"It's so good, how did he know that the child was not his? Moreover, how could he do some paternity testing? If you put all this into the sky, wouldn't it be completed naturally? In addition, there is one more thing, the child Whether it's his or not, the chances are 50-50, you can't imagine that the chances are that high."

"Yes, you are telling the truth. Just let nature take its course. By the way, what kind of feedback do you think Lin Feng will give after this time? I don't think these 300 million yuan will be given to us in vain. of."

"If he doesn't give it to us in vain, can he have any other counterattack? Moreover, now that time has reached this point, I only know that in his heart, even if he hates me, it seems that there is no better choice. , Forget it, let’s not worry about that for now. Let’s go back to the company to discuss our next plan. Also, these startup projects must be started immediately. If they are not started, we will not see any results in the short term. income."

Da Mimi definitely still has some thoughts about these, and she also knows very well what she should do in the short term and what she wants. These must be arranged well, otherwise, even if she gets these three With a capital of 100 million, he simply has nothing to do.

Lin Feng sat in the conference room for a full 20 minutes. Until now, he has not thought of a good response. Moreover, what happened was too sudden.

If you really want to sue him for commercial fraud, then you will also lose a good opportunity. At this time, if someone is really involved in the investigation, then it will also have a big impact on your company and its future development. Regardless of whether he can be convicted in the end, it is definitely necessary to bring about these intangible reputational effects.

At this time, Reba opened the door and took a look inside. She had been waiting in her room for a long time, but still did not wait for Lin Feng to appear. She thought that these people were still staying in the conference room, but... After listening at the door for a long time, it seemed that there was no movement at all inside.

So, the curious Reba opened the door and walked in. Unexpectedly, she only saw Lin Feng sitting alone in the empty conference room, while some other people had now disappeared.

"When did they leave? After these people left, why didn't they go to me directly? I waited in the office for a long time."

"They have already left a long time ago, and, you know, they really have irrefutable evidence in their hands. Moreover, just like what your brother Rejie said, this matter cannot withstand investigation. If once If the investigation continues, it is very likely that my previous affairs will be completely exposed, and I will not be able to escape the involvement then. "

"I'm sorry, I really didn't expect that the initiator of this incident would be Re Jie in the end. If this is really the case, I will never give him this chance. Lin Feng, what should we do now? ? Three hundred million dollars of funds have already arrived in their account. Judging from Da Mimi’s arrogant attitude today, I think she will definitely not intend to pay back the money. "

"Repay the money? If you ask her to pay back the money at this time, it will be equivalent to killing her, so she will never do this."

"What should we do? That's a total of 300 million yuan. I originally thought that through the launch of the project, we should get back the 300 million yuan soon, but now we have reached the point where there are no projects to do. It's like throwing 300 million to her in vain." "It doesn't matter, didn't she use this trick with me? Okay, then, I will continue to fight her. Besides, I heard that she is in the market now We are looking for a suitable consortium to revitalize our company by injecting capital and financing, but for now, this is indeed the best solution.”

"No matter what kind of situation her company is currently facing, the reputation and business of Sister Mi's company in this circle were very good before. If there is really a consortium that values ​​this, then for the sake of investment, This is not a bad thing.”

"So, we have to get ahead of this and give up this idea. If once we let her raise funds and get the right price, then our previous efforts will be in vain. Once she raises funds of 8 million, After success, it doesn’t matter at all, and the funds will definitely be recovered within a year.”

"Besides, how can we have a destructive effect? ​​Now, she already knows what we are doing behind the scenes. If this is the case, I suspect that she will definitely be prepared in many ways. When the time comes, even if we If you want to intervene, I’m afraid it won’t be as simple as it is now.”

"It doesn't matter. If we can't play in secret now, then we will play openly. The other ones are the actors dismissed by her company. This is already a certainty. Okay, you first sign all those actors to our company as soon as possible. .”

"Before, I was thinking that once these projects are launched, all these people can be used. However, now that we have not received any projects, if we keep these people in the company, then it will be equivalent to raising a bunch of idle people. , in a short period of time, it will not bring any income at all.”

"It doesn't matter if you bring what you can't bring. Moreover, at this time you have to recruit a large number of people in the market. Remember, you must make a big fanfare and recruit all the actors, including the newly graduated students." You don’t have to worry about anything else under our banner.”

"Are you crazy? Do you know that this is a very, very large expense? Our company has just released 300 million in funds. Plus some of the money released in the early stage, we can now use it on our books It is estimated that the funds are not very large. If this is the case, you have created a big problem for the company."

"No matter what I do, I will go all out this time. In addition, I am currently planning the plan. I don't want to tell you yet. Once all the plans are finalized, I will definitely tell you. Come down, what should we do.”

"Don't tell me anything, and I don't want to know anything. You just need to tell me what to do. You don't need to reveal too much about your other ideas to me. I don't know when this Rejie will be around again." All of a sudden, someone came to my side, and I don’t know if I can help you hide this secret, so you can no longer treat me as one of your own." (End of Chapter)

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