"What did you say? I will help build that city's infrastructure? I, did I hear you right?"

"You heard me right, it is written clearly above, and it is your company that is being connected. You have already signed it on behalf of your company. Moreover, your early investment funds totaled 8 million yuan, which is on the books. It has been clearly stipulated that you must transfer the money to your account within 7 days."

"Are you sure? How is this possible? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. I have investigated the financial background of those people before, and they have never been engaged in such related industries."

Da Mimi still can't accept what the translator said. He just stood up, walked over, took the document, and then put it in his hand and looked at it, just looking at the previous contents. Damimi immediately understood that the translator had not lied to him at all, and what he said was completely true.

"Fortunately, it's not too late. I haven't sent over the money yet. It seems that I made the right decision to invite you over. If it's really money, then I'm afraid it's really over."

"So, I have always felt very strange, why do you want to do this kind of charity? In addition, the above contract does stipulate that you have the initiative to operate this city during the next 10 years of development, but like this In poor and backward small towns, even if you build the infrastructure, it will probably take ten years to develop. Therefore, they were very cautious when signing this document. What you get is just The management rights for the first 10 years, but the management rights after 10 years, are not in your hands at all.”

"It doesn't matter whether he has the right to operate or not, I have no interest in such things at all. Well, anyway, you worked hard today and you really helped me catch a big loophole. I didn't expect that, This group of people actually teamed up to deceive me about this matter."

"Sister Mi, there is one more thing that you may not have noticed. They limit you to complete the payment within a week for these 8 million funds. If you do not complete the payment, then you will be double We will compensate them twice as much, and we will also file an international lawsuit against you within a month, at which time you will face huge compensation."

"What did you say? And, and compensation? And, and, and double?"

"Look at it, it's clearly stated on the last page of the contract, no, it should be the second to last page. Since you signed it, it proves that you have approved all of this. If you follow the contract If you calculate the amount of funds, then you have to compensate double the amount of 2 million yuan, which means that you will face a penalty of 8 billion yuan."

"What if I don't recognize this contract?"

"No, this is an international contract, and it contains some relevant articles of association of your company, including some legal representatives and some business information. These are all on it. If you don't admit it now, it's very embarrassing. It is obviously commercial fraud. When the time comes, the International Court of Justice will definitely impose severe criminal sanctions on you. Not only will this company be unable to survive, but your future, including your destiny, will also be changed."

"Are you sure that I am funding them to build a modern town? And that I will complete all the infrastructure? And what I get in return is all the commercial control of the city within 10 years, right?"

"Yes, and to be honest, I've been to this city before, and I'm not very unfamiliar with it. That place can be said to be barren, with nothing. The 8 million yuan in capital is just You can complete some very basic construction, but for the rest, you will get nothing. Let alone 10 years, within 15 years, I can’t guarantee that you will get any benefits from this place.”      After listening to this. , Damimi was completely stupid. She never thought that she would face such a situation in the end. Moreover, was it really that she was a little overconfident before?

Da Mimi sat slumped on the chair. She originally thought that this matter must be easy for her, but who knew that there were so many mysteries hidden in it?

"Okay, you don't have anything to do with me here, but I only have one request. Remember, you must not tell anyone about this matter. You know, if my Da Mimi's style of doing things is revealed by you, then , I will never forgive you, do you understand?"

"It is said that there are many disputes in your entertainment industry. Today, I walked into the flood. I couldn't help myself. Don't worry, I will treat it as if I have never been here today. I can only wish you well now. Good luck to you, then I’ll leave first.”

The translator knew that what he should do had been done, and he had dutifully pointed out everything in the contract to Da Mimi. Therefore, it basically meant nothing for him to stay here anymore. .

When he left here again, Da Mimi just felt that her whole world seemed to have completely collapsed, and her vision just felt dark, and finally, she fell into a state of ignorance.

At this time, Reba was following Lin Feng. The two of them were busy with some normal things in the company. They didn't know anything about it. At this time, Da Mimi already knew the truth of the matter.

According to the original plan, it would take at least 2 days for Da Mimi to get the answer to the truth of this matter. So who knew that he would get the answer so quickly?

Lin Feng was looking down at a document. Suddenly, her cell phone rang. She picked it up and took a look, and found that it was the call from the other party.

Looking at this time, and then looking at this phone number at this time, it is estimated that the signing over there should have been completed. If so, now, they can retire with success, and they will no longer have any involvement here.

"Hey, how's it going? Things are going pretty well, right?"

"Don't worry, everything went very smoothly. Now, we have left that place for almost more than an hour. So, even if he reacts again and chases after him, I am afraid that a few of us will have already gone away."

"Aren't you going to leave by plane? Do you have other ways to leave?" (End of Chapter)

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