"When we signed the contract before, it was clearly stipulated in the contract that he must transfer the funds to our account before 5 pm today. Therefore, we just need to wait patiently. Now, there are about two days left. In about an hour, it depends on whether Lin Feng can keep his promise and do this."

"Whether he can keep his promise or not, none of the things that come with cooperation will be realized."

At this moment, Da Mimi suddenly stood up, and then walked this way while talking to them.

Rejie just looked at her in wonder, not knowing what happened during this period and why it suddenly became like this.

"Sister Mi, how do you think this method works? And why don't we know it?"

"Do you know that after I sell these contracts to him, tomorrow he will officially go to the registration department, and then apply for a name change and go through some related procedures and standards. You should be aware of this, right?"

"Yes, this is similar to transferring ownership of a house or a car. Basically, it is in this state."

"So, I have to rush today and lock this name change application in advance. If this is the case, then when he gets there tomorrow, he will not be able to do the name change process at all. In other words, this thing In the end, it’s still ours.”

When Damimi said this, she just smiled slightly, but there was a hint of cunning in her smile. This was the first time that Rejie could feel it.

"Sister Mi, it turns out that the method you mentioned is this method, right? If that's the case, then Lin Feng, will he discover this temporarily? If he proposes the name change in advance, will it happen here? Will time hinder the development of our actions?"

"Impossible. Why did the first thing I did when I entered the office be submit an application online? Therefore, his natural protection period is within 1 hours, and no one is allowed to do anything within 12 hours. After 12 hours of any operation, the contract in his hand will be officially abolished. In other words, I took his 12 million in funds for no reason, but those contracts are still under my control. In the middle and later stages, I am making some changes and additional procedures. I believe that it will be under my name again in a while."

"Sister Mi, your method is indeed quite clever, but I'm always worried that if I really let him know, I'm not sure what he will do."

"What he wants to do, then it's his business, and I've already thought about it, since..."

As soon as Da Mimi said this, someone suddenly knocked on the door. Then, Da Mimi just agreed. Soon, he saw the financial manager walking over there, with his hand in his hand. Holding a laptop.

"Sister Mi, I have just seen it. All the above 1 million funds have been transferred to the account. It seems that the efficiency of Maplewood Culture this time is relatively high. I didn't expect that it would be done so quickly. You have called us the money, Sister Mi, what do you think we will do next?”    “The first thing, now, first transfer 5 million to Rejie’s account, and the remaining funds will wait until We will use it tomorrow when we use the potential severance of actors. After these uses are completed, our company's books should have about 000 million left. In the later period, we will slowly use other projects. I believe that we should be able to recover slowly. .”

"Okay Sister Mi, then I understand. Sister Mi, please send me your account number and I will send you the money right now."

Speaking of this, Rejie just hesitated for a moment. With 300 million in funds, this should actually be a big thing for the company, but why is Da Mimi so anxious to give all this to himself? Call me?

If she really calls, then she will be short of 5 million in funds on her books, so Rejie is worried that this will bring the company to a standstill. If this is really the case, He always felt like he had become a sinner through the ages. This was the last thing Re Jie wanted to see. "

"Sister Mi, I advise you to think twice before you act. I think this movie is not good, so we should stop for a while and develop some potential projects. After all, I am like a bottomless pit. Moreover, I don’t know at all whether there is a direction or a bright future, so you’d better reconsider it.”

"Sister Mi, don't forget, I still owe you 2 million, and I should repay you the 500 million. Therefore, part of the 2 million is to repay you, and the other part is to invest in the movie. The money is not much at all, so just accept it."

"Rejie, just accept all this according to your own wishes. Moreover, what Sister Mi has always been most worried about is the situation of your film shooting. No matter how big the crisis is in the company now, then, Sister Mi has never thought about delaying your movie. Now, since you have money, then you should continue to execute this movie. In addition, don’t link any money to Maplewood Culture. Return all the money to them."

Having said this, Rejie was really reminded that this is indeed the case now.

Before, he thought that his sister Reba helped him, but now he has realized it unconsciously, because it was his sister Reba who caused today's predicament.

Therefore, in this aspect, he has 2 million yuan in compensation for himself, which is considered very good. Therefore, after thinking of this, he also feels that he should accept Da MiMi and see what new suggestions and suggestions he has put forward. idea.

"Well, I will send the account number to your mobile phone later, and then I will find a way to deal with one thing as soon as possible."

"Okay Sister Mi, do you have anything else to do here?"

"No, just continue to do what I want. In addition, directly screen out those actors, and then recalculate their compensation contracts and compensation amounts. Remember, remember not to make any claims. The reason is, because we have now reached the point where we can no longer frustrate. If we continue to frustrate like this, the company may really go bankrupt." (End of Chapter)

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