"I will definitely not reveal too much to you. Besides, I just told her that we are going to the airport, but how can we go to the airport? Of course we have made all preparations for retreat. Now that we have left this city and are on our way to another city, I am calling you just to tell you."

"Okay, if that's the case, then from now on we are not allowed to have any contact with each other. I will transfer all the accounts to your account this afternoon. Don't worry, I will do what I say. "

"I know that Lin is always a man of his word, so I may have to tell you some things before I leave. You'd better be mentally prepared, because it is very likely that by this time, the woman will have discovered solve the problems in this contract.”

"What? Found a problem now? No, isn't there no problem with the contract?"

"No, because we took on a new mission before leaving, so we changed this contract."

"What did you say? New mission? Change of contract? What do you mean, why did you do this? Also, did you ask for my opinion before doing this?"

"Mr. Lin, your purpose is to defraud her of 8 million yuan. Moreover, according to your plan, the final flow of the funds is also to an account in a foreign country. Now, it just changed some directions. I transferred it to a very poor town and reestablished it as a public fund."

"I still don't quite understand, how to talk about this matter?"

"It's like this. Our task is more difficult. It can be regarded as benefiting mankind. We are going to find some relatively successful businessmen, and then let them jointly fund the construction of a small town and work hard to develop it within 10 years. But this Once we happened to find 8 million of his funds, we happened to be fully equipped to build these infrastructures."

"What do you mean? Ask her to invest in building a small town?"

"Yes, this is a series of requirements put forward by the other party's government department. We must fulfill it. Now, we have successfully accomplished it. However, even if she finds out the contents of the contract, it basically has no meaning anymore, because There are clear regulations above, which means that if she cannot transfer funds to her account within one week, then she will face international litigation and have to pay compensation of 16 billion."

After hearing this, Lin Feng just felt a little uneasy in his heart. Moreover, he never thought that the incident would reach this stage.

"Do you know that doing this is equivalent to driving Da Mimi's company, and even herself, to a dead end, with no way back at all?"

"Haha, men, you have to be more ruthless when doing things. Besides, didn't you just want to force Da MiMi to die before? Now, I just help you cut through the knot quickly, and then cut off these feelings of yours. , I believe that in the future, you will be even more prosperous."

"Okay, I don't want to say anything anymore. I will transfer the money to your account as soon as possible. From now on, we will have no contact with each other again." "Don't worry, Mr. Lin, we still understand the rules on the road. Don’t worry, I will never have anything to do with you again, so that’s it, Mr. Lin, we’ll see each other again, goodbye.”

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone directly. This time, Lin Feng was indeed completely angered. He suddenly threw the phone to the ground with a slap.

At this moment, Reba happened to open the door and walked in from the outside. Seeing Lin Feng's state, she wondered, had things really changed?

If this is the case, the hard work they have put in these days will probably be wasted. But why was it that at the last moment, Da Mimi was able to successfully see through all this?

Who is it, who played a role in fueling this incident?

"Lin Feng, what's wrong with you? Did the thing over there fail? It doesn't matter. If it doesn't succeed, then we can just treat this matter as a practice. Therefore, we will have other opportunities in the future, and you will also There’s no need to rush this time.”

"No, it's not that it didn't succeed, it has already succeeded. Moreover, Da Mimi has already signed the contract."

"Really? That's really great. In this case, wouldn't our efforts be wasted? And if you are like this, why are you still anxious? I understand, do you think that this Forced Sister Mi to a dead end once? It doesn't matter, didn't you say? You can provide part of the funds from the company, and then help her develop again? "

"No, your guess now has nothing to do with it. I'm telling you what happened because the group of people we were looking for changed the contract privately. In other words, what Damimi signed with him was not such a contract at all. contract.

"It's not such a contract at all? No, the previous version of the contract was the one we sent him. Normally, there would be no problem. Besides, they are not from this circle. Even if he changes As for the content of the contract, how could he change it? Could it be that he put all the money into his own pocket? "

"It's better to put it in your own pocket. The key problem is that the money flows to the third world, and it is to let Da MiMi provide free assistance to build the infrastructure of a very poor and backward small town. All the infrastructure was invested and constructed by Da Mi Mi. , the initial investment totaled 8 million yuan.”

"You, what did you say? It turned into aid funds? How could this happen? Before, didn't you say that you had a fixed account overseas? Just leave the money there, and after that, we can also The freedom to control your accounts, it seems like everything has changed now.”

"Yes, we originally left a way out for ourselves, but we never expected that we would let these people completely block this road in private. Once the money flows into that small town, After that, they wanted to get it back, which was simply impossible. In addition, there was another point, she had an additional clause in the contract, which strictly restricted it. If Da MiMi did not get it back within a week, If the money is transferred to the other party's account, then I'm afraid Daimi will face international litigation, and he will also face compensation of up to 16 billion." (End of Chapter)

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