"Is this contract so obviously a fraudulent contract? Moreover, if this is the case, it can be said that Sister Mi has no way to retreat. With so much money, he still has to pay for it even though he knows that he has been cheated. Go out? But, no, didn’t Sister Mi check the contents of the contract at that time? "

"I suspect that these people must have used some tricks to convince Da Mimi. In addition, there is another point. It is very likely that when the contract was signed, Da Mimi did not understand them at all. , it should have used another kind of writing. Even if Da Mimi discovered it later, they would have already flown far away and left this city."

"That means, at the earliest, Sister Mi will learn the news today. Is this what you want to say?"

"Yes, that's what it means. In addition, there is another point. Under this situation, I believe that Da Mimi is likely to have obtained the true background of this contract. I don't know what state she is in now, but, She will definitely launch a crazy revenge, and she will definitely find a way to investigate exactly what happened, but in a short period of time, he will most likely not blame this matter on us."

"Everything we do in the early stage can be said to be seamless. Normally, she should not be able to detect this. We will stay put for the time being. Moreover, we must not make any moves. If there is any move, , it is very likely that he will point the finger at us, and now, we can only delay it for one day."

"Yes, it's a day as long as we can. Remember, you must be low-key when acting in the company. In addition, I don't know what Li Zifei will observe during this period of time. However, we still maintain the previous attitude and wait until Da Mimi... Once the news breaks out, we can do whatever we want, and we cannot disclose it anywhere else."

"Don't worry, I know what to do. When I came here just now, I saw this little girl sorting out the files in her room. But having said that, when it comes to work, she does look very serious."

"Everything is just an appearance. Moreover, who knew that what I said before about getting up in the morning and running in the morning were all lies. When she came to me, I could clearly smell the smell on her body. There was a smell of alcohol, plus her eyes were red and the surroundings were dark, which proved that she hadn't slept at all all night."

"For a slutty girl like her, in fact, the nightlife itself is rich and colorful for them. How could they waste this time on sleeping? Therefore, it is simply impossible. We should be careful and take precautions. Bar."

After hearing this, Lin Feng just nodded, and then he let out a long sigh. He originally wanted to teach Da Mimi a painful lesson, but unexpectedly, he accidentally pushed her to a dead end.

Once you reach this dead end, it is simply impossible to go back. Therefore, Lin Feng knows this better than anyone else.

But there is no way, things have reached this point, she wants to save it, it seems that there is no chance.

"Sister Mi, Sister Mi, how are you?"

After Da Mimi was in a coma for a while, she finally woke up. She opened her glasses and saw Re Jie and Xiao Yan surrounding her, and she was lying on a sofa in her office.     “Let me get up.”

Da Mimi struggled hard, but found that her body seemed a little weak and there was no way to support her body.

"Sister Mi, I just asked the company's doctor to check on you, and he said that you are suffering from hypoglycemia, so you should stay still for now, lie on the bed, close your eyes, relax, and have a good rest."

"It doesn't matter. I know my own body. It's just because I've been a little too tired during this period, and the impact of this incident was a bit heavy, so I can't bear it for a while. By the way, how are you pursuing now? Have you found some people, where are they? Where are they now?"

As soon as Damimi mentioned this matter, she immediately became energetic. Moreover, she also knew that these four people are really very important to her. Maybe, she can open some breakthroughs from them, at least. Know who is designing to frame yourself.

Even if this contract has officially come into effect and she has to invest 8 million yuan, she must die and understand. She can't just waste the money in such a muddle-headed way, right?

However, after Da Mimi finished saying this, she waited for the answers from Xiaoyan and Rejie, but she found that Xiaoyan and Rejie both lowered their heads and said nothing. From the looks of it, they probably The progress of things is also not so smooth.

At this moment, Da Mimi finally realized that the so-called flight to catch and the scheduled schedule were all lies.

It was just to irritate herself and ask her to sign the contract as soon as possible. Now it has been more than an hour. If someone chased her, I am afraid that she would have already left here.

"It's really ridiculous. I had some hope at the time that I could let you chase these people back. Now it seems that there is no possibility at all. No one has found any trace of him. In addition, at the airport There is never any trace of these people, right?"

"Sister Mi, not only was it not found at the airport, but also, I have accessed the airport's internal ticketing system through some connections. We checked the registration information of those people, and there was none, which means they didn't have it at all. They bought air tickets, and they should have left the city through another way at this time, but there is no way to trace where they went."

"And Sister Mi, we found through the surveillance camera downstairs of the company building that they got into a white nanny car after leaving the company, and then the nanny car drove towards the west direction of the city, but towards The area to the west is an industrial area, and there are several places that are blind spots in the video, so the vehicle disappeared into a factory building, and then it was never found again." (End of this chapter)

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