"Basically, we have almost negotiated those conditions before, so there is no problem. And, don't you see? They also want me to find a counterattack. The more this happens, the more it proves that they have no evil intentions. , so I can do things without any guilt.”

"Anyway, this document has been signed, and there is no way to change some things. If that's the case, can we now have time to find another translator to translate the specific content? How about checking it carefully again? In this case, it can determine whether our account should be settled in time or not?"

"Xiao Yanzi knows me best, because we just signed an empty document now. If there is really something wrong with the document, then I will definitely not transfer the money to their account on time, so , this is just a time difference, we have no problem now, go ahead, hurry up and find a translator now."

After saying that, Xiao Yanzi nodded, and then quickly stood up and left. In fact, Xiao Yan and Re Jie felt the same at that time, they just felt weird, but they still said no. Come out and find out which link the problem lies in.

After coming here for a while, about an hour or so, I saw Xiaoyan walking over there with a middle-aged man wearing glasses, looking dusty.

"Sister Mi, I have found him. He is a professional Spanish translator. He studied in Spain for a total of 8 years. After he came back, he only taught Spanish for 10 years. It can be said that in this language, he is absolutely No problems whatsoever.”

"Okay, that's great. Then take a look at this document, and then see how long it will take to translate it. You see, there are 23 pages in total, and the content inside is probably not there either. Minority."

In the end, the middle-aged man just took the thing and then looked down.

"Oh, this is a contract, right? No problem. It's more than 20 pages. This is all trivial. It can be completed in half an hour at most. You can wait patiently over there. I will start working right now, and I will sort out the translated documents later and print them out directly."

Professionals are indeed professionals. After taking over, there seemed to be no hesitation at all, and then they agreed to the matter.

In Da Mimi's mind, she was already planning how to proceed with the later stages of the project.

Xiaoyan and Rejie were just anxiously pacing back and forth at the door. They couldn't explain why, but they just felt that at this moment, their hearts were really in chaos.

At this time, the person in charge of translating had gradually translated some of the general contents. However, the more he read, the more he felt that the contract seemed to be meaningless.

Moreover, for a businessman, such a business cannot be called a business at all. Why would such a shrewd person like Damimi make such a choice?

After thinking of this, he raised his head, and then glanced over there. He saw that Da Mimi's eyes were not focused on him at all, but were looking out the window. However, he could see When she came out, she always showed a relatively excited expression on her face.

Is it possible that these are rich people, and what they think in their hearts is different from others? They may just want to use all the money for good deeds. Only in this way can they realize their wishes and

However, to be honest, even if he has been in society for so many years, it seems that this is the first time he has heard of such a generous act of kindness.

"Wait a moment."

At this moment, she suddenly shouted. At that time, everyone's eyes stayed on him. "What's wrong? Is it translated? If it is translated, you can just print it out."

"No, I haven't fully translated it yet, but I suddenly thought of something. Can I talk to you privately?"

It seems that the translator has realized that celebrities have some private things at this time that cannot be easily exposed. After all, in this contract, the translator has discovered huge secrets.

"What? Chat in private? What do you mean, we don't seem to know each other, and there's nothing we can talk about in private, right?"

"Yes, because I saw this contract, so I want to consult with you in detail about what this contract is about, but..."

Although Damimi didn't understand what he meant by saying this.

However, I always feel that he is mysterious at this time and wants to meet me alone. Is it possible that there is really something wrong with the contract?

Moreover, I believe that Da Mimi's popularity is still very high in this city. After this person came naturally, he recognized Da Mimi at a glance. He may also want to maintain his public image.

"Xiao Yanrejie, the two of you go and wait outside. Since this gentleman has something to discuss with me, I will listen patiently here."

"Sister Mi, this won't happen. Is there any problem?"

"Haha, don't worry, things have come to this point, how can there be any problems? Okay, you two go and wait outside. If anything happens, I will call you in. Okay, let's go. "

Damimi had made up his mind at this time, and he was also determined to let himself stay and listen carefully to what this person meant, or rather, what some of his true thoughts would be.

After all these people left, Da Mimi turned around, and then walked up to that person. However, the screen in front of him was filled with languages ​​and symbols that he could not understand.

"I believe that you left me alone because you have something important to tell me. There is no one else here. Is there something wrong with this contract?"

"Sister Mi, actually I have been paying attention to you before. However, when I was translating the content of this contract today, I did find something inappropriate. I just want to ask you, where is this contract? What to do, you know?”

"What to do? Of course it is a joint venture to invest in the construction of a film and television city. Why, isn't it written above?" (End of Chapter)

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