Although Rejie was said to have a smile on his face when he spoke, no one could tell how helpless he felt during these topics.

When he heard this, he immediately stopped, because he knew that the next Rejie should be very useful to him, and he was also the most important chess piece in his hand.

"I know that you may not be able to accept it in your heart now, but that is the fact. Although I have been trying my best to maintain the relationship between you two siblings, I never thought that this level would be the final step. It was cracked by me, and I couldn’t complete this arduous task at all, so this time, Rejie, I really let you down.”

"Sister Mi, you must not say that. All of this is the result of her own fault. Moreover, I also thought that today might happen, but it doesn't matter. These are nothing to me. Sister Mi, you Tell me, what should we do next?"

"What, are you sure you can continue to persevere? It doesn't matter. If you really feel that you can't stand it, I can give you a few days off. You can go back and relax for a few days."

"No need, vacation can only bring me greater aspirations, and I don't want to continue to waste it here. There are still a lot of things on the set. I plan to finish the movie as soon as possible within a week. Shoot, and then devote yourself completely to the work of the company."

"Okay, since that's the case, it's naturally the best. With you and Xiaoyan by my side as my right and left hands, then I can basically let go and use my abilities. However, still That said, I would also like to remind you that although we have retained these projects for the time being, we must carry out the follow-up work immediately and as soon as possible. If we do not rely on these projects, it will basically be difficult for our company to come back to life."

"Sister Mi, have you ever thought about how much more money we can use now with the current 300 million yuan in addition to compensating those actors? Also, can we maintain the expenses of these projects? Yes, can these actors stay? Because I am worried about one thing. Once these actors leave here, it is very likely that Lin Feng will be able to take over."

"It is certain that he will take over, and I have thought about this a long time ago, but even if he takes over, what can he do? Don't forget, he has not received all the projects at all, so many As an actor, he is keeping it in his own hands for free. If he wants to invest in TV series or movies, it will suddenly be impossible for him to do anything. So, don't worry, even if he takes over, there won't be anything too big. Big changes.”

"We have been cultivating them in the company for such a long time. Now, if they make mistakes, to be honest, it is indeed a bit regretful. Can we think of other ways to work around and retain them as much as possible."

"Keep it as much as possible?"

After saying this, Da Mimi just sighed helplessly, because it was not that she had never thought about this before. She also thought about doing her best to retain these people. However, the key is that in the short term, she simply cannot support the normal expenses of these actors.

"Okay Rejie, I will consider your idea carefully, but I am really powerless right now. However, I will consider it carefully when I go back tonight to see if there is any good way, or Is there a medical solution?"

"Sister Mi, have you ever thought about it. You have been running this company for so many years and have never let outsiders interfere. If the consortium re-invests in our company at this time, can we really do it? Are you coming back to life?" "To be honest, I have been thinking about the consortium's capital injection in the past two days, and I have been searching for partners. Now, for now, letting them invest is actually our best turn. It’s a good way to turn a loss into a win, but I don’t know if I can choose a suitable partner.”

"There are so many consortiums. If it doesn't work at home, we will look for it from abroad. After all, we can be found. This time, we are just implicated by others. Therefore, if we are innocently brought in, in fact, our company's future prospects will be There should be no problem with development. I believe those people should have unique vision and be able to see everything clearly."

"Yes, that is indeed the case. Well, after I go back, I will have a good discussion with Xiaoyan. What about you? Are you going back to the company now or to the studio?"

"I'd better go back to the set. You can't leave people on the set at this time. Since Lin Feng doesn't have any action for the time being, then I can rest assured for the time being. I will seize the time to finish the film matters, and then I will do it as soon as possible. Report back to the company.”

"Okay, just be careful on the road. If anything happens, we can contact you at any time. That's it."

In the underground garage, the three of them started to separate. After Rejie left, Xiaoyan just looked down.

Because she really didn't know what to say, and now she was sure that she was indeed back to eat fish, but she just didn't know how to reveal this news to Rejie.

"What's wrong, are you feeling distressed because of the slap Rejie received just now? Actually, I never thought that this Rejie could actually make such a move? However, this is also what we want to see, because only In this way, the relationship between their siblings will be completely broken."

"The rupture is certain, and besides, didn't you see it? Her angry eyes at that time, coupled with what Re Jie just said, I estimate that in the short term, there will be no more separation between the siblings. There is a possibility of repairing it, but in the long run this won’t be certain.”

"Long-term? Do you think I will give him long-term hope now? In addition, don't forget that there is Shang Fang Sword in your belly. This is the key magic weapon to restrain him. If something happens by then, If it changes, you can use this as a threat, and similarly, we can also control him, understand?"

"Sister Mi, I'm still saying the same thing. I'm just worried that this child is not his. If it is really found out by then, won't he hate me even more?" (End of Chapter)

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