I have been in the entertainment industry for so many years. Let me ask you, when did Da Mimi bow to others? But now, in the face of these difficulties, he had to choose to bow his head, because she had no better way out.

"To be honest, I was surprised to receive your call, but some things were indeed expected."

Just after the call was connected, Da Mimi heard Lin Feng's voice coming from the microphone, as if he was mocking herself.

"I think you want to see the best situation in my company's current predicament, right? This time, do you feel that you really feel a lot more comfortable in your heart?"

"Damimi, let me tell you one more thing, that is, there is no hatred between us. We were just a means of competition before, and your company is in such a predicament. To be honest, I also feel some It’s a pity, but there is no other way. Now that things have happened, I just hope that you can learn from it and gain wisdom.”

"Stop talking nonsense, now it's not my turn for you to take this kind of education class with me. That is to say, you have already sent out a signal in the market, and you have to pay a cost that is 30% higher than the market price, and then acquire us. Is this what you mean by all the company’s projects?”

"Yes, I know that all the projects in Da Mimi's hands are high-quality projects. Therefore, for my performing arts department, the career development will definitely play a very good role. However, there is currently a lot of competition in the market, so we must not As a last resort, I can only raise the price higher than the market price, and then try my best to save these projects. I believe that if this part of the money comes into your hands, it should be able to temporarily tide you over the crisis."

"But, do you know that these projects were all accumulated by me in the early stage, and now they are suddenly transferred to Maplewood Culture. Do you know how much this invisible loss will be to me?"

"Intangible losses? Does it make sense for you to calculate these for me now? Moreover, let me tell you, in this city, no one can help you, the only one who can help you, and it is the only one who can help you. The only one who can help you is Maple Forest Culture."

"Stop being so arrogant to me here. I'm just more interested in your price now. If there was just a performance, I definitely wouldn't make this call to you."

"Okay, okay, then let me stop talking nonsense. If that's the case, I believe that you should have your own ideas in your mind and are ready to decide to continue the business, right? If that's the case, you will definitely At this time, we will draft the relevant contract, and then sign the transfer procedures as soon as possible. Don’t worry, as long as it is signed and sealed, the money will be credited to your company’s account immediately that afternoon, and there will definitely be no delay.”

"Okay, Lin Feng, this is what you said. Moreover, I have indeed reached the point of desperation. Let's do it this way. If you simply sort out the company today, we will formally sign the contract at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. You see, it will be before me." Do you want to sign a contract with the company or go to your company to sign a contract?"

"You should wait for me at the company. It's not convenient for you to go out in this situation. I guess those who want debts have already broken through the door, right? But it doesn't matter. If you really have the three hundred million , if it still can't meet your current needs, then I can help you a little more personally. How much do you want? You can ask, after all, I can't just watch you go to the edge. "

"Are you pitying me? Or do you sympathize with me? Let me tell you, I will not borrow your kind of money. The reason why I agreed to cooperate with you is because I have a project in hand now, and you have enough We only have the same conditions and equal exchange of funds. Under such circumstances, I am not inferior to you, understand?"      "Why do you always put on such a high profile? Where have things come to now? I believe you should know better than anyone else, okay, I don’t want to talk nonsense to you anymore, then we have made a decision, we will sign the contract on time at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, see you there or not.”

After saying that, Lin Feng hung up the phone, and then he just shook his head helplessly, because he knew Da Mimi's character too well. Since he took the initiative to make a call, it proved that she should have reached a point of desperation now.

Finally, he took out his desk phone and called Reba.

Because, after all, it involves the issue of Dami Midi Company, he has to bring Reba into Dami Midi Company at this time. Only in this way can others see that Reba is following him now. What happiness, what scenery.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Reba is sorting out some scattered documents on her desk. Although the work of the Performing Arts Department is gradually being carried out at this stage, it is still in the initial stage, so many things seem a bit messy.

"Just now, Da Mimi took the initiative to call me. She has agreed to our acquisition plan, so she is ready to use the price of 30% higher than the market share price to agree to my acquisition of all the projects in her hands."

"Great, if that's the case, then we should have a lot of business in the future, so I believe we can win this money in a short time."

"That's for sure. There's nothing she can do about these projects in her hands, but in my hands, they can be fully revitalized. Let's see, this should be the right choice for us. In addition, I didn't tell her When it comes to share acquisitions, I'm worried that this period is a bit too sensitive, and if we get involved in this, then Daimi will definitely not agree."

"Why, are you really planning to acquire the shares of her company? Tell me, what is the purpose of doing so? Also, if you are now driving Da MiMi to this dead end step by step, then what are you going to do next? What will you do?"

"This is just the first step of my plan. Next, I will slowly revitalize the entire business, and then develop my performing arts department into the largest circle in the city. However, there is only one ultimate goal. I must annex rice. Mi’s company, let her work for me.”

"This is not that simple. If you force a merger at this time, maybe her company will be on the verge of bankruptcy in the end. I believe that she would rather die with the company than give you such an opportunity. "(End of chapter)

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