What Reba said really made him feel a little frightened. Moreover, he had never thought that Reba could take the initiative to say these words. If that was the case, could it be possible that he would Is it really impossible to stand firm on this issue?

Lin Feng has always valued Reba, and he also knew that he had such a tenacious character, but now, it seems that he has no other clearer choice.

"What, are you planning to defect with Rejie and leave here?"

"No, no, I really don't mean that. What I mean is, oh, forget it, I can't describe it to you clearly in one or two sentences. I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. I can't stand it anymore. I never thought that my brother would do such a thing. I am even thinking that he has become his right-hand man. If I can force Rejie to come over, do you think it will be like breaking up a family? Got one of Mimi’s arms?”

"It won't be a broken arm, but it will definitely reduce a lot of road. He now regards this Rejie as the only tool to attack us. In other words, she is using Rejie, don't you understand? However, this situation Now, you can't instigate Rejie to rebel, and coupled with your slap today, I tell you that the relationship between you and your brother and sister is completely broken now."

In fact, after the slap, Reba didn't know how much she regretted it. During the half hour she returned to the office, she really kept thinking about this issue.

Who knows, what I was thinking at that time, why didn't I have this feeling? If, however, everything was controlled a little bit, maybe we wouldn't face such an embarrassing situation.

After saying this, Reba just smiled helplessly, because she also knew that her impulsive behavior at the time did indeed bring a lot of troubles, but now it seems that it has no meaning anymore?

"What's the point of talking about this now? I've already done everything, and the resentment was here. If I didn't slap him, he might never wake up."

"Even if you hit him, do you think he can wake up? He won't wake up at all. At that time, I already knew this clearly from his attitude."

"To be honest, as a sister, I can be regarded as the most benevolent and righteous person to be able to reach this point. I really can't imagine the rest. Is there any other better way to solve it?"

"Okay, let's put these things aside for now. Okay, you go and do what you are doing first, and leave the rest to me. Don't worry, I will never let Da MiMi succeed this time. of."

Although it was not clear what Lin Feng was going to do next, Reba seemed to have seen that firm look in Lin Feng's eyes at this moment.

Perhaps, in his mind, a perfect plan has been formed, but what is this plan? Reba didn't dare to guess at all, and besides, he really couldn't guess.

After Da Mimi returned to the company, he began to urgently deal with some emergency business of the company. Moreover, with more than 100 million in revitalization funds, Da Mimi believed that there should be no problem in maintaining the project for the time being.

However, if she has to rely on this for a long time, this is not a long-term solution at all. Therefore, the most important thing for her right now is to find a financing team as soon as possible. Only after the financing team is completed, then she Only then can you do what you really want to do. After two days of unremitting efforts, Da Mimi finally found a place that was willing to cooperate with them. Moreover, this consortium is currently abroad. If Da Mimi really wants to do this, he must go there in person. Overseas, go to specific interviews with them.

On the night before leaving, Da MiMi and Xiaoyan made all the arrangements here, because Da Mi Mi would have to prepare for this trip in about a week, and it was impossible for her to return to China during this week, nor would she May handle any emergencies in the company.

Therefore, Da Mimi left all the matters to Xiaoyan to handle. However, two projects have been successfully carried out now, and Lin Feng has been very quiet in the past two days, so Da Mimi believes that in one week Within, it shouldn’t cause you much trouble.

But, how should little Yueyue handle this week? Is it possible to really let her stay at home with her family for a week? If that's the case, then I'm really worried.

When I got home in the evening, it was still 8 o'clock, because Da Mi Mi had booked a flight at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Until now, Yue Yueyue was kept in the dark. She didn't know that her mother should stay away from her, and as soon as she left, , that’s one week.

"Mom, you are really strange today. You came back very early."

Faced with Damimi's sudden return, she was still very happy in her heart, because this child has always had a very independent personality, so even if she lives alone, she doesn't feel too bored. .

"Yueyue, mom wants to discuss something with you, because mom has a very important matter in the company tomorrow, and mom has to fly abroad in person, so take a look at these few days, can you live with dad first? When mom comes back, I will definitely bring you lots of gifts and then pick you back up, okay?"

"Okay, no problem. I haven't lived with my father for a long time. Mom, when will you send me there?"

"If that's the case, then I will send you over tonight and make a simple explanation to him. That's fine. Then you should hurry up and eat. After eating, I will go up and help you sort out your clothes. , wait a minute, I will send you there directly, but Yueyue, you have to remember that you must be obedient in everything over there, and don't make your father and sister unhappy, do you understand?"

"Mom, don't worry. I will definitely be very good and obedient. I won't make my father angry because of my disobedience, and I won't offend Sister Reba either. "

"What, have you figured it out now? In other words, have you begun to accept Sister Reba as your new mother?" (End of Chapter)

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