why are you still watching here so reluctantly? Besides, weren't you two together last night? Why, are you still so inseparable?"

"Haha, Sister Mi, that's not what I meant. By the way, Sister Mi, look, do I need to make any preparations here?"

"You don't need to do anything, and you have too little exposure to some things. To be honest, you are really no better than Xiaoyan in terms of business ability, so you must learn more from her on this in the future. , By the way, there is one more thing. I want to tell you that once the project is in place, the civil engineering project will start soon. The bidding should be officially opened at the end of this month at the earliest. So , I want you to put it away for a while."

"You mean, let me focus on the project here in the film and television city with all my strength? However, although my film is progressing relatively smoothly, it is estimated that it will not be officially released until the middle of next month at the earliest. Finished.”

"The middle of next month? Okay, then I will wait for you for another half month. However, as soon as the things over there are completed, you must return to the film and television city as soon as possible, because Xiaoyan is alone there. If so, I am really afraid that she will be too busy."

"Sister Mi, do you mean that you are really planning to let Xiaoyan and I take root in the film and television city in the long term?"

"Look at this, Xiaoyan should have revealed a lot to you last night, right? Yes, I have thought about this matter carefully. Although there are many people around me, they are not mine. My dear ones, I don’t want to put such an important task on them, so I am willing to look for my own.”

"Sister Mi, I can accept the task, but the key issue is that I'm worried that I can't do it well. After all, I am also a novice, so I have to learn a lot of things."

"Learn, there is definitely no problem with learning. Besides, the process of doing things is a learning process in itself, so you don't need to worry too much about this."

"Well, since Sister Mi, you appreciate me so much, then I believe that I will never let you down."

"In addition, you two should pay attention. When the time comes, you will decide when to get married. If you really don't plan to get married in the near future, I think you'd better be careful. In the end, don't come to me with a big belly. Then Isn’t everything troublesome?”

"Sister Mi, what are you talking about? I still understand these things, and how could this be possible? Don't worry, we will never delay our work. Besides, we have no such plans in the near future. The two of us We are still young, so we can make plans after getting along for a while."

"Okay, everything is under your control. However, I still say that it is best for you to slowly let your sister accept Xiaoyan. Do you know? In fact, Xiaoyan is a very good girl, just because She is standing on the same angle as me now, so Reba still has some misunderstandings about her, including what happened last time. In fact, his starting point is good after all, and he also hopes that you can regain your A free body, no longer bound here." "Sister Mi, why do you say this again? I have emphasized to you more than once before, I am a free body myself, and I am here to live my own life. There is no one to constrain me in my choice, so I can leave when I want and come when I want. It’s just that my sister seems to have things going a bit wrong. Don’t worry, I’ll let her understand slowly in the future.”

"That's of course the best. Okay, let's wait for Xiaoyan's review to be completed. After a while, we will go upstairs to have some food together. Then, we will go to the conference room and start waiting. If everything goes well If so, this contract should be officially signed before 10 o'clock. To be honest, I'm still a little excited."

"Sister Mi, there is something I don't know whether to say or not?"

"Oh, what are you talking about? Can you just say no to what you want to say? Now, we are all our own people, and there are no outsiders. If you have any ideas, you can speak out boldly. It doesn't matter. Even if you say the wrong thing, there is no problem. .”

"If you have anything to say, just say it. Besides, is there anything else we need to hide between us?"

"I heard Xiaoyan tell me yesterday that you have made additional investment this time, and after my investment ratio drops, you will probably invest 8 million this time. This is 8 million. Let me ask. , how can a company raise so much money in a short period of time?”

"Oh, you said about this money thing, you don't need to worry about this, because there is no problem with money anymore. This is not the case. I made a special call to the financial manager this morning, and he told me that now There are almost 5 million in the book, and the other 8 million funds are estimated to be officially transferred to the account this afternoon. million should not be difficult for me, but there are Many projects have therefore been temporarily suspended, but this is all temporary."

"Yes, you also know that we can only collect this money by stopping other projects. However, if we do this, won't our losses be a bit big? Don't worry about the money reaching the other party's account. Is it safe? Have you ever thought about this? If something goes wrong with these 8 million yuan..."

"Wait a minute, Rejie, you can't say that. Let me tell you, Sister Mi, I have bet all my worth on this. If something goes wrong with the 8 million yuan, then, by then, I will Basically, it’s probably too late to jump off the building.”

"So, I think we should reconsider it. Moreover, we will continue to invest according to the previous investment ratio, which will only have a total of more than 200 million yuan. Even if this is the case, in the end, it will have no impact on the normal operation of our company. , I’m afraid, it won’t cause too much risk.”

"I have told Xiaoyan before that wealth can be found in danger. At this time, we have absolutely no other choice. I can only increase the proportion of investment, and then use generous enough terms to attract the other party. They will give me this opportunity. Do you know how hard I worked to win this opportunity? At this time, you ask me to give up. Do you think this is possible?" (End of Chapter)

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