Reba has spoken so far, and she has already spoken out such words. I believe that Rejie has no reason not to believe it at all. He just nodded lightly, as if he has confirmed that all this is indeed with Fenglin Culture. It doesn't matter to anyone.

"That's very strange. Who is it that can cause such a big situation? Moreover, Sister Mi in this circle, logically speaking, there should be no one with such deep hatred."

"Well, you can't say for sure. Moreover, let me tell you, the entertainment industry seems relatively simple, but in fact, the water here is still very deep. From the surface, those companies have always bowed to Sister Mi's company. He claims to be a vassal, but in fact, he has long been rebellious."

"You mean, you are also from this circle, right?"

"Maybe it's someone inside this circle, maybe it's someone outside the circle, no one can say for sure. After all, I haven't found the person involved, and I haven't found any real evidence, so all this is just a guess between you and me, okay. No, you don’t need to care about these things, and you don’t need to know, I just care about your things now.”

"Haha, my affairs? Sister, you are still in the mood to care about my affairs, right? Are you concerned about my official affairs or my private affairs? Then you can tell me everything."

"Whether it's your personal affairs or your official affairs, I care about all of them, including the relationship between you and Xiaoyan. By the way, how are you two doing recently? Now, your sister's company is in such big trouble. Is Xiaoyan busy with things over there all day long?"

At this point, Rejie suddenly paused. He had just heard this recording between him and Xiaoyan before. Why would he pretend to be such a good person like himself now?

"Do you really care about Xiaoyan, or are you pretending to care about Xiaoyan?"

"What are you saying? What does it mean to be sincere or false? Since I'm asking you now, I must want to know some of her true situation. If you don't want to tell me, this is another matter. Moreover, I will never force you."

"I really want to tell you, but I just think that you may be silent and indifferent about her affairs. Okay, sister, please stop lying to me. You have approached Xiaoyan before. am I right?"

"Have you looked for Xiaoyan? Yes, I did look for her, but, Rejie, do you know? Things here are a bit too complicated. Maybe you won't understand what I'm telling you."

"Really? Then you didn't tell me, how do you know that I can't understand? Maybe, I can understand what's going on here. It doesn't matter, just tell me."

"Rejie, in fact, Xiaoyan did a lot of things behind the scenes. Let me tell you about the first thing first. I didn't tell you at that time. Moreover, let me tell you, the two of you did a lot of things behind the scenes. When she went to bed for the first time, didn't she say that she gave you the first time? However, I can tell you clearly that it was not the first time at all, and what she used on the sheets was just some lipstick. Up."

Rejie was completely in control now. After all, he had heard the recording between the two of them.

He just felt that it was indeed a bit ridiculous for Reba to say these words in front of him now, as if she was fooling a three-year-old child. She originally thought that Reba would think that after she said these words, Rejie would look at her with wide eyes and be shocked by these things. However, she did not expect that Rejie would be so calm when he saw her eyes now. , and even some ridicule.

"Why, you don't believe what I say now, do you?"

"Then, what else happens?"

"Yes, there is another thing. In order to gain his own interests, no, not his interests, but to help Dami Mi, she actually went to bed with another person behind her back. The purpose was to use the company's The money in the account will be transferred."

"Haha, is there anything else?"

"Rejie, do you not believe what I say at all? Let me tell you, I am your biological sister. Whatever I say in front of you at this time is all true."

"Yes, you are indeed my biological sister. Therefore, in order to prevent me from being with Xiaoyan, you can say that you are doing whatever it takes. Don't think that you are telling me these things. I have never heard of it before. In fact, Xiaoyan She has already told me, and she personally let me listen to the recording of the conversation between you and her, and all the words are false accusations."

"What did you say? Recording? Framed and framed? She, what did she tell you? Also, did you listen to everything in the recording?"

"I listened to it all, and I listened to it many times, you know? At that time, Sister Mi and the others did not let me listen to the recording. Sister Mi could have deleted the sound from the computer, but it was a pity. , I know how to recover data, and I restored the recording, so I heard the true content in it, otherwise, the truth may be hidden from me forever."

After hearing this, Reba just frowned. She had never thought that some people thought that this matter was deliberately framed by herself instead of being framed by others?

In fact, Reba knew that if she continued to say this, Rejie would still not believe her. Judging from his attitude when speaking at this time, including his eyes and his expression, he would not believe it at all. anything you say.

"Well, now that you can't listen to what I said to you, then you have the right to pretend that I didn't say it, so I won't care about this matter anymore, whether you are with Xiaoyan or not. If we're not together, all of this has nothing to do with me, okay? Let's not continue arguing endlessly because of this matter."

"Sister, that's how it was originally. Now, you are making trouble unreasonably. In order to prevent me from being with her, you can say that you are resorting to any means. I really didn't expect that you would be so terrifying. In the past, how could I Don’t you see this?”

"Terror? Rejie, this seems to be the first time you have used this word to describe me since you were a child, right? Well, if that's the case, and you say I was framed, then I admit that I was framed. Let's not continue Can we discuss this issue?" (End of Chapter)

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