After he finished speaking, he stood up, but Lin Feng just nodded to him, then quickly stood up and left.

Even after Lin Feng returned to his office, his brain never stopped spinning, because only he knew now that it was the most urgent time.

Moreover, if the situation is not reversed at this time, then it will be impossible to reverse it in the future.

After Lin Feng returned to the office, he sat on the sofa and meditated. He knew that Mr. Yang was worried about him, and he also knew that Mr. Yang needed time to think about it. But he knows better that time waits for no one, and he must make Mr. Yang understand that his decision is correct as soon as possible.

He picked up the phone and called the company's chief financial officer. Although it was already very late, Lin Feng knew very well that he couldn't waste any time at the moment.

Another key point is that he doesn't know whether the figures revealed by Mr. Yang and himself are real figures.

"Hey, it's me, Lin Feng. Please help me check how much cash flow the company has on its books." Lin Feng said.

"Okay, Mr. Lin. I'll check it right away." came the response from the other end of the phone.

While waiting, Lin Feng fell into deep thought again. He thought about the company's development history, his original intention to start a business, and the shareholders and partners who supported him. He knows that this decision is not only related to the future of the company, but also to the interests of everyone.

Soon, the phone rang.

"Mr. Lin, the company's current book cash flow is approximately 150 million in cash." the CFO reported.

"Okay, I understand. Please do your best and convene a board meeting tomorrow morning to let all directors know the current cash flow situation and the direction of future cash," Lin Feng ordered.

Fortunately, it seems that this guy did not deceive himself, but indeed told him the real number.

If this is the case, then Lin Feng knows that in the current situation, he cannot let Mr. Yang face the situation alone.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng picked up the phone on the table and then called Mr. Yang.

At this time, Mr. Yang was just lying on the bed, but he was not asleep yet. In fact, all he was thinking about was what Lin Feng told him today.

"Mr. Lin.",

"I thought about it. Nowadays, I can't let you face such a big decision alone. The board of directors will be held tomorrow morning. I will attend this meeting as an advisor to the board of directors. At that time, all decisions will be made by me. One person announces it, so those people can't put the responsibility on you."

"Mr. Lin, I'm afraid there's something wrong with this, right? How will you face such a situation then? Let me take the responsibility alone."

"No, you have done a lot of things to resist over the years. In this way, you just do your job well and you don't have to worry about the rest. That's it. The board of directors will be held at seven o'clock tomorrow morning. No one can be late. , Okay, you can rest."

Lin Feng didn't give him any chance at all, and then hung up the phone.

And Lin Feng knew very well that this time he was just to announce his decision to these people, and he had absolutely no intention of discussing it with them. Early the next morning, before seven o'clock, Lin Feng called Reba.

"Reba, I have an impromptu meeting and will get home around eight o'clock. You and Yueyue get ready first. The three of us can just go directly after I get back."

"Okay, I understand. I will arrange for Yueyue to have breakfast later."

"Okay, see you later."

Lin Feng must settle the situation at home, and he must not let Yueyue down again.

At this time, the boardroom was filled with company executives and directors. Lin Feng stood in front of the conference room, facing everyone. He knew that this was the critical moment for him to turn things around.

"Everyone, I would like to report the current cash flow situation of the company."

Lin Feng said straight to the point.

“Currently, we have a cash flow of RMB 100 million on our books, but this is far from enough for my future career, so I plan to stop the construction project of the Cultural City and then withdraw the initial investment of RMB 2 billion. "

As soon as this statement came out, the conference room was in an uproar. Many directors looked surprised, obviously not expecting Lin Feng to make such a major decision.

"These funds are enough for us to carry out the next plan." Lin Feng continued, "I will use this funds to promote the development of our company's performing arts career. I believe this is the highlight of our future."

He paused and looked around at the directors present.

"I know that some directors have doubts about me and are worried that I will invest funds in unfamiliar areas. But what I want to say is that these 20 billion funds are invested in projects surrounding the cultural industry to better promote the development of our performing arts industry. .”

He paused again and looked at everyone with firm eyes, "I admit that this decision has certain risks. But I believe that as long as we work together, I can bear this risk personally and I will never give up your shares. Loss received.”

"Mr. Lin, is your decision a little too hasty? This is not a matter of a little money. With so much money, you can withdraw it as soon as you say. I really want to know, are you prepared to invest the two billion? What about that project? The projects we have planned are now being carried out in an intense and orderly manner. It seems that no project suddenly needs so much funds, right? Mr. Yang, is this a project decided suddenly? "

Lin Feng's decision is naturally something that these directors cannot understand at all. Well, can such a big project be withdrawn just by saying it is withdrawn?

"Okay, you don't have to make things difficult for Mr. Yang. Mr. Yang just learned about this news early this morning. He also knew about these situations before, so this time the board of directors was also convened by me. I wanted to acquire Da Mi Mi. company."

As soon as he finished speaking, a heated discussion began. Lin Feng looked at those people. In fact, Lin Feng naturally knew what these people were thinking.

Yesterday, I already knew that if this project was to be announced directly on the board of directors, the directors below would definitely be blown away, because no one would agree with this crazy idea.

"Mr. Lin, do you know what the situation is like in that company now? If you want to take over, then you have to clear all the debts. These add up to a big sum. In addition, for a company that is dying, you What do you want to do with so much money to buy it back? We really can’t see any hope from this business.” (End of Chapter)

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