"Okay, since you don't want to talk, I don't want to discuss this issue with you. I just want to say that Xiaoyan and I are completely in love with each other, and there is no third-party interest involved at all."

"Okay, you two are in love when you are together. You really love each other. That's enough. From now on, I will never ask about this matter again. Now, I want to talk to you about your movie. .”

"I knew that the purpose of your sudden search for me would definitely not be that simple. Besides, the movie must have released the news. You are right. All the news you heard is true. I am now We are already preparing to dismiss the crew, and I was just calculating their expenses, roughly how much they cost."

"This is a dream of yours, and it is also the first movie you have shot after graduating from school. At this time, you want to terminate it temporarily. Don't you think it is a bit too polite to do so?"

"It's a pity that I don't know. But what can I do? Now, your sister is in such a difficult situation. Is it possible that I still let her take money and put it in?" Investment? But Sister Mi told me that there is no money in the company, but she has money personally, so she can be willing to invest on her own."

"Is this what Damimi told you? If so, why don't you accept it?"

"Sister, we have to do everything with conscience, okay? Besides, how can I use her personal money at this time? She is already in such a difficult situation, so no matter what she says, I will not Accept that."

"Okay, it's okay if you don't accept her. Then, can you accept me? I've saved a lot of money in the past few years. To be honest, helping you invest in the filming of a movie shouldn't be a big problem. Now tell me, if it is fully supported, what is the current funding gap?"

"Are you sure you really want to help me? But, I still say the same thing. Even if you help me, then I will still be in Sister Mi's company and will never turn around to your Maple Forest. Culturally, this is the most difficult time for Sister Mi. If I leave at this time, what will happen to me? Aren’t I a treacherous and ungrateful villain? "

"You don't need to provoke me like this. I have never thought about letting you go to Maplewood Culture. So, how you want to persist is your business. You just need to tell me that if you can support this movie now, Approximately, how much more funds are needed?”

"I have been calculating just now. If the total investment in the film is completed, it should be around 2 million."

"2 million, okay, then I'll give you 400 million. I have only one request: to continue shooting this movie, and never give up halfway."

"Are you sure you really want to invest this money? Moreover, I can tell you clearly that the money you invest will most likely be wasted, and you will not get a penny in return at all. .”

"So what? If it really supports your career development, then there is definitely no problem with it, and I support it with both hands."

"Okay, since you are so interested, if I don't satisfy you at this time, will it seem like I'm being a little unreasonable? Okay, I admit, I'm really in trouble right now, and I need your help. If you are willing to give me money, then I will do my best to make this movie a good one."    "Okay, no problem, you will send me your account number later, and I will send you the money right away. "

"Sister, one more thing, I also want to ask you, since Sister Mi is in such a big trouble now, don't you mean to help her a little bit by saying this?"

"Whether I can help her, whether I can help her, or whether she can accept this kind of help, these are all outside the scope of my consideration. Moreover, I am not the chairman of this company, and I have no decision-making power. , I only have the right to suggest and speak."

Hearing this, Rejie nodded. In fact, he knew the real situation very well, and he was also happy to let Lin Feng invest and help. However, if she knew the kind of character Da Mimi had, she would definitely not be so easy. Accept all this.

"I'm worried about Sister Mi. With her character, she will definitely not accept any funding. Therefore, she is now thinking of ways to sell off some of the company's fixed assets. If this is the case, then the company will become more and more Trouble, this is something I have to consider for a long time."

Seeing Rejie talking to her with such a melancholy expression at this time, to be honest, Reba really couldn't understand it.

It seemed that Da Mimi's affairs had become a matter involving him. When he was thinking about Da Mimi, he seemed to be thinking more about Da Mimi than his own affairs.

The more this happened, the more he knew that the current situation was actually out of control.

Moreover, at this time, Rejie's thoughts have been officially grasped by Da Mimi. No matter what this sister says, she is simply indifferent.

Just like what Lin Feng said to himself before, if there are really things that cannot be fought for, you must not forcefully fight for them, because in that case, the harm to the other party may be even greater.

"I think, Rejie, none of this is within your scope of consideration. You just need to seize the time to continue shooting your own movies, and then make a good contribution to a new movie. This is What you should do most is, haven’t you always wanted to help Sister Mi? Well, then make a good movie and show it to her. Maybe, your movie can bring your company back to life. This Maybe?"

"Haha, you are really flattering me that one of my movies can bring the company back to life. Let me tell you, if this movie can save some money, I am already satisfied. For other things, I am not satisfied at all. I didn’t expect anything extravagantly.”

"The facts are not certain. Moreover, if you are so determined, there must be no problem. On this point, sister will definitely support you. By the way, I came in a hurry. I bought it specially for you two days ago. I bought two clothes and I don’t know if they fit you? I just brought them over and you try them on. If they don’t fit, I can still rush over and ask the store to change them quickly.” (End of Chapter)

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