"Everything is human-made. Since I can reach an agreement and cooperation with her this time, I can also slowly change everything in the future. Don't worry, I have this plan and confidence. In addition, with the funds for these three months In fact, in her hands, it can only solve urgent needs. If she thinks about it for a long time, she will not be at a loss."

"However, Sister Mi has lived in the circle for so many years, and she must still have some connections and resources. If she comes back to life at this time, this, maybe, will develop in a short period of time, like before. At this scale, this is indeed impossible.”

"She is constantly reducing her size, and our company's performing arts department is also constantly expanding. Therefore, in the end, she is simply incomparable at this point. In addition, the number of actors coming out of her company , we want to sign them all under our banner.”

"Okay, I have also made a plan for this. Those actors are indeed rare, and they are also very precious. These things are valuable resources for us. As long as they are protected a little, we can use them later. There’s definitely no problem.”

"Okay, we have nothing else to prepare for this matter now. Now, I want to notify the legal department to help you sign a contract as soon as possible. By 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, you will follow me to sign this contract. contract."

"What? 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon?"

"Yes, this is the time set by Dami. It can be said that the time is very urgent, which proves that she should be very short of money now. Therefore, this time is also the best opportunity for us to attack. I think this matter has no There is no need to delay it any longer.”

"Okay, then I'll go back and make preparations. By the way, are you sure it's necessary for me to go with him? I think if I go, it will stimulate Sister Mi even more. Otherwise, I It's better to stay in the company, so you can follow our legal team and go directly to sign the matter."

"You can't come to the company, you have to come with me, because this is your old employer, so you have to rush there in person. This is what I decided."

After hearing this, Reba just nodded. She knew that in fact, when Lin Feng decided something, few people could really change it, so now she had no choice but to give up.

"By the way, where is Li Zifei? Are you here today? I don't seem to have seen her."

"Oh, I went out to run the business. Now these two days are a critical period. I don't want her to work in the company anymore. Some things have not reached the stage of real maturity for us. Once we succeed, We can use this to attract others, don’t forget, in the later stage, we still have Li Zifei as a chess piece, which can also be countered by Da Mimi.”

"Okay, I understand. By the way, I have transferred the money to Rejie today. I believe that we can successfully shoot the movie tomorrow. Although the money given is not a small amount, and it is also I don’t know if I can get the money back, but I don’t know why, but I don’t feel distressed at all. Instead, I feel very relaxed.”

"That's right. If he can accept your support at this time, it proves that he will actually become your sister in his heart. Don't worry, everything is slowly changing, and Da Mimi's chances have become better. There are fewer and fewer, and later we can find a way to lure Rejie into our Maplewood Culture. In this case, I believe that Rejie’s film development will also be under your care."

Reba nodded and was about to open her mouth to speak when her phone suddenly started ringing. Then she took out her phone and looked at it and found that it was the actor Luo Xiaoyi calling her. Reba almost forgot that Luo Xiaoyi had always been paying attention to Rejie's developments before. After she solved the matter, she even forgot to call her back. She probably felt a little worried, so she called her Called over.

"Hey, Xiaoyi, I was just about to call you. I have already given the money to Rejie today. Don't worry, this movie should be able to continue, so you will still need it by then. Help him."

"Sister Reba, what did you say? You gave him the money. How much did you give him? Also, is this money enough for the normal expenses of this movie?"

"He told me that it would cost about 2 million, so I directly gave him 000 million. If this was the case, I believe that the later expenses of the film should be enough. After all, his film itself is also It’s a small production with a small cost, no big expenses.”

"When did you give him the money?"

"It was this morning. I personally transferred the money to the account in the morning. What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"That's really strange. The reason why I called you is to confirm whether Rejie didn't accept your funding at all?"

"It's impossible. I personally sent him the money. How could he not accept it?"

"Then I don't know what's going on here. And, do you know? Just now, he suddenly sent a message to the crew's group, saying that there were some other problems with the accounts. It is said that Temporarily on holiday, he will notify you of the specific time."

"What did you say? Temporary holiday? How come I didn't know about this? Moreover, when he left today, he clearly told me that he would use the money to continue preparing for filming. Why is he suddenly on holiday at this time?"

"I don't know, and I don't know what happened here. So, Sister Reba, I'm calling you to confirm whether the money was diverted to him by them? He didn't invest it at all. How about joining the crew of this movie?"

"Okay Xiaoyi, then this matter is really troublesome for you. In addition, you must not disclose this matter to anyone. Since he did not say to dismiss the crew, it proves that he will also want to do other things later. It's just that the money may not be in his hands for the time being."

"Yes, if you have really given him the money, then this is probably the situation now, so you don't need to ask too much now. If there is any new notification after waiting for two days, I will get back to you in time. I told you, so let’s do this first.” (End of Chapter)

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