Chapter 76 Role Playing
Liu Sisi was speechless and looked at Lin Feng for help.

Lin Feng's head was full of black lines: "The TV series is all fake. That person is not your mother, she is the actor who co-produced with your father."

Yueyue's mother was "An Yixuan". She now has her own family. Lin Feng thought that this matter must be explained clearly, otherwise it is likely to cause unnecessary trouble to the other party.

"Is she really not my mother?" Yueyue obviously didn't believe Lin Feng's answer, and she looked at Liu Sisi for confirmation.

Liu Sisi also explained: "Yueyue, she is really not your mother. She and your father are just ordinary friends. What they show on TV is all fake."

After saying that, she glanced at Lin Feng with malicious intent. She remembered that An Yixuan once told her that this kiss scene was not a borrowed scene, but a real kiss.

Yueyue whispered: "Is it true or false?"

She still didn't quite believe it was fake. She had accidentally seen a young uncle and aunt lip to mouth like this before in the community. She thought that only people with a particularly close relationship could do this kind of action.

After thinking carefully for a while, Yueyue suddenly said something shocking: "Dad, why don't you and Aunt Sisi perform a lip-to-lip show?"

"What?" Lin Feng was confused on the spot.

"Don't you say it's a lie? Then what are you afraid of?" Yueyue said with great force.

Liu Sisi said nothing, thinking that this little guy Yueyue could really create problems for adults.

In the live broadcast room, barrages were flying all over the place.

"Yueyue, great!"

"Lin Feng, hurry up and perform, everyone, give your gifts and go!"

"Haha, this show is so exciting!"

"Sisi, don't hesitate, hurry up!"

"Lin Feng, don't be afraid! We are all waiting to see."

"Does one kiss guarantee life? Is Yueyue choosing a mother for herself?"


This little guy is so good at keeping things together. Is this just because he wants to see her make a fool of herself over and over again?

Lin Feng pouted, trying to quickly divert Yueyue's attention: "Yueyue, daddy is thirsty, go and get a bottle of water for daddy."

"I won't go. You have hands and feet. Why don't you go by yourself? You will bully the children." Yueyue snorted angrily.

"I'm not a patient. Look, the needle puncture in my hand has not healed yet. My arm hurts so much that I can't move it." Lin Feng raised his hand in front of Yueyue for her to see.

Yueyue glanced subconsciously and saw that there was a small pinprick on the back of Lin Feng's hand, and there was a small patch of congestion around the pinprick.

"Dad, your hands are blue. It must be very painful, right?"

Lin Feng's misfortune really worked. Yueyue looked at him with sympathy and blew on the back of his hand.

"Of course it hurts. Dad is in a lot of pain." Lin Feng frowned and made a very painful expression, but this was all for Yue Yue to see. He was still very proud in his heart. It seemed that Yue Yue's attention was After being successfully transferred, the little guy didn't even mention the kiss.

Yueyue said in a weak voice: "Dad, how about I put a band-aid on you? It won't be good if the wound is infected."

"Okay, then Yueyue can help dad put one on."


With that said, Yueyue climbed down from the sofa and went to look for a band-aid on her bare feet.

Seeing this, Liu Sisi was relieved and nodded to Lin Feng with admiration. She was really afraid that Yueyue would do something wrong.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows at her, telling her to get out of the way.

Liu Sisi understood immediately, turned around and went into the kitchen.

In the live broadcast room, there were sighs and lamentations.

"Hey, Yueyue, can we be more thoughtful?"

"It's all a waste of excitement, Yueyue, you're wasting my feelings." "You guys are really lustful. You want to watch a kiss scene here, what are you thinking about? I'll send you the URL privately."


She said she was looking for a band-aid, but Yueyue went there for a long time and there was no movement.

Lin Feng thought the little guy couldn't be found, and was about to get up and go over to see her.

Yueyue walked out of the bedroom in a big way. When Lin Feng saw her outfit, he almost fainted on the spot.

I saw Yueyue wearing a white coat, holding a small medicine box in her hand, and a stethoscope hanging around her neck, walking towards Lin Feng.

This outfit is a prop she uses when playing house.

Lin Feng saw this and swallowed subconsciously.

I still remember the last time I played house with Yueyue, Yueyue pretended to be a doctor to treat him, and almost tortured him to death.

The little guy said that Lin Feng had cavities and wanted to pull out his cavities. He took a prop and poked it in his mouth for a long time, piercing Lin Feng's gums.

Yueyue also asked him to pretend to be comatose while she rescued Lin Feng.He took a wooden hammer and hit Lin Feng on the chest, almost knocking him unconscious.

There are many, many similar plots like this.

Lin Feng was always frightened every time he thought about it. When he saw Yueyue wearing this outfit again, the unbearable past came to mind again.

Yueyue came over, put the small medicine box in her hand on the ground, and asked, "Dad, where does it hurt?"

Lin Feng's head shook like a wave: "Dad, it doesn't hurt anywhere. It really doesn't hurt, not at all."

He prayed silently in his heart, hoping that Yueyue would let him go because he was a sick person.

"Then let me put a band-aid on you first."

Yueyue tore off the band-aid, asked Lin Feng to stretch out his hand, and put it on the back of Lin Feng's hand very carefully: "Dad, it's done."

Lin Feng thought it was over, so he politely thanked the little guy.

Who knows, this is just the beginning.

"Dad, lie down and I'll help you check if there are any other problems." Yueyue said proudly.

"Yueyue, I'm fine now. I don't need to check again. Thank you."

Yueyue said without any doubt: "No, I haven't checked it yet. You can't say yes."

With that said, she started to push Lin Feng down, but she didn't have enough strength. After a lot of effort, Lin Feng didn't move.

"Dad, you have to listen to the doctor and lie down and let me check you." Yueyue scolded.

At this moment, Yueyue automatically assumed the role of doctor, and even her tone of voice changed. She really treated Lin Feng as a patient.

Lin Feng explained again and again: "Yueyue, dad's illness is really cured and there is no need for examination. Let's just watch TV."

"If I say no, then it's not. I have to check it out." Yueyue shouted angrily.

In the live broadcast room, there was a burst of joy.

"It's so funny. Doctor Yueyue is quite like that."

"Lin Feng, don't be so stubborn. Let Yue Yue check and see how it goes. We'll see how worried the little guy is."

"That's right, children love to play role-playing. Lin Feng, just treat them like coaxers."

"Lin Feng, please cooperate with Yueyue, otherwise I will be angry."


Seeing that Lin Feng was unmoved, Yueyue started to act coquettishly again. He pulled Lin Feng's fingers, twisted his butt, and said in a sweet voice: "Dad, just let me take a look for you, please. "

(End of this chapter)

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