"Don't worry, Sister Mi. If we have this money, we should be able to relax for a while. Moreover, I have retained most of the current actors' contracts, and some actors are currently filming on the crew, so at this time, it is not yet If it is appropriate to dismiss them, we can only terminate those actors who have not signed contracts for the time being."

"That's right, according to the rules and regulations of our previous performing arts department, just keep doing it. That's fine. You can go over there first. If anything happens, I will come back to you."

After finishing speaking, Da Mimi just waved his hand, and soon the financial manager left. After a few minutes, Re Jie's cell phone rang, so Re Jie took a look, and it was 5 million. The funds have now been deposited into your account.

"How about it, the money has arrived, right? Rejie, I'm not saying that I don't want you to accept your sister's support, but the key issue is that now, he followed Lin Feng and did such a thing, then, from now on From now on, she and I will definitely have a hostile relationship, so I don’t want to have any interests with them because of the company’s movies, do you understand?”

"Sister Mi, why haven't you thought that this should be part of their compensation to us? Moreover, it was their conspiracy that caused us to lose 8 million in funds, and after we only recovered 5 million So, there are still million in funds, so where should we open these gaps?"

"Sister Mi, these things are not within the scope of your consideration. I know that he has indeed lost 5 million, and it has also put the company into trouble. But, don't worry about all this. It's all temporary. He can cause me to lose 5 million, so I'll let him spit it out twice as much, do you understand?"

Seeing Da Mimi's appearance at this time, in fact, he felt that way, he was indeed confident, and no one knew what was hidden in Da Mimi's heart by this time. plan of.

"Sister Mi, what should we do next?"

"It's very simple. When the sun rises tomorrow, I believe that Lin Feng will be able to know that the contract signed this time has no meaning at all, and his 300 million funds will be wasted in vain. At that time, it’s time for us to confront them head-on. Rejie and you can also bring up the things that you have investigated clearly before. The main thing is to see how Lin Feng can do in the face of these accusations and evidence. Will you continue to act in this drama?"

"Sister Mi, you mean that I need to go to Maplewoods Culture with you tomorrow, right?"

"That's right, because you personally investigated this matter, you must follow up, and you must announce it on the spot. However, if you really haven't done this well, Be mentally prepared, if you don’t know how to face your sister Reba, then I can explain all this for you."

"No need, since I discovered the matter, then I should take over the matter. Moreover, my sister is simply helping others to do evil. I really can't figure out what she is thinking in her mind. What, have you really been completely defeated by Lin Feng?"

"A woman in love has no brain of her own at all. She has no idea what she is doing. She is just blindly helping the man next to her. In fact, we should be able to understand this."

"Okay, Sister Mi, then I will go over and make arrangements for the crew. If there are no special circumstances, we will start shooting the movie on time the day after tomorrow. Don't worry, I will try my best to present you with the movie in the short term. A perfect movie comes. "" Good Jie Jie, with your words, Sister Mi is very content, then if so, there should be no problem, you can hurry up and busy yourself. The thing is, we will meet downstairs at Lin Feng’s Fenglin Culture at 8:30 tomorrow, and we will meet on time. By then, it will be time for us to get in touch with the truth.”

"Okay Sister Mi, I understand, Xiaoyan, take it with you now. I may not come back from the set tonight. After all, I have delayed a lot of things in the past two days, and I have to make arrangements in advance. Later shooting plans.”

"Okay, be careful. Pay more attention to your body. Even when you are busy, remember to drink more water and eat well. Rejie, you can't fall down again at this time. You If she falls again, then there will indeed be no one around Sister Mi."

"Don't worry, I know what to do. Okay, I'll go there first. Sister Mi, I'll leave first. If anything happens, we'll keep in touch."

After saying hello here, Rejie stood up and left in a hurry.

Xiaoyan did run to the door again as usual. After waiting here for a while, she then opened the door and took a look outside. Sure enough, there was no trace of Rejie.

"Sister Mi, by doing this, isn't it a bit cheap for Reba? 2 million, she has already been asked to take it out, and now, we are giving it back. I think this is indeed a bit incomprehensible."

"Let me tell you, Xiaoyan, we can't just look at these immediate interests now. Moreover, to be honest, 20 million can indeed save a program or allow a certain part to continue for us. Keep at it, but the key issue is that we should attack Lin Feng and Reba now, and only if Rejie succeeds, then things will move forward."

"Is it more important to crack down on the two of them using our company's operations? Moreover, 2 million, no, it should not be 000 million, it should be 2 million funds, if it is just placed in the company account If so, can you tell me whether some of the projects we are currently running can be carried out normally?"

"There is definitely no problem. The money should be enough. The key problem is that even if we do this now, we may not be able to attract the attention of those people."

"Well, if we talk about it now, we can only take it one step at a time, and find out what happened in the process, so that we can know what we want most."

"Sister Mi, have you ever thought that with your 5 million yuan, you might be able to alert the snake? Now, we have already lost so much, and I always feel that basically nothing can be seen in these movies. Hopefully, although there are some first-line actors joining the cast, they are all just emotional cards and have no meaning." (End of Chapter)

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