My daughter, I asked you to be on the show, but I didn’t ask you to find a stepmother.

Chapter 775 The relationship between siblings is even more broken

Reba didn't speak, she just shook her head helplessly, lowered her head suddenly, then raised her head suddenly, then stretched out her left hand, hit Rejie hard on the face. hand.

The occurrence of this scene made everyone at the scene a little silent, especially Xiaoyan. She jumped up quickly, and then pulled Rejie over.

"What are you doing? Why are you hitting him? What right do you have to hit him?"

"I tell you, he is my biological brother, and my parents are no longer here, so I, as a sister, can teach him a lesson, and you, who do you think you are? Why are you interfering here? "

"Okay, good fight, Xiaoyan, okay, you don't have to bear it anymore. Yes, what she said is correct. She has brought me up since I was a child, so she is no different from my parents. Get up." Well, it doesn’t matter, if you want to hit me, sister, just hit me harder.”

As he spoke, Rejie once again moved his face closer, and at this time, Lin Feng had already reacted, because he knew that this scene could never happen again in front of him.

He pulled Reba back in one fell swoop. It was obvious that Reba was indeed a little impulsive at this moment. Moreover, even if Reba was beaten, what could be solved? Nothing can be solved at all.

"Let me tell you, your emotions are starting to get a little out of control. Therefore, you are no longer suitable to be here on this occasion. Listen to me and hurry up and return to your office. I will discuss this matter with him. I will discuss it later. I’ll come over to you and tell you the final result.”

Lin Feng whispered in Reba's ear. Reba just looked up at him. In fact, after the slap, she felt a little regretful. However, there was no way. Since the matter had been done, then , even if she regrets it, it has no meaning at all.

She nodded lightly, and then stood up and left. Now, only Lin Feng was left in the meeting room.

"Just now, she was indeed a little impulsive. Rejie, I don't want to get too involved in these things. But, now that you have investigated these things, I can be sure that these things were indeed done by me. Those consortiums and I did Yes, I have contacted them, but I only contacted them, but I did not set up this trap, do you believe it?"

"Only a ghost would believe that you did not do this. Let me tell you, how can there be so many coincidences in this world?"

"Okay, since you believe that I did this thing, then tell me, what exactly do you want to do here today?"

"There is an old saying since ancient times, it's not that I don't report it, it's because the time has not yet come. Now, it's a certain time. When it comes, it doesn't matter. You can sue me for commercial fraud, but with these evidences, I can also sue you for the contract. Fraud, if this is the case, it seems that the two of us should be considered equal to each other, right?"

"Prosecute me? Do you think the evidence you have obtained can really prosecute me?" "Why, isn't it enough to have these things? Let me tell you, what I am doing now is just some superficial inspection. If, We really need to conduct in-depth investigations and dig out more things through professionals from the professional departments. I believe that as long as you contact us directly, the content of the exchange will definitely be left behind. There are just some things that are waiting for us to discover now. .”

"Okay, Da Mimi, I admit that this matter does have something to do with me. However, you also operated 300 million funds from me. What do you want to do? After all, it is your 800 million funds that will It’s not in my hands at all.”

"I know that the 5 million yuan of funds, I know very well where these funds flow, so I will not embarrass you on this point. However, these million yuan are just your compensation for me in the early stage. Let me tell you, the other I will scrape off the capital of million from your Maple Forest Culture little by little. If you are willing to admit it now, you can transfer the capital of five to one to me at one time. Then, this I just pretended it never happened."

"It's really a dream. You obviously gave the money to others, why should I bear these things? It can only be said that you are in trouble."

"I know, Lin Feng, you can't give me this money easily, so the three hundred million is just a small compensation for me. Don't worry, the future is long, and the mountains and rivers will not change. In the future, I You must pay a heavy price. Okay, we can leave. If you want to continue, please do it yourself. However, when I receive the summons, I believe you will also accept it. The sanction of the law.”

After leaving the last words, the three of them got up and left. Now Lin Feng was the only one left in the empty conference room. He didn't know how to face this embarrassing situation.

Originally, everything was going according to his own plan, step by step, but he didn't expect that it would develop to this point, and that Rejie would be required to seize the evidence.

After the three people left here, they really felt as if they had let out a breath of bad breath. Especially Rejie, he still couldn't accept it all in his heart. The slap from his sister just now really made him a little confused. .

"Rejie, are you okay? Doesn't your face matter? Otherwise, let's go to the hospital for a check-up?"

Xiaoyan just said with concern from the side, and Rejie just shook his head gently.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a slap. I can still bear this. However, I think they have been completely exposed this time. I guess my sister will be suddenly angered. She may not even I never thought that this thing happened by my own hand."

"Rejie, I really never thought about Reba's behavior just now. If this is really the case, she will definitely hate you very much now. All of this will happen because of me, so... How to repair the relationship between you and your sister, I really don’t know what to do.”

"Repair? Sister Mi? Do you think that since things have reached this point, is there any room for repair and modification? It has no meaning anymore. She has now completely determined that I am the one who betrayed her. Therefore, it is impossible for me to mend my relationship with her again. From now on, this is probably what I will do." (End of Chapter)

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