"Say it again? Are you saying that you are cooperating to invest in building a film and television city? In this city?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Although Da Mimi said that he did not get a definite answer from this man, but at this time, from his facial expression, he seemed to be vaguely aware that there should be a problem with this contract.

"Where are these people? Also, where have they gone now? Can these people be stopped as soon as possible?"

"You mean, there's really something wrong with this contract, right?"

"I took a look. The time on the contract should have been just signed this morning, right? If that's the case, according to what your previous assistant told me, those people have just left. I advise you to best Take the time to search, and then find a way to stop them, and wait until you find them."

"What's the problem? Tell me first."

"If I tell you this now, it will only waste time. You should hurry up and send this order first. When I come back, I will explain to you in detail what the problems are with this contract."

Da Mimi was indeed a little panicked at this moment, and she had always thought that there would be no problems this time, but who knew that there were still so many mysteries hidden in it?

So if this is the case, what changes will happen?

Fortunately, my money has not been transferred in time. If it was really transferred, I am afraid it will really be wasted this time.

After thinking of this, Da Mimi left the conference room in a hurry. After opening the door, Rejie and Xiaoyan were waiting anxiously outside. When they saw Da Mimi coming out, they hurriedly stepped forward to greet her. .

"Sister Mi, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Xiaoyan, I don't care what specific method you think of, even if it is to retrieve the surveillance video, arrange for all of our people to go out, and then find the few people we signed the contract with as soon as possible."

"What? Sister Mi, go find them now? Didn't they say they were already rushing to the airport?"

"According to time calculation, he has just arrived at the airport at most at this time. You are now divided into two groups, and then rush all the way towards the airport. The other group will search along the road to the airport. The two of you will Everyone sets off at the same time.”

"Sister Mi, what happened? Is there really something wrong with that contract?"

Rejie was definitely not willing to give in, and he had always felt that his heart seemed to be hanging in the air just now. At this moment, it seemed that this had been verified.

"I don't have time to explain so much to you now. Hurry, you must be quick, you must find a way to intercept them. No matter what method you use, you must bring these people over to me and bring more people over. Understand?"

"Okay, I understand, Sister Mi." After saying that, the two people left in a hurry.

After entering the elevator, Rejie looked back at Xiaoyan. It seemed that since he met Da Mimi, he had never seen Da Mimi in such a anxious state.

"What I was worried about finally happened. At that time, I felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't tell it. However, Sister Mi was in such a state that she couldn't stop her. Unexpectedly, Something happened in the end.”

"I also feel this way. Maybe this is the so-called bystander's wisdom, and the authorities are confused. At that moment, Sister Mi simply couldn't stop her. Her position was very strong. After all, this was her lifelong dream, but who could We know that there is really a problem with this contract, but unfortunately now, we don’t know what the problem is at all.”

"Did you see it? When the translator was brought over, he looked very mysterious, and then asked both of us to leave the room. This also proves that this contract is absolutely extraordinary. If it is just a small mistake, it will be a small mistake. If there is a loophole, then there is no need for him to kick both of us out."

"Yes, this is what I'm worried about. Okay, we have to hurry up and divide our troops into two groups later. Then we start looking for these people. Just as Sister Mi said, no matter what, we must capture them. It should be intercepted within this city."

Rejie nodded, tracking people, arresting people? He had really never done these things before, but there was no other way. Now he had to go out and give it a try for the sake of Mimi.

After Damimi made arrangements, she returned to the conference room again. She saw that the person was still lowering his head to translate. It seemed that he had not finished translating all the content just now.

Now that she already knows that there is a problem with this contract, she is not in a hurry now. Fortunately, all the money is safely in her account. Regarding this, Da Mimi feels that the loss should still be OK. Minimized.

After waiting for two minutes, Da Mimi saw that the man just nodded. Finally, he pressed the finish button and heard the printer starting to work.

"I have completely translated all the contents. If you are not in the mood to read carefully here, after all, there is too much content involved. I can tell you in detail what is stipulated in the contract."

"Okay, I'm not in the mood to watch right now. Besides, based on how you feel at this time, I guess there's something wrong. Tell me, what's the key point in the contract that we didn't notice?"

"To be honest, there are no loopholes in this contract from top to bottom, and it is a very, very complete contract."

"What? There are no loopholes in the contract? Well, if there are no loopholes, why are you so anxious and ask me to send everyone out? What do you mean?"

"Otherwise, why did I ask you the first time? It seems that you told me that you were cooperating on a film and television city project, right? However, I can tell you with certainty that the contract you are signing now is not related to the film and television city or even It has nothing to do with the entire entertainment industry."

"What are you talking about? It has nothing to do with the film and television city? So, what kind of contract did I just sign?"

"You are financing the construction of a small town abroad, and you want to develop the small town into a metropolis. Therefore, the contract stipulates that all the infrastructure in the town will be built by you." (End of Chapter) )

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