Chapter 77 Take off your pants

Lin Feng said depressedly: "Yueyue, daddy, please don't play with me, okay? Let's play some other games, okay? Can daddy be your mama?"

Lin Feng also began to beg for mercy. She would rather let Yueyue ride him all over the floor than become Tong's patient.

"I don't want to ride a big horse, I just want to check your body!"

"But my illness is already cured and I don't need you to check me."

Yueyue pouted: "Be obedient, or I will file a complaint with my godmother and ask him to come and deal with you."

Lin Feng glanced at the kitchen. The three women inside were not easy to deal with. If Yue Yue really went to complain, they would definitely work together to help Yue Yue vent her anger.

After thinking about it like this, Lin Feng still gave in. He said reluctantly: "Don't complain, can't I let you check it? But let's agree first, you can't knock my teeth with that thing, okay?"

Yueyue raised her eyebrows with joy and said cheerfully: "No problem. Dad, please lie down quickly!"

Lin Feng moved his body and lay down on the sofa very cooperatively.

Yueyue opened the small medicine box, took out a small wooden stick-like prop from it, and said with a smile: "Dad, open your mouth first, and I will measure your temperature."

Lin Feng opened his mouth, and Yueyue inserted the "thermometer" into Lin Feng's mouth and pulled it out.

"Daddy doesn't have a fever." Yueyue glanced at the "thermometer" and then said to herself, "I'll check your belly again."

She put the stethoscope on Lin Feng's belly and listened carefully.

Lin Feng asked: "Doctor, is there anything wrong with my stomach?"

Occasionally when he was in this environment, Yueyue asked him to cooperate and ask about the situation. This time Yueyue didn't say anything, so Lin Feng asked him himself.

"It's not certain yet. We need to do another B-ultrasound to check."

Yueyue took off her stethoscope and said seriously.

Not to mention, this little guy is very handsome, he really looks like that.

After finishing speaking, Liu Yifei walked out.

When she saw Lin Feng and his daughter playing house, she was inexplicably touched.

There is no greater happiness for a child than this. Lin Feng can play such a childish game with Yueyue patiently, which shows how great this father's love is.

Liu Yifei did not disturb them, but stood aside with her arms folded and looked happily.

Lin Feng's top was lifted up by Yue Yue again, revealing his clearly defined abdominal muscles.

Yueyue took out a tablet-shaped object from the medicine cabinet, holding the computer in one hand and a small instrument in the other hand, rubbing it against Lin Feng's belly.

Liu Yifei understood clearly that this was Dr. Yueyue performing a "B-ultrasound" on patient Lin Feng.

Lin Feng asked cooperatively again: "Doctor, what disease do I have?"

"Please wait patiently for a moment, I'm doing an inspection." Yueyue was not disturbed by Lin Feng's words and continued to move the props in her hands for inspection.

Suddenly, her expression changed and she said nervously: "Dad, there is something in your stomach!"

Lin Feng pretended to be panicked and asked, "What's there?"

"It looks like Daddy!"

Lin Feng: "???"

Liu Yifei couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

This laughter caught the attention of Lin Feng and Yueyue.

Lin Feng turned around and asked, "Feifei, do you want Dr. Lin to check you out?"

"I still have to cook, you can play first." Liu Yifei declined with a smile.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage was also full of hahaha.

"My mother, she made Yueyue laugh to death."

"I can't help but laugh. Yueyue's imagination is too big."

"Yue Yue is not a quack at first glance. She can even see the baby in Lin Feng's belly clearly."

"A family of three, this scene is so harmonious."

"I just want to rub Xiao Lin Feng's abdominal muscles."


Yueyue took out a few small pills from the medicine box: "Dad, this is your medicine. You must take it on time when you get home."

Lin Feng took the pills and asked, "Doctor, can I go home now?" "No, the injection hasn't been given yet?" Yueyue brought another prop syringe and said in an imperative tone, "Dad, turn over. You can go home after this injection."

Lin Feng said oh and turned his back.

The next second, he felt Yueyue's little hands pulling off his pants, and Lin Feng quickly grabbed her: "Yueyue, let's just play a game, why are you serious?"

The audience in the live broadcast room who saw this scene also started cheering.

"Yueyue, take off Lin Feng's pants."

"Lin Feng, you have to be more serious when playing games, do you understand?"

"Lin Feng doesn't want to do anything else. He just takes off his pants, not his shirt."

"Come on Yueyue, sister gives you a thumbs up!"


On the other side, Reba is also cheering for Yueyue.

"Yueyue, please work harder!"

"Oh, Yueyue, if you keep doing this, won't it be solved?"

"Where are my glasses?" Reba put on her glasses in a hurry, for fear of missing every detail.

She was not lustful, she was just curious about the difference between Lin Feng's handsome butt and other men's butts.

They all want to see my butt, right?


Lin Feng clutched the waistband of his trousers tightly, desperately resisting Yueyue's aggression.

This little guy is really annoying. He is obviously playing a game, but he must be so serious.

If she really succeeds today, he will never be able to do it again!

But Yueyue Yueyue did not give in at all and insisted on taking off Lin Feng's pants.

The sweatpants Lin Feng wore today had a particularly loose waistband. Yueyue could easily take off his pants if he wasn't careful.

"Yueyue, don't take off daddy's pants, it's very rude!" Lin Feng warned.

"How can you get an injection without taking off your pants!" While speaking, Yueyue was still tearing at Lin Feng's pants.

Lin Feng finally couldn't stand it any longer and raised his voice a little higher: "Yueyue, you're going too far. We are playing a game and we can't mess around."

Seeing that Lin Feng was a little angry, Yueyue subconsciously shrank her neck and stopped moving her hands.

"Okay, then I'll give you the injection through my pants!"

Yueyue held up the syringe in her hand and pierced Lin Feng's butt, and said with a smile: "Hey, Dad, your butt is so elastic, soft, like a ball of cotton."

The barrage in the live broadcast room...

"Butts are like cotton, let me imagine!"

"No, just skip over the exciting part? Lin Feng, you are not a human being!"

"Hey, Yueyue, you need to give your sister some credit. We can't let Lin Feng defeat us every time."

"The butt is so elastic, um, I understand."

"Okay, okay, it's not easy for Yueyue to do this. Don't make it difficult for our little cutie."


Reba's little pink fists were clenched in excitement just now, but now she looked like a deflated rubber ball, extremely disappointed.

Reba admired Lin Feng very much. She still remembered a photo taken of Lin Feng when he was young, in which Kong was wearing a suit.

Lin Feng in that photo is handsome, sexy and coquettish.

It made Reba salivate at that time.

Now, Lin Feng is a father and even wears clothes in a secretive way.

Reba couldn't help but sigh, time gone by would never come back.


(End of this chapter)

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