"Even if it's the emotional card, this movie must be filmed, and, don't you know? This time, if he hadn't helped me out in time, then I would have thought, don't even think about it, just It’s simply impossible to get it.”

"So Sister Mi, you are now completely convinced of Rejie. Now that Rejie is willing to be by our side to help us with things, do you have any other plans for the next step?"

"Of course, all this is only temporary. Moreover, do you really think that I can swallow this breath? Impossible, I will never swallow this breath. I must take revenge. Moreover, I want crazy revenge, and this time, the most severe way I can take revenge is Rejie."

"You are going to use Rejie to deal with Reba and Lin Feng, the two of them, right?"

"That's right, so now Rejie has to finish the work on the movie at hand. I've asked the on-site director over there, and they said that in half a month's schedule at most, it should be filmed, so, I have forced them to end it as early as possible. Regardless of the quality of the movie, these are the costs based on my premise, and I have never thought about seeing any benefits from this."

"It's just a pity that Rejie is so confident now that he is even confident enough to put all his energy into this. Who knows, in the end, he might not get anything at all?"

"Okay, then the two of us will start to act separately now. In addition, you should prepare all the things that need to be prepared. After all, I really want to see Lin Feng and Rereba, when the two of them know what is going on tomorrow. , what kind of face will it look like? "

"Don't worry, they did laugh before, and they laughed for a long time, but I believe there will be times when they cry later, and I just want to see how hateful they look when they cry, and even how disgusting they look. How ugly."

"The most important thing is that they may never have imagined that all of this was actually done by Re Jie. Do you know? At that time, when Re Jie went to investigate these things, I was still a little worried. I even We also went to a third person to investigate these IP addresses, including the traces of the networks they used, but the results of his investigation were almost zero."

"Yes, so I have never imagined that Rejie has such a smart brain and can analyze these things thoroughly. It seems that we really can't underestimate this this time, and Sister Mi, I tell you You, this Rejie is really a usable person, besides..."

After saying this, Xiaoyan suddenly just subconsciously covered her mouth with her hand, as if she felt like vomiting.

"You, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with what you ate?"

After saying this, Xiaoyan did not answer Da MiMi's words. She just waved to him. Finally, she covered her mouth and ran out from here.

There was a bathroom next to it. Then, Big Boobs followed his steps and went directly to the bathroom. She found that Xiaoyan was holding the toilet and retching here, but she found that she couldn't vomit at all. Anything comes. "

"How's it going? Are you feeling better now?"

Seeing that his movements began to slow down and his breathing began to become smoother, Da Mimi just took a tissue and asked here.

"It's much better. I don't know what's going on in the past two days. I've been feeling nauseous and retching, but I can't vomit anything at all. Did I eat something wrong?"       " If you eat something wrong, then you should be able to spit it out. If it is really just retching, then the problem lies in your menstrual period. When was your last menstrual period? when?"

Speaking of this, Xiaoyan was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then she quickly took out her mobile phone. Xiaoyan recorded every little thing on her mobile phone. After checking it, she looked at today's day. On the date, Xiaoyan suddenly opened her eyes wide.

"Sorry, Sister Mi, I haven't had my period for almost more than a week now."

"If I guess correctly, your symptoms should indicate that you are pregnant."

"What did you say? Pregnant? This, this is impossible, right?"

"Nothing is impossible. You and Rejie have been together for a while. It seems that you haven't taken any safety measures, right?"

"No, no safety measures were taken every time. At that time, I didn't think about it that much. Who knew that this thing was such a coincidence?"

"You are really young people, and you really don't understand anything when you do these things. How can this be called a coincidence? It may be once, maybe twice, but three or five times together, can it still be a coincidence? ?”

"Sister Mi, I, I'm not really pregnant, right? Then, what should I do now?"

"Since you are pregnant, then it is the best gift God has given you. I think you should not delay this matter any longer, seize the time to find a good day, and settle the affairs of the two of you, and then Give birth to this child smoothly."

"No, Sister Mi, I'm not ready to be a mother yet, so I don't want this child."

"Xiaoyan, do you know? A woman's first miscarriage is very, very harmful to her body. Maybe after your miscarriage, if you really want to have a baby later, it may not be that simple. "

"Sister Mi, isn't it? In this society, there are not many people who have abortions, right? In the future, won't people still be able to have children? It seems, it's not as exaggerated as you said, right?"

"Yes, there is a high probability that it may be fine, but what if you can do it with a small probability? I have always said that you always have cold hands and feet. This is a manifestation of Gong Han. If it is really a If uterine cold manifests, then it will be very difficult for you to get pregnant again after a miscarriage. I told you at that time that you should take the time to find a Chinese medicine doctor and give you a good diagnosis. Have you always been pregnant? Didn’t even go?”

"Sister Mi, I'm fine. I'm not sick or in trouble. Why should I go to the hospital? Besides, the last thing I want to do is take that kind of Chinese medicine. The smell is really unpleasant. You mean, I If I have a miscarriage, will things not be good?" (End of Chapter)

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