"Okay, Sister Mi, I may not know much about business matters, but I only know some actual situations, so I will express my opinion. If something is wrong, Sister Mi , you don’t need to take it to heart, just pretend that I didn’t say anything.”

After hearing this, Damimi just smiled, then walked over and patted Rejie gently on the shoulder.

"Rejie, you are doing everything for Sister Mi's good. Of course I know this, but you don't have to think so much about money matters. Besides, I have my own plans. Your kindness will be appreciated by me." I am convinced. Therefore, I will definitely invest this money. Only in this way can we see the effect. In addition, I can tell you that within one year, I will definitely be able to withdraw nearly half of the funds. I understand. Bar?"

Looking at what Da Mimi was talking to him at this time, and his firm expression, in fact, Rejie definitely couldn't tell who was right and who was wrong in this matter.

"Within one year, you can see 4 million in withdrawn funds. Yes, if it looks like this, the return ratio is still very, very high. Okay, yes, I believe Sister Mi, your vision is not What’s the problem?”

"Yes, so you must believe me. From now on, our company's development momentum will only get better and better, and there will never be such a problem again."

"But, have you ever thought that this time you snatched this business from Fenglin Culture, what about Lin Feng? How will he react? I believe that he will not sit here and wait to die, right? ?”

"Haha, just sit back and wait for death? That is definitely not Lin Feng's style of doing things, so he will definitely have his own considerations. However, no matter what he does, I am still not afraid. It's not like I haven't competed before."

"Oh, I really don't understand, when will these things finally come to an end?"

"Let me tell you Rejie, in the business world, this kind of thing never ends, and there is no end. Some things are not as simple as you think. Once you can get over it, it doesn't mean that we sit down and talk. Talk, then all these grievances and grudges can be completely resolved."

"Yeah, it's just because I've seen too many things like this, so I don't feel like I can't accept it in my heart."

"Sister Mi, it's ready for me. I've checked it carefully and there are no problems. This plan has withstood scrutiny. There should be no problems for our cooperation in the future. "

"Well, if that's the case, let's go up and have a meal now, and then, easily, it's still very early, so we can wait for them in the conference room in advance. In this way, you can We can let them see our greatest sincerity, isn’t it?”

After saying that, Da Mimi walked over, greeted the two of them, and left from the office. However, Rejie seemed to be worried all the time, but he didn't even know what he was thinking. What is it.

Before 9 o'clock, the four representatives of the consortium came to the conference room on time in suits and leather shoes, carrying their briefcases. Of course, this time they would witness a historic development, and it would also be the first time in Da Mi Mi's life. , the most important thing. "Everyone, this is a cooperation document that my legal team has restructured, and we have reflected the relevant details on it. You can take a look at it first, and then you can bring your documents. Let’s exchange ideas with each other and see if there are no problems, can we officially sign it and take effect?”

"Okay, no problem. In fact, our headquarters has already made preparations before. If we only need to confirm our cooperative company, then this document will be sent soon."

While talking, one of the men took out a thick contract document from his public bag, and finally put it in front of Da MiMi.

"One more thing, our schedule has begun to change. We may have to catch the flight at noon today. Therefore, my time is very tight. Please take the time to take a closer look. If there is no problem, I need to rush there immediately. Sign, because we are going to the airport now."

"What? You have to rush to the airport so soon? I also said that I will have a banquet with you at noon today and have a good meal together. Besides, didn't you tell me before that you were planning to leave tomorrow? Of?"

"Yes, that's right. We originally planned to leave tomorrow. Even the air tickets have been booked. However, who would have thought that things have changed over there. Therefore, we must rush there as soon as possible today. We can't delay it any longer. , come on, hurry up and read the contract, and the three of us will look at the legal documents in your hands."

As he spoke, he then took it into his hands, and then began to read it carefully. At this time, Da Mimi took the documents, she just frowned slightly, and then looked back. Look at Xiaoyan sitting next to her.

She seemed to feel that something was not right, so she hurriedly picked up the file and took a closer look. However, what she never expected was that what was displayed on it was not English or Mandarin, but Spanish.

"W-what's going on? Why is there such content? Didn't we talk about using English or Mandarin before?"

"Did you forget one thing? Our company's headquarters is in Spain, so the documents we use must be in Spanish. There is absolutely no problem with this. Oh, by the way, you can find a translator for this. Then, translate the above content, I believe you will be able to understand it, but you must do it quickly, and you must find someone who understands the rules of this industry, because many professional terms may not be translated to outsiders. .”

"What? Are you looking for a translator at this time? Xiaoyan, if you are looking for a translator at this time, how long will it take?"

When Xiaoyan heard this, she just shook her head helplessly, because she had always raised very little in this regard, so she might not know how long it would take to translate such a good document. . (End of chapter)

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