After hearing this, Lin Feng just smiled needlessly, because in fact, Lin Feng could understand all the directors' concerns, including all their persistence. After all, the decision he made was not acceptable to ordinary people. of.

Fortunately, he currently holds the largest number of shares in the company, and if the vote can be passed through force, I believe Lin Feng should still have the ability.

"Actually, I know where your doubts lie. Although you can't see any hope now, it's because this Damimi has just experienced a storm before, and I can now admit that the initiator of this storm is It is indeed me, so getting to this point today is also within my step-by-step plan, do you understand?"

Everyone present had never thought that Lin Feng would take the initiative to admit this matter on the spot. You know how much crime and infamy this would bring.

So, after he finished speaking, there was an uproar below, and they just talked quietly.

Because he has never had much dealings with Lin Feng in the past few years, but because Lin Feng suddenly appeared recently, they felt that the chairman behind him was indeed a little different.

"Let me tell you, now, all difficulties are temporary, and the company's prospects are also very optimistic. In addition, before this happened, I believe you also know about Da Mimi's company. , in the local entertainment industry, it can be said that it is eagerly awaited, and it is definitely a benchmark company in this industry. If this is the case, then I have the ability to bring this company back to life. "

"Mr. Lin, in fact, we are very cooperative with your vision. It is indeed very unique. We understand that if you want to do this, in fact, logically speaking, we should support it. However, the key issue is, do you want to Don’t you think it’s too risky to withdraw funds from our company’s key projects in the second half of the year, and then invest in a project that we didn’t have any plans for at the beginning of the year?”

"Yes, Mr. Lin, I don't think you can do this. In addition, if we really have spare money now, then we can invest the money in this. However, the key question is, before you Hundreds of millions of funds have already been used, and now, these hundreds of millions of funds may have been wasted. Now, another 20 billion of funds have to be invested. I am afraid that these directors will not agree. .”

"Yes, Mr. Lin, don't even think about what kind of situation our company is facing now, with 20 billion in funds. However, if you really want to outline this plan, okay, you can put this We plan to regard it as a key development project next year, and then include it in our planned development. After the beginning of next year, the money will definitely be returned to the account. By then, we will invest the money with all our strength, and then, Do you think it’s feasible to acquire Da MiMi’s company?”

"Yes, Mr. Lin, I think this is indeed a method. Haven't you always wanted to explain that there is no problem with this company? We can list it as a key development project for next year, but this year it is indeed all The project has already taken up all the funds, and there is no room for development at all.”

Everyone was talking about it, and they had only one central thought, that is, they would never agree with Lin Feng making such a decision. Because, once this decision is made, I am afraid it will have a very, very huge impact on everyone here.

"Why, don't you understand what I'm saying now? I'm not consulting you now, I'm telling you what I'm going to do next. In addition, don't forget that in this place I I am the largest shareholder, so I definitely have the right to execute and make decisions."

"Mr. Lin, if you say that, it really doesn't make sense. Moreover, to be honest, how has the board of directors cooperated with you in the past few years? Yes, our shares are indeed not as large as yours, but , we have made efforts and contributions, it seems to be far higher than you, the major shareholder."

"I admit, I have always entrusted Mr. Yang to represent the company before, so I rarely show up. However, I have come out now, so this will be my first major decision after I come out. , so, you agree and agree, if you don’t agree, then I can’t stop it at all.”

"Haha, Mr. Lin, your Yiyantang is really powerful. Moreover, this is not an authoritarian thing. If it is really like this, then I think there is no need for you to summon all of us, and then , convene this board of directors.”

"Yes, Mr. Lin, you have already said that you are the largest shareholder of the company, and you now have control over the company's finances. If this is the case, you can just do whatever you want to do. Why? Why call us all here? After you call us here now, then there is only one answer, we will never agree to do this. "

"Yes, Mr. Lin, I think so too, and we will never agree to do this. However, if you want to do it forcefully, we can only say that you will be responsible for all the consequences. In addition, I still have 21% in my hands. shares, I don’t know which shareholder is interested, I can transfer all these shares to you.”

One of the shareholders suddenly put forward this suggestion. At this moment, some people on the scene actually agreed. No one thought that someone would take the initiative to sell their shares on the scene. If this is the case , then, is he really planning to give up this company?

The shareholding ratio of 21% is actually quite high for this company. Of course, it is the director who holds the largest shareholding except Lin Feng. Most of the following directors have relatively low shareholding ratios. , Therefore, when he proposed to sell these things, it did make those people feel some differences.

"Mr. Lin, why don't you think about it carefully? You can take back this share directly. Since you are now the largest shareholder, then, plus my 21% share, I believe you can use it when the time comes. It will be more convenient, so will you consider my suggestion?" (End of Chapter)

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