"Yes, in principle it is true. However, I have known Rejie's character since he was a child. He never lies. If he really lies, then it should be obvious from his face. I could see it, so when he told me that he had never been to Yuhu Hotel, it was obvious that I felt his eyes start to dodge a little."

"That's normal. He definitely doesn't want you to know these things. I think he's overthinking it. He can't find anything if he goes to investigate. It's meaningless."

"Are you sure that this matter has nothing to do with it? And, if that's the case, why did Da Mimi suddenly get ready so quickly? Could it be that she has really changed her mind? I don't think she would do this."

"Whether it was Rejie who caused it or not, and no matter where it originated from, there is only one thing we must know. Tomorrow morning, Damimi will face a huge compensation, and if I If she doesn't give her the 300 million yuan, it will be very difficult for him to get through this, and then there will be no way for him to continue with his affairs, do you understand?"

"Then what you mean is that now Sister Mi has bowed her head to money, so she has chosen to compromise and treat us as her benefactors. Therefore, she doesn't care about anything, as long as she gives her money. If so, then everything is easy to talk about.”

"Also, if he really wants to retaliate against me, then he will not retaliate at this time, because retaliating against me at this time will not have any effect at all, and it will only make things worse for him. , so she will definitely choose to retaliate against me when she has a chance to stand up in the future, and then the real rice will begin, do you understand?"

"Well, if you want to say that, it seems that it is really the truth. I just feel that everything is going too smoothly. If you think there is no problem, then I will not guess anything."

"Okay, don't think so much. Now one of the fishermen is Jiang Taigong. She knows clearly that I want to get these things, but I gave her the highest price he can get in the market. , so for her, this is like providing help in times of need.”

"Well, that's true, because now everyone knows that Da Mi Mi's company is on the verge of bankruptcy, so no institution or bank will give her a penny. , for her, the loss will be extremely huge."

"Yes, that's what I mean. Therefore, I also want to use this matter to thoroughly understand what the situation is. Now, I finally understand it. Okay, once this matter is clarified, I will also understand it in my heart. Gradually let it go, let’s talk, where should we stay tonight?”

"Haha, this is not even a word. We have just signed the contract. Are you in such a hurry to celebrate? And if those projects are implemented in the later stage, there will indeed be many obstacles. After all, the actors we have signed now are not not many."

"Yes, I also know that there are not many actors now, but don't forget, starting from tomorrow, a group of actors will be withdrawn from her Da Mimi company. I have arranged for people to match them, 80% People are interested in coming to our Maplewood Culture."

"Well, I'm also paying attention to this matter. If this batch of fresh blood is brought in, then it shouldn't be a big problem to carry out these projects. In addition, we can also recruit more from the society. Newly graduated college students from professional colleges.”

"Yes, that's what it means. So, we don't need to consider the issue of too many people. In terms of funds, we are still very sufficient. Therefore, Damimi should not be able to turn around in a short time, so , we can rest assured, but what do you think, should we have a good celebration tonight?" ˆ ˆ ˆ "Haha, if you want to say that, we should indeed celebrate well. There is only one thing now that I can't let go of. , that is the amount of funds that Da Mimi promised to provide to Rejie before. I don’t know if I can still give it to him. In addition, I am not in a hurry to ask him to give me the 2 million. He only needs to give the original 500, 2 million will be returned to Rejie, and I feel relieved about all this."

"Re Jie is the most capable assistant by her side now, and she will definitely not offend Re Jie easily under this situation. So, you can rest assured that Da Mimi will do her best to do this. And , will also give the money to Rejie as soon as possible, of course, this depends on the speed of our payment."

After hearing this, Reba just nodded. Now that Lin Feng basically believed that, she knew that there shouldn't be any big problem.

If this is the case, he may be thinking too much and worrying too much. Therefore, in this situation, he must figure out what happened.

At this time, Xianji had already followed Xiaoyan, and they gathered again in Da Mimi's office. When they arrived, they didn't see Da Mimi turning on the computer, and they didn't know what they were doing on it.

He just looked up at Xiaoyan, as if he always wanted to ask, what are he waiting for at this time? Are you waiting for a suitable opportunity, or are you waiting for something else?

"Sister Mi said that she needs to be busy with something, and the matter is urgent and must be done now, so the two of us are waiting over there."

As Xiaoyan spoke, she pointed to the place next to her. Finally, Rejie nodded, and then followed Xiaoyan and walked over there.

"By the way, I just saw that you were talking to your sister in the room. Could she be suspicious of something? Also, what was the content of what you said?"

"Don't worry, she just asked me normally about the filming of the movie over there, and then, because I came back in a hurry just now, what on earth was I doing, but I just gave her a careless look, and then, this matter passed Yes, there should be no doubt about it."

"That's good. I'm afraid that if something goes wrong again during this critical period, then no one will be able to explain what's going on."

"Don't worry, I know what to do, and on my sister's side, I will find a way to deal with her little by little, so we don't need to worry about this. I just want to know what Sister Mi's next action will be, and , now that the contract has been signed, has the money been credited to our account?" (End of Chapter)

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